Chapter 4

AUTHOR P.O.V.......

Y/n opened her eyes. She hissed due to the pain. She sit up and looked around only to find herself alone in that room. She sighed and stood up. Her whole body was sore.

She ignored the intense pain in her body and went inside the bathroom. She opened her clothes and saw her body filled with cut marks and bruises. She can't even cry to cruel her fate. First her aunt and cousin and now Jungkook.

Wasn't her life a mess already???

She wiped the tear that betrayed her. She have to be strong. She can't be weak. She have to get away from here. She have to get to her Jimin.

She washed her body with lukewarm water. Even though it hurts but still she managed to clean herself.

She wore her clothes and did her hair.

She went outside only to meet with the dark orbs. He looked at her with a sinister smirk plastered on his face.

He went towards her and grabbed her through her waist.

"Aren't you looking too beautiful today." He said while brushing his nose on her neck. Y/n turned her head to the left. She didn't wanted to face him not talk to him.

"Oh so my beautiful wife is angry with me." said Jungkook while a evil grin. "Well let me make up to you." With that he started kissing her neck, collarbone.

Y/n wasn't feeling good. She felt disgusted with his touch. She pushed him with all her force. Jungkook stumbled back. He wasn't prepared for it.

"Don't you dare to touch me." She warned him.

"And why is that?? You are my wife so, I have full rights to touch what's mine. Isn't it?"

"I'm not yours and never will." said Y/n with pure hatred towards him. Jungkook clenched his jaw and walked towards her. He grabbed her chin and made her look towards him.

"You became mine the moment I laid my eyes on you." With that he smashed his lips on her. She looked at him with wide eyes. She started pushing him but he was way too stronger than her imagination.

After like eternity Jungkook left her and looked at her while rubbing her lips. He was looking at her lips. He didn't imagine her to be this much sweet. He wants to kiss her more but can't. She hates him. And he wants her to submit to him.

Which she will never do. Not until she is alive.

Y/n pushed him and wiped his kiss from her lips. She looked at him with disgust.

But Jungkook only smirked at her. He loves to be with you. He loves when You reject him. It makes him to want you and destroy you even more.

"Get ready we are going somewhere." With that he walked out. Not before giving her his famous smirk.

Y/n sighed and fell on the ground.

"I'm sorry love. I'm sorry." With that she started crying more.

After letting out her emotions she wiped her tears. She stood up and settled herself.

With that she went out of the room. She went to the hall only to find Jungkook standing there and talking to his personal servant.

When he felt someone's presence he turned around and smirked at you. You badly wanted to smash his head and snatch that rubbish smirk from his face.

His servant bowed at you.

You also bowed at him.

"Eunwoo accompany her until I come back." he said and went away. His words were more like " keep and eye on her." You scoffed.

"Eunwoo came towards you.

"I'm Cha Eunwoo. Master's personal servant." You smiled at him. Even though you know him.

"I'm----" You were about to introduce yourself but he stopped you.

"Ahh no need to introduce yourself. I already know you mistress." He said while smiling.

You both stood there for like good time. You keep on cursing and smashing Jungkook's head in your imagination. Why is he taking so long?? You thought.

You were about to kill him in your head but stopped when he came out.

"Lets go." he ordered you and went out. You followed him like a puppy as You didn't had any idea that where was he taking you.

After like half an hour you both reached to your destination.

You looked around to find a big castle like house. You were out struck with its beauty.

"Don't look at it like this Its ours." He said.

What does he mean by ours?? Does he owns it?? you thought.

He went inside with out waiting for you. You ran towards him. You went inside to find a beautiful palace like place. It was so beautiful and auspicious.

"Ahh Master Jungkook and his mistress. Welcome." said and elderly man. He smiled warmly at you both. Jungkook ignored him and walked past him. You scoffed at him. You smiled back at him to not being rude.

"Why are we here?" You asked him.

"You will know it soon." he smiled evily at you.

You were lost in your thoughts when You heard people's clapping sound. You turned around but couldn't see because of the crowd. You pouted.

Suddenly that person came towards your direction.

The moment you saw him. Your heart started beating like crazy.

It was the person for whom you were dying to see. You badly wanted to run towards him and hug him. It was your love.

Your Jimin.

But right now you didn't wanted to see him.

He came towards Jungkook and smiled at him.

"Welcome back my friend." Friend??? So Jimin was Jungkook's friend. Jungkook knew him. He knew that you loves him but still he bought you here just to make you more sad and to hurt you.

The moment Jimin looked at you he was shocked. He couldn't believe his eyes that really it was you. You didn't knew that how much he missed you. He was alive from outside but dead from inside. He was a living corpse without you.

"Meet my wife. Jeon Y/n." said Jungkook while grabbing you from your waist. You looked down unable to meet his eyes. You were ashamed of your self that you couldn't keep his promise. On the other hand Jungkook had a proud grin on his face.

As if he had won something.

"If you don't mind can I have a talk with your wife." Said Jimin not adverting his eyes away from you.

After listening to his words your heart was thumping like crazy. It was beating so fast that it can come out of your body any minute. You just prayed that Jungkook would reject him. But you were wrong.

"Of course. Its not like you're gonna kidnap my wife." It sounded more like a taunt. Jimin felt a pang in his heart whenever he heard My wife.