Chapter 18


Alot of things changed in these 2 years. Y/n and Jimin moved to Busan. Taegi was now 10 years old and now is studying in a boarding school. Y/n and Jimin are living their best lives. They are happy together and everything is going smoothly.

"Y/n I was thinking about something." Said Jimin while flipping through papers. Y/n looked at him who was sewing something like a scarf. Probably for Jimin.

"What did you thoughts?" You asked being confused.

"I mean it had already been 2 years and I was thinking we should finally get married." Confessed Jimin with sparkling eyes.

He stood up and sat beside Y/n. You smiled at him.

"I think you are right. We should get married. I want to start a family with you." Jimin hugged you and kissed your temper.

"Very well then lets get married after 1 months as I have some work to complete." You smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"Thats good as Taegi's summer vacations will also start so he will be here with us." Jimin nodded his head and smashed his lips on yours. He grabbed you jaw and deepen the kiss. You put your hands on either side of his shoulders and kissed him back.

Soon the kiss converted into a passionate one.


You were in the kitchen cooking breakfast for Jimin and yourself. Even though you have maids in your house but you still prefer to cook by yourself. Jimin came out being devilishly handsome.

He came towards you and kissed your head and sat on his regular seat. You settled the table and sat beside him.

"Mhhh I smell something delicious today." Jimin said while eyeing the food like a hungry wolf. He didn't even waited for a second and attacked the food like a caveman who haven't eaten anything.

You chuckled looking at his childishness. You pinched his nose. On the other hands he looked at you with a looked like What the fuck you doing. let me eat first. His mouth was filled with food and his cheeks had now turned pink. He looked damn cute.

Although his mouth was filled with food but he still continued filling his mouth.

"Hey slow down or you'll choke yourself to death." You warned him. He pouted and started eating slowly and patiently.

After finishing your meal you both drank you green tea.

"Ummm actually Jimin I wanted to go somewhere?" You asked. He looked at you and smiled.

"You don't have to ask my permission to go anywhere. You can go wherever you want but be safe ok?" You smiled and nodded your head. After finishing his tea he pecked your lips and went out.

You also washed dishes and got freshen up. You changed your clothes.

You looked yourself at the mirror for the last time and went out. On the way you found flowers so, you bought them and sat back on your cart. The cart stopped infront of the cementry. You stepped out of it and went inside the cementry.

You halt your steps infront of a familiar cementry. You usually visited here. You kept the flowers and sat beside it.

" We are getting married in 1 month. And you know Taegi have also grown up in a cute boy. He surely misses you sometimes. Hope you are doing well where ever you are now." You looked at the person's picture that was kept on it.

You grabbed it and looked through it.

It was Jungkook's picture and also Jungkook's cementry. Y/n surely felt bad for him. He didn't deserved to die like this. He deserved even more.

After Jungkook's suicide you all came to Busan from Daegu. You wanted to make a cementry for him so, you requested Jimin and he did it without any trouble. You all couldn't find his body as he had burnt the house as well himself. So, nothing was left just ashes.

So, this cementry was empty but had something of his belonging like clothes, books. You were looking at his picture unaware of someone's presence who was staring at you from far away.


He smirked looking at your figure.

"Surely you will be getting married Y/n but the bridegroom will not be Jimin but me." he chuckled evily and looked at you again.


The house was now in fire and heat started radiating around it. It was difficult for everyone to go in or come out of it. There stood Jungkook standing infront of his house with a evil grin. Behind him stood Eunwoo with his head low.

"Lets go." Jungkook ordered him and they both went away.

Soon y/n and jimin came there. They both were shocked.

"Jimin. J-Jungkook will be still in there. Save him." Y/n was crying madly. She tried to jump in it but Jimin stopped her. She fell on the ground crying. You herself was confused that why you were crying.

You should be happy that he left you both. But no you had a pang in your heart. You were sad to see him like this. Why he had to suicide like this?? Can't he live happily and find someone else who will love him more than anything else??

But no he had to kill himself. What did he gain with all these???

Next day People stood infront of his house and saints started praying for his goodwill. You and Jimin also stood there without uttering a word. You both were beyond shocked. You didn't bring Taegi as you knew he wouldn't be able to take in the scene. And above of all that he's just 8.

On the other side Eunwoo entered the large bedroom. He walked to his master while keeping his head low.

"They believed it, master." he informed his master.

Jungkook signaled him to get out. He bowed his head at him and went away.

"Y/n... Y/n my dear Y/n. You don't know that you are still my Possession and will always be my possession." He smirked and sipped his wine. He tilted his hand and started laughing evily.

Looking at him anybody would had mistaken him as a devil. So, evil and wicked.

But baby the game of his Possession have just started........