Chapter Ninty Five: The World's Solution

It had been a constant struggle for control between Ember and Aurora, and neither one cared to give their control away completely and this caused tension between the two despite the continued mediations.

Aurora had began to slow down however, and that made it far easy to keep watch on her. Khalivar had kept his distance during their fights as he knew he was not welcome.

The king and Queen remained in the palace though they had almost completely passed control to Aurora. Despite her pregnancy, she was still more than capable of handling the Kingdom. But as knews came that the Lycans were about to present the baby on which the treaty would be stand, Aurora couldn't help but feel a slight distain for them.

" To give my child a way to such beast. I do understand that their existence is crucial to our world however to pass her on as though she were some kind of toy that they could now play with is beyond absurd to me. This was the only way that we could achieve peace, but is that even true? Was there never really another way that we could have done so? The Vampires offer a great deal where as the Lycans offer nothing. They have weakened and they have no trades or wares, In fact, we are the ones who keep them alive by sharing our supplies" Aurora complained for what felt like ages with Ember present in the room.

" You are doing this because it is what was agreed upon" Ember reminded her.

" It was agreed that there would be peace, but does it truly have to be this way? " She knew she had to keep her promise to Ember but if she could find a way around achieving the goal, she would happily do so.

" No, there is no other way and you know this because you have seen it. You are only upset because Kara, to you, is leverage" Embers words painted Aurora with a rage the likes of which had been completely unseen until now.

" How dare you! How dare you assume that my child's life is completely about keeping my own life. There is more to Kara than just this. And we both know it, which is why you want her alive. And I want her alive as well, but I want her to be able to make her own choices. To make her own decisions. To be able to live according to her own rules..she does not belong with this beast" she continued to ramble on and on and Ember began growing more and more impatient.

" There has to be another way for this work..please..look into it for me" Aurora pleaded with Ember who was surprised at being requested with Kindness by the spoiled brat.

" yourself a favor and just give birth to Kara. Things might play out the way you want in the end regardless" Ember began pacing around the room, as though trying to find a way to restrain herself from losing her temper.

" You mean that it's possible? " Aurora asked, shocked and yet excited with the possibility.

" One thing you will learn about this place Aurora, is that anything is possible. And perhaps, if you actually just did the right things for a change, then maybe you would have seen that" Ember had hoped that Aurora would grow and mature based on what Ember had allowed her to see and yet, here she was, having to give all the answers, to a girl who prided herself as being the most clever.

" I wish I could say that me giving you this knowledge would change you but we both know that it won't. It's just an escape card for you. Instead of seeing the success to doing things differently, you still intend to do the opposite" Ember relented, as Aurora listened intently.

" I am not cruel, I'm not vindictive, And I am not trying to ruin everyone's lives. All I'm trying to do is end the cycle. And perhaps teach a few valuable lessons along the way. Lessons, that would benefit rather than do harm. But noone listens, because everyone is stuck in their ways. The last time, in the last cycle, that you complained about having to have Kara marry into the Lycans, I wasn't here. You didn't have the clarity that you do now. That perhaps, if you had just stopped trying to intervene, maybe it would have worked out for you. And now that I am here, giving you the key to success, you still intend to play your own foolish games. And don't tell me that you aren't because I can see it in your eyes. You are desperate, and you are brilliant but you are also a damn fool" Ember rambled off.

" You don't even know why you want control. You just want it. You just want to have it, to fuel your ego. Yes, you are capable. And yes you are talented. And yes you are smart. Nothing that you do will take away from that. But you could also, be a positive in the world instead of a negative. I have seen what you are capable of and I know what you can do. And if you do good, then so many things could be better. But you won't do the good, because your daughter is destined to do the good. So you have to do the bad. Your daughter has to do good, to fix all the bad that you have done. And It just repeats." Embers words did reach Aurora but she, perhaps for the first time in her life, felt a small amount of shame within herself. Shame, that made her realize that there always other options.

" You said that I want power but that isn't what I want. I want peace. And peace can only be achieved through power. And don't act like you are an expert on it because if you were, we wouldn't be In this mess I'm the first place. Noone knows the answers but maybe you are right. Maybe making different choices would benefit things. And maybe I am selfish. But I am not the only problem. And even if I change, there are still thousands out there in the world that will just replace me in the equation. But still, you are right. And I am ready to help" Aurora submitted for only a few moments, allowing herself to be vulnerable to Ember who was surprised.

" We have had this same conversation so many times before. Are you really willing to listen? " Ember asked.

" Yes" Aurora smiled. " Let's see if you are right"

It was unclear if Aurora was genuine or not but for now, Ember could get to work.