Chapter 5

AUTHOR P.O.V........

Jimin and Y/n both went out to the garden area. Jimin stopped and so as Y/n. Jimin looked at her only to find her looking everywhere but him. He wanted to ask her so many questions but can't. He wanted to pour his heart and tell her that how much he missed her, but can't.

She is now someone's wife.

"I missed you a lot." Jimin said to her while looking at her. But still she didn't looked at him. She hummed at him.

He couldn't control himself and ran towards her. He engulfed her in his embrace. He hugged her so tight as if showing his emotions that he missed her a lot.

"I'm sorry. I'm late." Said Jimin with cracked voice.

"No need. It was my fate." Said Y/n. She finally spoke.

Jimin was dying to hear her honey sweet voice.

"If I could come back than I would have been with you. I'm sorry my love." said Jimin while weeping

"Don't call me your love. Its inappropriate to call someone's wife as their love." Said Y/n with cracked voice but still maintained her cold face.

"Please talk to me. Shout at me, but please don't ignore me like this." Jimin cried.

"Then what you want me to do huh!!! Cry, shout, curse on my poor fate. I was sold to him. I was married forcefully to him. My own aunt sold me to that monster. But I couldn't do anything." With that Y/n started crying.

Looking at her state Jimin felt a pang in his heart. He badly wanted to take you away from all this misery. But you were right now what he can do?? He can't look at you the way he used to. Now you are someone's wife.

He have lost all his rights from you.

"Divorce him and come with me. I will never make you cry. I will make you happy. There will be nothing that will hurt you. We both will live happily." Jimin said while looking at your eyes with hope.

Hope for you will come with him. You will divorce that monster.

But poor him don't even know that Y/n is helpless. She can't do anything. She herself want to give divorce to that monster, but it isn't as easy as it looks. She also have to think about Taegi.

Taegi is still with her aunt and cousin and she even don't know that how are they treating him. Are they giving him food??? Are they taking care of him??

Also she can't risk Jimin's career. Jimin still have to become state chancellor and if she came with him then there will be a shame for him to marry someone who is used.

People would only think her as a used trash who left someone just for her desire. And she can't destroy Jimin's hard work.

"No I won't come with you." Y/n replied to him with stern tone.

"I know you are angry with me but please don't do this to me. Please don't leave me Y/n. I love you." Jimin cried. He can't risk to loose you. you are his everything.

"Can't you understand the simple language. I won't come with you. I'm happy here. Jungkook have money, luxury. I'm happy with that. You don't even have that much of luxury. So, I would want you to focus on you career. Become out country's chancellor." Shouted Y/n with half heartedly. She doesn't wanted to say all these but it was necessary.

If she want him to move on then she will have to broke his heart, Shatter his hope of making her his.

"And if I became the chancellor will you come with me?" Asked Jimin with hope. He thought that you didn't wanted to come with him. Just because he still wasn't their country's chancellor.

But still he couldn't makeup his heart that you would choose money before him. He know you even more than you. He knows that you never loved anything more than him. Money was nothing to you just a paper. You were the only one who told him that money can't buy happiness, care, love, family.

"Maybe." You said to him in the hope that he believed your lie and now he will focus on his career. He won't think about you.

"Ok then I'll become the country's chancellor and then I'll take you with me. Even if you liked it or not." Jimin said to you with sincerity in his tone. He looked at you lovingly for the last time and started walking towards the door.

"Stop." Jimin immediately halt his steps after listening to your words. He was happy that you stopped him. He thought that you might have forgot everything and thought of going with him. He turned around happily with a hope.

You extended you hand forward to him. He furrowed his brows and looked at you hand. He was shocked to find it still with you. He never thought that you will keep it with yourself ; with so much care.

"Take this thing back. I don't need it now. I have my husband with me. So, there's no meaning of keeping this with me." Jimin looked at you with hurt eyes.

Second before he was happy that you still have this but he could believe his ears that you are returning it back.

"Keep it with you as it was meant to be yours." With that he went out. The moment he went out you fell on the ground crying. You couldn't believe that you said those hurtful words to yours love. You never in your life wanted to hurt him.

But the situation made you to do it. You know it very well that if you even tried to give divorce to Jungkook. He won't hesitate to kill Jimin. Which you never in you life want.

Jimin's eyes were filled with tears on it. He wiped his eyes. He made up his mind that he will work even harder to achieve his goal so, that he can take you with him.

He was walking to the exit but stopped when he found and familiar figure standing in front of him with a evil smirk plastered on his face.

"How was your talk with my wife?" Jungkook asked him. He wanted to make him even more sad and angry by calling you as his wife in front of him. He was enjoying his friend's misery. He once used to love and care for his friend but as we all know time changes everything as well as human.

He was possess for you.

He never wanted any man to come to you. But Jimin dared to do it. He was more amused when he got to know that Jimin was your love.


As He was only thing which should come from you mouth, heart, soul and body.

"You bloody monster. How can you marry her with out her consent. How the fuck can you buy her. She isn't a thing she is a fucking human being. She isn't for trade you bitch." Jimin growled at him. He couldn't control himself. He was sad when he saw tears in yours eyes. He can't believe that his friend did something awful to a woman.

Jungkook clenched his jaw. Nobody dares to shout at him but he dared to curse him.

"You don't have to feel bad for her. She is my wife, My property. I'll decide what to do with her. You are nobody to come between us." Jungkook said to him being calm and composed. He didn't wanted to waste his energy who isn't worth it.

Jimin now was sure that you never was happy with this monster. It was clear that he doesn't respect you. Well, respect is too far he doesn't even acknowledge you as his wife. He surely treats you like a trash.

Jimin smiled mentally. He would now do anything possible to take away form this monster.

Jimin didn't said anything to him and walked away from there. He was now sure that what the hell he have to do.

Jungkook walked inside the room where you were. He was boiling due to anger. He saw you crying on the floor while clenching something in your hand. He immediately snatched the rock form you hand. You startled with his sudden action. You didn't noticed him coming inside.

"Oh so, this was given to you by that bastard and you are keeping it yourself with so much care." He spitted. He looked at the rock with clenched jaw and throwed it aggressively on the floor. Which made it to break into pieces.

You looked at that pieces with wide eyes. Your heart clenched. You were shocked to see Jimin's precious gift broke into pieces.

After throwing it on the floor Jungkook smiled wickedly and went out of the room. He was happy to see you hurt. He was happy to destroy that bastard's thing.

You ran towards the rock pieces and collected it. You cried looking at it.