Raymond stopped herself, realizing that that she had possibly walked in at a bad time. Penny left to her feet and immediatly focused her attention on her mother, not being able to bare the look of Ember right now from the shame she was feeling.
" You are ready to go? Why so quickly?" Penny asked as Ember continued to stare straight forward, still in shock.
" It's a really long story, but the Queen believes that I'm spying on you. But I think she also knows that something is wrong and I know she doubts me. Which means we need to get moving before she connects anymore dots and tries to stop us" Raven looks to Ember, seeing that she was despondent.
" Is she okay? What is wrong with her? " Raven looked to Penny who could not answer the question, as even speaking of Ember was driving her anxiety through the roof.
" Right now we need to focus on getting you out of here" Penny said as she slowly turned back to Ember who was still staring into nothingness. " yeah.." Ember answered, her voice raised to a higher pitch which was unlike noise that Ember had ever made. " Okay good" Penny took Ravens hand and reached down to Ember who turned her head to Penny and hesitated to take her hand. " Come on" Penny encouraged as her nerves began crushing her inside.
" Yeah I'm coming" Ember took Penny's hand and with that, they teleported to a forest that was relatively far from the castle. Though they were safe and managed to get away without any issues, there was still a silence that fell between Penny and Ember who seemed to distance themselves from one another.
Raven could tell something was up between them but she figured it might be better to leave things alone for the time being. They would talk when they were ready to talk.
" I think we should find you a place near a water source or something " Penny surveyed the land but Raven disagreed with idea. " No because they could trace creek or whatever it is, right back to me. The middle of nowhere would better suit me for the time being" Raven assured them as she looked around the area trying to figure where she would like to start building.
" Well and before we do anything, don't we have to get the bindings handled? " Ember pointed out, which Penny had forgotten about in the moment.." Yeah" she agreed as she stood up and made her way to Raven.
" So there were no books I could find on how to do this so I'm gonna have to really just hope for the best on this" Penny outstretched her hands, ready to send her energy to Raven, in hopes that it would break the bindings. Raven turned to Penny who was already began launching a long stream of energy to Raven. This surrounded Raven, and warmed her body as though she was being embraced by a warm hug from a fuzzy bear.
As the energy continued to shoot out toward Raven, Raven could feel a sense of familiarity. This energy was something she knew..but it had been so long since she had any sense of it. It was very much similar to her own, though in some ways, it felt stronger than hers. Raven remained silent as the process continued. Eventually, Penny, began shooting an even more concentrated beam of energy towards Raven, which made Raven slowly lift from her feet off the ground.
This continued for several more minutes before Penny began to weaken and Raven slowly dropped back down to the ground. Once Raven had landed back on the ground, Penny collapsed to one knee, exhausted from how much the process took out of her. Ember wanted to Rush to Penny's side but hesitated for a second, almost in fear of being near Penny. Instead, Raven went to Penny's side, making sure that she was okay.
Raven leaned down and breathed out slowly, making sure she is pacing herself before placing her hand on Penny's shoulder, channeling some of her energy into Penny, slowly rejuvenating her.
" I guess it worked? " Penny chuckled to herself as she slowly made her way back to her feet. " I'm surprised I
Raven leaned down and breathed out slowly, making sure she is pacing herself before placing her hand on Penny's shoulder, channeling some of her energy into Penny, slowly rejuvenating her.
" I guess it worked? " Penny chuckled to herself as she slowly made her way back to her feet. " I'm surprised I even remember how to do this" Raven had not used her abilities in several years and she had to do her best to remember exactly what she was doing, knowing that she would exert far more energy than is needed otherwise.
" let me see what else I can do" Raven turned now that Penny was seemingly okay, and raised her hands up so that the ground began to shift. Slowly but surely, a small cabin raised from the ground, covered in the dirt and leafs of the forest.
" I've still got it" Raven laughed in excitement that she was able to pull off the trick as Penny and Ember looked on in astonishment.
" Holy crap that's cool. You can just make houses! From the ground!" Penny knew she had to learn this ability! Her mother had not used magic in so long and could do something so extraordinary. Penny wanted to learn everything her mother knew and more.
" I might be a little rusty but at least I'm able to do some basic things" Raven smiled as looked over her handiwork.
" Basic things? That's pretty damn skillful to me" Penny asserted as she too looked over the house.
" Could you teach me? " Penny added. At first, Raven had no intention of teaching anyone anything. Mainly because she wasn't sure she would be good at doing so. But, the sense of familiarity with Penny's powers made Raven curious so she agreed to the demand.
" Well we still have to keep an eye on the kingdom" Ember chimmed to which, Penny responded " Yeah I know but I can come out here and check on Raven every now and then and when I have time, I'd love to learn more" Penny felt like she would finally have the chance to bond with her mother and considering her mother was safe now, she felt it would be a good time once Raven had gotten settled in.
" I will teach you the best I can but I've never really taught anyone before. And honestly? I think you might be more gifted than me" Raven confessed which shocked Penny to hear. " There is no way. I can do some things but you seem to have way more knowledge on it. Even if I was stronger in some way, you have the experience" Penny praised.
" Yeah, but it's not much. Again, losing my powers gave me a huge gap on my knowledge. Its going to be a while before I reach my full potential " Raven explained.
" We can reach it together and we will, I promise" Penny smiled.