Chapter Sixty Four: The Change Unexplained

Tensions remained high between Penny and Ember and Raven found herself caught in the middle of it.

When Raven had finally found some form of freedom, she never thought it would be with two bickering girls who could not seem to get over their issues and yet Raven knew that deep down, both had the potential to bring something different to this land. Something different that could possibly save it. And Penny..her connection with Penny was unlike anything she had ever experienced. This was her daughter. Penny was her own creation and that made Raven feel happy inside. To know that she had such a strong daughter, though, she was not prepared to be a parent. And stepping into that role so suddenly felt so foreign to her yet, she couldn't help but feel she must be doing a good job since they were still alive and had not killed one another..yet.

" How do I die? " Raven asked out of nowhere which made Penny turn to her out of shock. " I..I can't tell you that" Penny tried to answer but found herself stumbling over her own words. Raven sighed and smiled as she looked up towards the beautiful green sky. " If my death cannot be told, it must be because it is crucial to the world. You know I wouldn't try to prevent it if it's natural" Raven, despite how much she would love to remain alive, would not interfere in what was nessacary unless it wasn't.

And that knowledge, and that self control was shaking Penny as to the secrecy of her mission. But perhaps, filling Raven in on everything wouldn't be the worst thing? Perhaps being honest with her mother, would actually aide in this battle that they would be fighting, especially with Ember being distant as she is currently.

" Well, you don't have to tell me the truth of how it happens. But I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I trust you to do the right thing"

Penny looked down at her hands that rested within the mist, not knowing quite what to say. Something deep within her, felt like bursting into tears and yet she refused to allow herself to do so. Perhaps it was because she was too stubborn and wanted to prove herself strong. Because she knew that deep down she needed to be, or perhaps it was because she had wasted so many tears in the past few days over a friendship that was now crumbling before her and there was nothing that could do to stop it. She wasn't sure, she just knew that she had so much to say and felt as though it would never come out right.

" You don't know me well enough" she finally managed to utter out though Raven, seemed completely undisturbed by this sobering fact. " Yes, this is true. But we have a connection. As mother, as daughter, and our energy. And we know when the other is being dishonest, don't we? " Raven turns to Penny who without speaking another word, nods in agreement and tries her best to smile as further assurance but only managed to crack a very awkward slant of sorts with her lips.

" We are almost there.." Ember blurted out which interupted the moment between Raven and Penny who turned back, almost forgetting for a second that she was there.

" You are correct.." Raven confirmed, though surprised that Ember could even know that considering this land should still be foreign to her. Many things about Ember since they had rescued her, did not seem to add up and yet she couldn't quite place how the change became so drastic. The Abyss is normally fueled by the negative emotions and so perhaps the issues with Penny had amplified that but only time would tell..the question was..would they have the time?