Red Lotus

Shi Lei was successfully dragged back to his residence at Singing Arrow Peak, his feet dragging the whole way of course. Sighing he strode over to his bed and sat with a thump, fully prepared to argue and pout his way out of what he was assuming would be his forced seclusion. Zi Rui closed the door, following Jian Yu to stand in front of Shi Lei. "We need to talk little brother." Zi Rui dragged a chair over with a squeak and offered the chair to Jian Yu. Jian Yu sat elegantly in the chair, his expression more serious than anything Shi Lei had witnessed before. "You know what they're after Shi Lei and so do we, so let's not play games." Shi Lei glanced at his arm wrappings. "They have been hurting more, yes?" Jian Yu gently took one of his arms and slowly unwrapped it.

Shi Lei stared in defiant silence as his skin revealed bright red ink that looked infected and bruised. "Holy Immortals, Shi Lei!" Zi Rui quickly stepped over brushing a hand through his hair. "Have you even been taking your medicine?" Jian Yu pulled out a small black vial from his sleeve. "Now we have to resort to this. I'm sorry Shi Lei." Shi Lei only glanced at the vial, still refusing to look at either. "I have been taking my medicine as directed, the problem is the trouble with Madam Gu Cheng. She bathed the messages in demonic energy as well as the White Poison Spirit touching me." Zi Rui sadly stared at Shi Lei after glancing at the vial. Jian Yu nodded his head, accepting his reasoning as valid. He then offered the vial to Shi Lei, a gentle look entering his expression, he used his other hand to pat Shi Lei's head. "You are twenty one now Shi Lei, I can't force you into seclusion anymore, I know you've been worried about this. I, of course would recommend that path but whatever you choose is your decision." Zi Rui inhaled sharply. "It's your choice little brother. I will respect your decision however, that doesn't mean I won't argue with you every step of the way!" Shi Lei was shocked at this and his gaze quickly traveled between the two. "But earlier you said no-" Zi Rui rolled his eyes as Jian Yu lowered the vial to answer Shi Lei. "We said no because it would be foolish for you to go, and we still believe you should stay." Zi Rui butted in "We've kept you safe for the past eight years, you were exceptionally well hidden from that woman until now. You can't just skip into her territory and give her what she wants." Shi Lei sat up straighter "I didn't know the woman who did this to me was Madam Gu Cheng." Jian Yu and Zi Rui glanced at eachother in apprehension. "Little brother your memory isn't the best of that time in your life, I highly doubt you would want to remember her anyways. She was an ugly and cruel woman inside." Zi Rui nodded toward the vial that Jian Yu had been holding out to Shi Lei. "Get better and we'll discuss more." Shi Lei nodded. gracefully wrapping his fingers around the black vial, no scent emitted from it but Shi Lei knew it was deadly to anyone other than him. In order for him to keep control of the demon markings on his forearms and his own mind he needed to ingest the Red Lotus Poison that clears out the demonic spiritual energy but also any spiritual energy as well. In essence it was the perfect solution but the poison would aggressively leech him of his spiritual power. Not exactly pain-free, Shi Lei thought to himself as he tossed back the vial in one movement.

Within a few moments his arms began trembling, the markings flaring brightly then fading repeatedly. He inhaled sharply as the pain caused a thumping in his head to occur. "Jian Yu helped him lay down as weakness encapsuled his entire body. Zi Rui left for a few minutes, returning with cool water In a basin. Jian Yu smiled at him softly then dipped the cloth in the water, lightly touching it to Shi Lei's forehead. Shi Lei writhed in pain, the sheets curling around him. "Hold him down Zi Rui." Zi Rui made a quick job of pinning Shi Lei to the bed. Shi Lei definitely felt as if he were dying, which wouldn't be a lie. His Pale brown hair curled and clung to his face as sweat accumulated on his brow. He cried out in pain, fingers twisting and wrists chafing against Zi Rui's hands. Jian Yu whispered quiet affirmations, probably trying to calm him down, they weren't very effective however.

After suffering for over thirty minutes he slowly felt the pain lessen. This process would last an hour but he was willing to grasp onto any hope that it would end sooner. Panting heavily he glanced around, feeling somewhat present. Jian Yu patted his hand kindly whilst Zi Rui lessened his grip. "I'm certain now more than ever that you should stay away from Madam Gu Cheng, if this small amount of demonic energy made you take the Red Lotus Poison." Zi Rui did have a point, but Shi Lei had already decided he would face Madam Gu Cheng and find out what she thought she knew about him, besides the glaringly obvious of course. Jian Yu propped him up against his pillows and helped him sip some fresh water. Shi Lei found it very refreshing and was ready to slip into a deep slumber when a flare of pain from his arm traveled to his chest. "Ah!" he exclaimed gripping the cloth near his chest. Zi Rui Sighed "I would say be quiet but it's not like you were silent the past thirty minutes either-" Zi Rui was interrupted by a loud slam. Jian Yu and Zi Rui turned towards the sudden noise to see Zi Xin run in gasping for air. "Brother! Whats the rush?" Zi Rui caught his twin by the shoulders waiting for him to get enough air in to speak. "Whats the rush?! We have guests and now everyone thinks you're torturing Shi Lei!" Shi Lei weakly glanced at Zi Xin "Just a little bit of torture brother." Zi Xin pushed Zi Rui out of the way and knelt near Shi Lei, taking his pulse. "You are doing very well Shi Lei, the second wave will come soon so be prepared." he then proceeded to tuck Shi Lei in to bed as if the blanket and sheets wouldn't get messed up again by his writhing.

"Jian Yu why didn't you use a silence talisman at least?" Zi Xin crossed his arms as he stared down the other two peak lords. Jian Yu actually looked a little guilty, having forgotten and also assuming Zi Rui would do it. "Do you know the Honorable Moon is looking for Shi Lei? what are we going to do if he finds him in this state?" Zi Rui rubbed the back of his neck while avoiding his twins glare. "I'm assuming we can't say he was poisoned?" at the question Zi Xin blinked multiple times before throwing his hands in the air. "Sect Leader- you must have an idea." Jian Yu only tilted his head side to side with a hum. "It's too late." Zi Xin and Zi Rui stared at him. "What do you-" Zi Rui was swiftly shut up by the slam of the door again. Shi Lei winced at the sound, one hand weakly raising to cover his ear. A tinkling and clinking noise was heard before a weight was added to the bed. Shi Lei's eyes were clouded over so he could just barely make out the shape of someone reaching out to grasp his wrist gently. His pulse being taken for the second time that day. One could hear a pin drop with the silence of the peak lords. A large hand covered Shi Lei's forehead, a cooling sensation lulling him into a sense of calm. He knew exactly who it was and that they were using the Moonlight Technique to cool him down. "Who?" Hai Xia's voice came out deep and angry. Shi Lei sighed at the chill in the air settling onto his damp skin. Struggling against his own weakness, Shi Lei rested his hand atop Hai Xia's. "Myself..." his answer trailed off weakly, his voice hoarse from his earlier cries.

Hai Xia's brow twitched. "Shi Lei..." before anyone else could speak the poison flared again, Shi Lei's markings flickered brightly against the damp sheets for everyone to see. Hai Xia's eyes widened, shocked at the red ink lining each of Shi Lei's forearms. Quickly propping Shi Lei up against his chest he ran his fingertips over the markings, adding a chill to his skin. Shi Lei Shuddered and leaned into the pain relieving touch. "Honorable Moon we can handle this, you don't have to-" Zi Xin was silenced with a stare that could have frozen the entire sect. "Leave." Hai Xia told the others. He then returned his attention to Shi Lei.