Destroying x Mafia

Five men of the mafia were running to the residence of the big boss because they haven't heard anything from him the whole last day. When they reached the door they opened it. What they saw hit them hard.

On the ground where two dead guards and next to them sat their boss with a bullet hole in the head. Next to him was a letter. One of the thugs took it and read out loud:

"After discovering that our boss was a pedophile pig I decided to take mercy into my own hands and killed him. I'm no longer working with the mafia and please don't search for me, I will kill anyone who attack's me.



I was leaving my hotel in the city to move to one outside of it. Maybe after some time I will leave the city but first I will wait and see what the mafia does. Maybe I have to use my surprise. I was spinning a remote in my hand.

~ Flashback ~

After working for the mafia for 5 weeks it's finally time to set my plan into action. I was casually walking through our base. The last days I've been studying the blue print of the base for a few days.

Of course I stole them out of the main office. I now know every corner of the base. I knew every supporting pillar of the base and placed small explosives there for the right time, if they get annoying to me.


If they try something funny I will just blow them up. It's not like I have any remorse killing them. They all choose this part and they will have to bear the consequences.

On the way to my hotel I stole a few wallets an phones. After I entered my hotel room I started meditating trying to improve my Nen. After two days I went out two buy some groceries.

When I came back I immediately noticed that a bunch of people were in my room. I could feel it through Nen. On top of that the idiot didn't even close the door right. I cautiously opened the door and immediately dodged out of the of some bullets.

I hid besides the door an waited until my attacker came out. As soon as I saw his gun I grabbed it and ripped it out of his hand. Then I slammed the gun in his face knocking him out. I used his body as meat shield to guard me from the bullets from the others.

Then I threw his body towards them and charged at them. In close combat they couldn't use their guns because they had no time to aim. None of them was proficient in Nen so they were no match for me.

I didn't hold back and crushed their heads with my fists. Soon there was only one opponent left alive. I decided to just knock him out so that he could live on to tell the tail. After that I jumped out of the window. As soon as a left through the window police was running out of the elevator but all they found were six dead body's and one knocked out guy.

2 hours later I was sitting in a cafe with his phone and the remote in my hands. I typed the number of the right hand man of Fisk and called.

"Hello who is it?" "Hello Dennis how is business going?" "Dabi! What do you want?" "I told you to leave me alone but you neglected my good will so now it's time you get what you deserve. See you in hell." With these words I pushed the red button on my remote. You could hear the explosion in the distance. With this move I decided to leave York New City and focus on my goal.