
Shi Lei glanced around, noting the pale green canopy and the paintings from his disciples littering the walls. He concluded he was in his residence. The birds singing outside drew his attention as he lifted his hand to his forehead to shield his eyes from the morning rays streaming through his window. The nightmare he had was so vivid. He could feel a shadow pain where he was stabbed in his dream. With a glance at his wrist he noticed a white scaly patch. It must be from the White Poison spirit. He had collapsed due to the poison taking root, thankfully he hadn't had any of the usual symptoms. Likely due to the markings on his arms sucking up the demonic energy. Someone slide open the door to his room and stepped inside.Turning his head slightly, Shi Lei saw Tian Kuo. The person who stabbed him so coldly in his nightmare now looked as if he were about to cry and throw himself at his master. Pushing the nightmare aside he slowly sat up, delicately pulling back his curled pale brown hair from his face. "Tian Kuo, how long have I been asleep?" Tian Kuo, to Shi Lei's surprise, quickly ran out of the room then returned minutes later with Jian Yu, Hai Xia and Zi Rui.

Zi Rui, though his face was cold and delicate, Shi Lei knew he would be the most concerned. Zi Rui was tall and handsome, his dark eyes standing out against his pale skin. Jian Yu smiled softly with a relieved expression. "Three days, is how long you have been taking a refreshing slumber, little brother." Zi Rui walked over to the bed and tied up the curtains surrounding Shi Lei. "Trouble is what you are, that damn White Poison spirit reactivated the Red Lotus Poison in your body." he then turned and patted Shi Lei on the head, smiling kindly. "Fortune favors you Shi Lei, and I am glad." Jian Yu smiled at this interaction between Peak lords. "That's right, fortune always favors Shi Lei, I can't wait to see what fortune shall become of us, his most loved." Zi Rui lightly slapped Jian Yu upside the head "Quit Clucking like a chicken in front of company." he said sparing a glance at Hai Xia. Shi Lei laughed warmly, at the two then turned to Hai Xia. "Xia Xia, you came!" that earned him a slap on the head as well from Zi Rui. "What 'Xia Xia', this is an honored guest. What the hell have you been doing while I was dealing with things on White Tiger peak?"

Hai Xia stepped forward face blank but Shi Lei could see the warmth in his eyes. "He is fine, we have shared many things since I first arrived. How are your injuries Ah Lei?" Shi Lei wished he had his fan right now to hide his blush as the other two peak lords glanced between the two shocked. He peeked up through his lashes at Hai Xia, fiddling with a strand of his hair. "I feel completely fine, I'm sure some rest was just what I needed!" Hai Xia, footsteps silent but accessories tinkling, made his way over to Sit next to Shi Lei On the bed. "I will check your pulse now." Eyes widening slightly Shi Lei inhaled softly at the delicate touch grazing his wrist. Had Hai Xia been the one to treat him? He glanced at Jian Yu and Zi Rui "Where is Zi Xin?" Zi Xin is Zi Rui's twin brother but Is also well known as the best healer out of all of the sects. Jian Yu smirked as his gaze looked between Hai Xia and Shi Lei. "Zi Xin is currently treating Elder Feng and Hai Xia was able to heal you." Zi Rui's lip curled in disgust at the mention of Elder Feng. "Tell me again why we keep him?" The comment earned him a hearty tap on the back from Jian Yu using one of Shi Lei's fans. "That is your Elder and your own grandfather Zi Rui. At least have some decorum and sense of filial duty." Zi Rui pouted as Shi Lei frowned trying to hold in his laughter. he glanced away only to find Hai Xia's eyes trained on him. As they locked eyes, silver to green, Zi Rui Continued speaking. "Well then tell him to have some respect for every peak lord, not just me, my brother, and you. Shi Lei deserves to be here more than any of us-" He was swiftly cut off with a look from Jian Yu. "Enough, Zi Rui. We have a guest." Then turning to Hai Xia "How is he?" Hai Xia turned his gaze from Shi Lei's to Jian Yu's. "Fine, this Red Lotus Poison is aggressive. I have never heard of it, what do you know?" Jian Yu and Zi Rui avoided Hai Xia's gaze. Shi Lei swallowed, laying his hand atop Hai Xia's that had never left his wrist. Hai Xia turned back to Shi Lei, brow twitching. "It is just something I need to live with, it has no cure Xia Xia. But don't worry I won't die!" Hai Xia's gaze hardened as he silently stared at Shi Lei. "Shi Lei smiled "It is really fine, I take medicine to manage it, now how about I get ready and we go investigate what got The spirit in Temperance Hall so aggravated?" Jian Yu Looked about ready to argue that Shi Lei should hide in seclusion his entire life but Zi Rui thankfully picked up on the fact they weren't needed, then grabbed Jian Yu by the arm and began dragging him out. "Keep me informed, Shi Lei!" Zi Rui called as they disappeared through the door.

Tian Kuo after being silent the entire time finally stepped forward as Shi Lei smiled gently at him. He saw that Tian Kuo kept glancing from the space between Hai Xia and him. He glanced at the spot and realized he was still resting his hand on top of Hai Xia's. He removed it quickly, blushing. Hai Xia only quirked one brow at him then stared at Tian Kuo, silently encouraging him to speak. "I was so worried master! you only collapsed like this once before!" Shi Lei gestured him closer, lightly patting his head. "Get back to practice Tian Kuo, your master is fine now." Tian Kuo nodded emphatically then turned on his heel with only one lingering glance between Shi Lei and Hai Xia.

Alone with Hai Xia, Shi Lei felt slightly nervous. "Xia Xia, I heard you healed me?" Hai Xia's cold gaze slid to him. "Mm." he than reached a hand towards Shi Lei's forehead and with one swift movement he rapped on his forehead with a knuckle. Shi Lei grabbed his forehead, hissing in pain. "Xia Xia!" he cried indignantly. "Use your head next time." Hai Xia reprimanded. "Get ready." he then got up and used his long legs to stride out of the room in a few steps, his coin belt and beaded mask tinkling. Shi Lei proceeded to change his robes, now donning his black outfit with olive green arm wraps and an olive green ribbon tying his pale long silken hair into a high ponytail. He braided a few strands framing his face, then checked himself over in the mirror smiling mischeviously. His long limbs still looked graceful and his birthmarks still curved along with his smirk. Shi Lei tucked his fan into his belt then wrapped his long fingers around the scabbard to his sword. His sword Huilang was made with the colors of stained glass, casting light fragments when pulled. He hardly used Huilang due to the Red Lotus Poison that put a time limit on his spiritual energy. To investigate he would bring it along though.

Stepping outside he witnessed Hai Xia guiding his disciples sternly but not unkind. The students stared up at him in awe, taking in everything The Honorable Moon could teach them. Smiling cheerfully Shi Lei sauntered over, a skip in his step. "Xia Xia! Thank you for showing my disciples some techniques! He peeked around Hai Xia to look at Tian Kuo's stance. Very Nice! he thought to himself. "Mm." Hai Xia then turned, walking swiftly to Temperance Hall. Shi Lei's eyes crinkled lightly with his smile. He glanced at Tian Kuo telling him to keep it up and ran to catch up with Hai Xia's long strides. "Xia Xia, what do you think is going on with the White Poison Spirit?" Hai Xia Glanced at him "Reminiscent." Shi Lei's smile turned down at the corners."Hmm, so we think the same Xia Xia." One could see Shi Lei's personality switch from graceful and respectful to playful and witty. Though he moved with grace no matter the situation. Being locked in seclusion for eighteen years of his life had led him to gain many hobbies, including dance. His change in attitude didn't seem to affect Hai Xia in the slightest. Shi Lei continually struggled to match Hai Xia's pace until the reached Temperance Hall. It was then that Shi Lei stumbled into Hai Xia as he had made sudden stop. Peeking around Hai Xia, Shi Lei raised one eyebrow. There was a note shrouded in dark miasma nailed to the doors of Temperance Hall, along with a portrait of Shi Lei, his eyes missing and his mouth sewn shut.