
Hai Xia's Murderous aura caused even Jian Yu to take a small step back. He quickly composed himself however, not one to back down. "Honorable Moon, this is just a reaction from the Red Lotus poison- we of course only want to see Shi Lei's health become better." Hai Xia sent him a cold glare. Zi Xin had still been standing there like a fish, mouth opening and closing after being treated so harshly by the Honorable Moon. Still propped up on Hai Xia's chest Shi Lei shuddered in pain, feeling the strong muscled wall behind him gave him comfort but also made him blush even in this situation. "You can go....ah!...Hai Xia is a healer...remember?" Shi Lei put his two scents in only to be shot down by Zi Rui. "And how would he know how to care for you? we've been through this multiple times the past eight years." Hai Xia's frown only deepened at the mention of this happening multiple times. "Leave willingly, or you won't like how I treat you." Hai Xia's voice rumbled against Shi Lei's back. Shi Lei made a gesture with his hand, shooing them away, they honestly wouldn't be very much help besides keeping him from hurting himself but he knew Hai Xia could certainly keep everything under control. Jian Yu nodded, a hard look in his eyes as he glanced at the two of them. "Call out if you need anything little brother." he motioned towards the door glancing at the twin peak lords. "We will leave Shi Lei in Honorable Moon's care. Anyone could tell by the puckered up look on Zi Rui's face that he wanted to argue to hell and back but he instead only glared at Hai Xia and Shi Lei as he left with a stomp of his foot.

Left alone with Hai Xia, Shi Lei was extremely aware of their position. With how he was feeling however, he didn't have the strength to say anything about it. Plus he was quite content to be held in someone's arms for once during his time with the poison instead of being pinned down. "How do you feel?" Hai Xia kept his cooling hands on Shi Lei's Body. Shi Lei was trembling when he answered. "Weak..." Hai Xia only tightened his grip on his waist slightly. "You'll be fine." It was odd, Shi Lei had heard those words a thousand times from Jian Yu but when coming from Hai Xia he fully believed the words. Shi Lei smiled weakly, turning slightly to see Hai Xia's concerned frown. "Xia Xia." Hai Xia's eyes flashed to Shi Lei's. "Mm?" Shi Lei leaned his head back, resting fully on Hai Xia's shoulder, looking up at him. Hai Xia brushed a curl away from Shi Lei's forehead, leaving Shi Lei with an uncontrollable smile growing across his face. "Thank you." Hai Xia only nodded once, noting how Shi Lei enjoyed his hair being played with. Surprising Shi Lei, Hai Xia began combing his fingers through his hair, tugging enthusiastically on the ribbon holding his hair up. "Mmm..." Shi Lei moaned quietly at the pleasant sensation compared to the pain still present I'm his body. "How long?" Shi Lei guessed Hai Xia's question was how long does the poison last. "One hour, we are well over forty minutes in." Shi Lei's eyes drifted to a close as he felt the mix of pleasure and pain in his body. The cooling hands and gentle combing of his hair eventually lulled him to sleep.

Shi Lei woke with a start, he tried to glance around only to find himself in the embrace of Hai Xia. Still weak from the poison he turned in Hai Xia's arms to get a closer look. He saw the sleeping face of Hai Xia. If he were a woman many men would swoon and try to marry him. His dark eyelashes brushed against his cheek, his beaded veil slightly askew. Shi Lei reached a hand up to gently rest it upon Hai Xia's cheek. Hai Xia nuzzle into his palm, his grip on Shi Lei's waist tightening and pulling him up against him.Shi Lei lightly gasped at the feel of Hai Xia's body touching his. His attention however quickly turned towards the feel of the beaded mask against his palm. He could almost feel some sort of energy coming off of it. It was then that Hai Xia stirred, eyelids fluttering. He froze at the feel of Shi Lei's hand against his mask, eyes narrowing he carefully took Shi Lei's Hand from his cheek and released it. "Xia Xia." Shi Lei could only find space to put his free hand onto Hai Xia's chest, causing the man to tense slightly. "Mm?" Shi Lei shifted slightly causing Hai Xia to freeze up even more. "I think it's time to get up Xia Xia, not that I would mind spending an eternity in bed with you." Followed by a wink, Hai Xia retracted his hands with the grace of a tornado. Shi Lei was left flat on his back, hair spread in a fan around him. He laughed joyously. Hai Xia stood quite fast, adjusting his robes and beaded mask.

After reassuring Hai Xia that he was fine Shi Lei took a bath and got ready for his journey. Hopefully Hai Xia would accompany him but if he was unable to Shi Lei had faith in his own abilities as well- though who could be as good as the Honorable Moon? With a sage green ribbon between his teeth he began to pull his hair into an updo, then pulled on his white robes with matching green trim. He also attached his sword to his hip. With a carefully placed smile on his face he stepped out of his residence.