Difficulties x while x traveling

After I left Yorknew I decided to visit heavens arena to have a little fun. I boarded an aircraft and started my 2 days journey towards my destination. I noticed many shady figures on the way to my cabin. I was lucky to get a place on the flight because I was so late because of that I had to live in the lower parts of the aircraft where all the poor people and thugs were.

I was a like a dog amongst cats down here. I hade nice clothes and a suitcase that looked expensive stealing the attention of everyone. Of course this was intentional. Either the thugs attacked or they left me alone. If they left me alone I will just focus on my nen and if they attack me, I can train my hand to hand fighting capabilities.

I entered my room and sat on my bed crossed legged and started to meditate. In the last months I made good progress in my Nen. I was able to hold my En for 30 minutes. My special technique to safe my body from my flame also evolved. I was able to set my whole body on flames for a couple of minutes. And I could use large scale fire attacks.

A knock on door broke my train of thought. Before I answered the door I went to my suitcase and took to knives out of it. I prepared them for a close quarter fight to not have to rely on my fists. When I opened the door the person in front of me tried to grab me.

But I quickly stabbed him in the throat before he could reach me. I stepped over his body at turned to right. There were a few dozen of people. They were armed with barrels, bolts and knives.

I asked calmly "What do you want from me?" "W... we wwwaaaannnt yo ... your money." One of the thugs stuttered. "Then come and get it!"

(Insert Oldboy corridor fight scene here)

Some of them started to rush at me. I quickly ducked under a jab of one and stabbed him and the back of the head. Then I spun around sliced through the throat of another. I blocked an incoming knife with my left hand and stabbed my attacker in the stomach. I twisted the blade and gripped it in a backhand hold.

I let my arm swing backwards and stabbed someone who tried to sneak up on me in the jaw. Then I threw my knive in the eye of my last attacker. He fell to the ground. I calmly walked up to him and removed the knife from his face.

[It's time to use my new technique.] I concentrated my nen on both knives and then lit them up with my flames. I destroyed many knives in my attempts to perform this technique. Today was the first time I would try this in battle.

I didn't wait till they charged at me. Instead I charged at them. My knife went through them like they were butter. Every second the remaining thugs looked more and more terrified. Some of them tried to run away but I killed them before they could get away.

Seeing their terrified expressions a small smile crept on my face. [Now I finally know why Hisoka likes to kill people.]There look of horror when they realized they had attacked someone out of their league was like a drug to me.

Before I realized it I had killed all of them. [It's a pity that they were so weak I would have liked to fight a little bit longer. There is no reason to complain know.] I quickly fled from the scene of the crime and sneaked towards the higher levels of the aircraft. No one would dare to search through the rooms of the rich people. They had to much influence to be infuriated.

The rest of the travel went by relatively quiet. I stole some food and a fancy suit for the landing. When we arrived I just walked through the exit like a rich passenger and no one questioned me. It's nice to abuse the system like that.

Anyhow, I made my way towards heavens arena ready to start with fighting.