
Shi Lei had only just stepped out of temperence hall when Tian Kuo rushed up to him. Shi Lei smiled at him softly. "Master Jian Yu is summoning you and Honorable Moon to Jade Hall!" Shi Lei nodded and patted his head absent-mindedly. Hai Xia's fingers curled around his hand after Shi Lei had been patting Tian Kuo's head for a solid minute. With a blush Tian Kuo bowed and ran off. Shi Lei smiled at Hai Xia then began walking towards the entrance to Moonlit Creek. The two arrived at Jade Hall fairly quickly, only to see Zi Rui and Yu Xuan arguing. "I'd like to know what you think you're teaching here, because I haven't seen my brother in any of the classes!" Zi Rui spat back "Well I'd like to know why all of this trouble is stirring up just when we invite you over to learn!" Shi Lei pinched the bridge of his nose. "Brother." Hai Xia called. Yu Xuan turned at the sound of his brother, immediately leaving Zi Rui to talk to his back. "Why- you!" Shi Lei quickly walked over and patted Zi Rui on the shoulder. "Shhh, I need to borrow The Honorable Moon so we must play nice with his sect leader." Zi Rui's eyes widened. "What?!" Ignoring him, Shi Lei paid attention to Hai Xia and his brother.

"Where have you been? Have you forgotten your duty in watching over the disciples and attending classes?" Yu Xuan certainly couldn't be reprimanding Hai Xia- Shi Lei thought to himself. Hai Xia had been so helpful in the investigation so far, and his help would be considered an honor for any sect. We would of course pardon his absences from classes.Hai Xia stared at his brother. "Yes, Sect leader." Yu Xuan's nose twitched at the title, swiftly turning and spying Shi Lei."And you! Peak Lord why are you always dragging Hai Xia Away from his duties?" Lifting his chin, Shi Lei flicked his fan, narrowing his eyes at the man. "I am a Lord of this sect and I require the respect of the title granted to me." Some cultivators forget he is a Peak Lord due to his young age but this man knew very well who he was. Yu Xuan gritted his teeth. "My apologies Lord Shi Lei-" his grip clamped down like a vice on his sword, Shi Lei thought if that sword were alive it would've died that very second. "But could you please explain to me why my brother is in the middle of White River Sect affairs instead of attending the classes here?" Shi Lei smiled up at the second tallest person he had come across, he was about to graciously answer him when Jian Yu finally entered the hall.

Jian Yu's head tilted to one side, silver strands of hair following his movement. "My Apoligies Sect Leader. However I believe only Hai Xia knows why he is involved in such matters as he was the only one present during the destruction of our famed book 'The Songbird'. Xu Yuan's brow twitched mirrored by Hai Xia. Shi Lei turned his gaze to Hai Xia. He had put that incident in the back of his mind but Jian Yu, being sect leader, would of course be concerned with the matter of a destroyed artifact. Deciding he didn't want to die by Xu Yuan's Sword, Shi Lei addressed Hai Xia with his official title. "Honorable Moon, why were you in Temperance Hall the day White Poison Spirit was aggravated?" Hai Xia's attention turned to Shi Lei, silver eyes clashing with green. "Disciples." his deep voice took Zi Rui and Jian Yu by surprise. Xu Yuan only glared at Hai Xia "Explain more brother, lest they think you hurt their disciples as well as thinking you destroyed their precious artifact." Hai Xia Gave a slight nod with a tilt of his head.

"Shi Lei's disciples came to find me after trying to seal the spirit on their own." Shi Lei felt the need to go whack his disciples over the head with his fan. "Then the fault is on me for not teaching my disciples well. I am sorry they disturbed you Honorable Moon." Shi Lei bowed to Hai Xia. Jian Yu apologized as well. "We will discipline them well, we accept responsibility of this situation." Hai Xia walked past his brother and gently placed his hands on Shi Lei's arms, lifting him from his bow. As his hands lingered and his eyes locked with Shi Lei's, Xu Yuan cleared his throat and placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "We accept your apologies." Zi Rui stood next to Jian Yu looking as if he would tear at the seams if he didn't argue. Jian Yu gave him a glance that silenced him. "Shi Lei and Honorable Moon, How did your investigation go? I heard there was a prank at Temperance Hall?" Jian Yu motioned everyone towards a table to sit as they discuss. Hai Xia And Shi Lei sat next to each other on one side while Zi Rui and Yu Xuan sat on the other. Jia Yu sat at the head, smiling amicably. Zi Rui looked ready to spit venom at Shi Lei, Yu Xuan was not happy with Hai Xia either. Shi Lei used his fan to shield his face turning to peek up at Hai Xia through his lashes only to find Hai Xia's sharp eyes already watching him as if he were a puzzle he couldn't figure out. Which of course only made Shi Lei blush harder. Remembering what was going on, Shi Lei quickly began filling in the others on what happened at Temperance Hall earlier. Jian Yu and Zi Rui glanced at each other then Shi Lei with an undiscernable expression. "Where is the note?" Shi Lei turned and plucked it from Hai Xia's belt with a smile. Yu Xuan looked like he popped a vein at the lack of respect Shi Lei had just shown his brother. Hai Xia only silently watched on with one brow lifted. After unfolding the note and reading it along with the hidden message, Jian Yu swallowed and passed it to Zi Rui.

Shi Lei recognized the look in both of their eyes. It meant 'lock Shi Lei away in seclusion to cultivate to keep him safe.' His smile flickered as his hand gripped the fabric near his leg. When they unfolded the portrait he could tell it sealed the deal. Jian Yu's eyes widened while Zi Rui choked on the tea he just swallowed. Xu Yuan Grabbed both papers and grimaced at the portrait. "It seems someone really isn't a fan of you Peak Lord Shi Lei." Hai Xia swiftly took the papers back from his brother, folding them with precision and tucking them away safely in his belt. Shi Lei glanced nervously at Hai Xia, who was staring at Zi Rui and Jian Yu. "We need to find this Madam Gu Cheng, she was banished from the Ghost Kingdom and came here to cause a disturbance and she also seems to have a personal grudge with me." Shi Lei said, confidently turning to Jian Yu and Zi Rui.

"No." was accompanied by "No chance in hell." Zi Rui stood and grabbed Shi Lei by the arm. "Zi Rui." Jian Yu cut in, standing quickly. "Be more gentle." he turned his sharp gaze to Hai Xia and Xu Yuan. "Please rest comfortably and attending classes, this matter doesn't concern you anymore." Shi Lei's panicked gaze sought out Hai Xia who was slowly standing, a dark look in his eyes. That was the last of Hai Xia that Shi Lei saw as the two men led him out. Hai Xia And his brother stood in silence for a moment. "You have interesting taste in friends Hai Xia." Xu Yuan smiled at him while patting his shoulder. "Let's head to our first class." Hai Xia nodded still staring at the spot Shi Lei was mere moments ago.