A few days had passed and nothing had happened. Everything had gone silent, Penny's birthday had passed and had led to Lysette and Penny staying isolated in their home. The discussion of leaving had come up every so often but no decision has been completely made. In truth, Penny didn't want to leave. They had moved several times before due to Lysette's instincts but this place had been their home for the last two years. And she had come to love it. If moving meant survival then they would, but she still wouldn't be happy about it.
Lysette had prepared a few bags for both Penny and herself just in case they did have to leave in a hurry. Though, as usual, Lysette didn't pack alot. " Only the essentials" as she always said.
" Do you think that those guys are going to really come back? " Penny asked as she layed on the couch, trying her best to not perish from boredom.
" Maybe. I'm not sure" Lysette answered with a rather stiff tone. " And I promise, if you had seen the things I have seen. You would be just as cautious" She tried to defend her paranoia but Penny trusted her. " I'm not saying you are wrong for feeling the way you do. I guess I'm just nervous. If we really have to deal with those fools..or whatever they decide to do, it's going to make trouble for us. I don't want to leave again though..I want to stay here. This is out home" Penny confessed.
" I know. And if I can prevent us from having to leave then I will" Lysette assured Penny.
" So..you said my mom was a Witch, right? " Penny asked as her guardian continued watching out of the window.
" Yes. Your mother was one of the best. She was wise, and she was strong. She was one of the more redeemable ones" Lysette answered, focusing on the treeline and noticing that leafs were beginning to change color to a bright red and crispy gold. " Fall is here already.." Lysette muttered under her breath.
" Did my mom every fist fight..or did she use her powers? " Penny asked. As much as she knew about her mother, there was still so much she didn't. There were many days were Penny wished she had gotten the chance to meet her, to have that bond with her. To learn more about where she came from and who she was. Sure, Lysette had explained most of it to Penny..but there was still a sense of longing for the words to come from her parents.
" Your mother was smart and she would use whatever she needed to when facing battle. She was pretty courageous but also very crafty. But the best I had ever seen her performing battle was alongside your father. They made a really good team" Lysette assured her, which made Penny smile. " Dad with his scythe and bullshit" Penny chuckled to herself as she readjusted herself on the couch.
" Well, to me, it sounds like you were all pretty badass. Even Kara and Gabriel from what I've heard" The mention of Gabriel's name sent Lysette into a state of shock. As much as she loved her nephew, she rarely spoke his name. It hurt too much to do so. Penny had the right to know about them, but, it didn't make the memories hurt any less. And Penny noticed the uncomfortable expression on Lysette's face.
" I'm sorry..I didn't mean to bring him up" Penny apologized and hide her face behind the arm of the couch.
It took a few moments before Lysette could collect herself enough to speak again. " Its fine. It's not your fault. It's just that things happened the way they did and.." Lysette paused, trying her best to fight back against her tears. " Things were going to happen that way because of mistakes. Mistakes that we can't change and wasn't our place too. But, we can make sure that it doesn't happen again"
Lysette finally breaks her gaze from the window and walks over to the living room where Penny ha been and sits down her small red chair. It was old but sturdy, and had become a sense of comfort for Lysette, Penny looked on with sympathy. " Things don't get easier unless we pay attention" She Sighs as she looks over to Penny.
" The one thing I can tell you, is that despite how great your mother and father were..they were not perfect. They made mistakes. We all did. But what you can do is learn from them. You can be better. That is the role of the child. To be better and wiser than the parents" Lysettes advice did comfort Penny though it did not lessen the pain that Penny herself felt.
" I just wish I could've met them.." Penny confesses. " I don't even know that it would make a difference. I don't know whether it would change me, change them, change the world...I don't know. But, I still want to meet them though I know that I never will. It's hard to be better than the people who didn't even get to meet" Penny adds.
" The Underworld was all about prophecies. Things that were meant to be and things that could not change. And even gifted with the knowledge of those things, they can be misinterpreted. So we don't know what destiny holds for us. But what we do know is that we can take control of our lives and we can at least make the world better by doing our best to not be selfish" Lysettes words stuck with Penny. They were wise and they comforted her in some small way. Lysette always had a way of doing that for Penny, even on the worst of days.
" I don't care about the prophecy if I can't understand it to begin with. It sounds like the Underworld was doomed from the start and there wasn't all that much that could have changed it. But there is another chance, to make things right" Penny turned to Lysette and sat up.
" And I will make things right. I don't know how. I don't know when. But it will happen. Because the cycle can't continue. There has been too much lost and there is too much at stake" Penny believed in herself more than she did the possibility of messing up the fate of the world. This was a trait that Lysette had always admired and respected.
" But..did you know? " Penny asks Lysette who seems caught off guard by the question.
" Did you know that things were going to go the way they did? " Penny continues as Lysette now adjust herself in the chair, staring directly into Penny's eyes, unable to look away.
" I.." Lysette was interupted by the sound of voices outside of the house. It sounded like the two men had come back, and they had brought friends. " Let's do this" Penny smirks.