Chapter 19


Y/n smiled at the grave and stood up. She slowly walked out of the cementry. She thought to do some shopping for Jimin so she started roaming around the market. She went inside the food shop and bought some apples and strawberries for him. As he really loved them.

You were now walking down the street when you saw someone familiar. You halt your steps infront of the person.

There sat your aunt and Nancy on the street begging for food. They looked miserable. Their clothes were all covered with dirt and they looked really skinny, indicating that they haven't eaten anything from days. Surely karma hit them hard.

They treated Y/n and Taegi like a trash and now look at them they are no better than a trash now. Nancy's eyes caught you. She immediately stood up. Looking at her your aunt also stood up and turned to the direction where Nancy was staring.

"Y/n !!! I thought you killed yourself after Jungkook's death After all he was your husband or you were happy that he finally left you and Jimin." You scoffed at your aunt. Like literally she isn't in the place to taunt you but still she is doing that.

"Ummmm I want you to give us money. After all I'm your aunt. So, give us money." Your aunt ordered you like you were her slave. Nancy just stood there glaring at you.

"Mom, Mom look at her clothes. They look so, expensive." Nancy gasped looking at your beautiful clothes, that was gifted by Jimin.

"Ohhh my. Are you whoring around slut; to earn this much expensive clothes. Well, I don't care if you fuck someone. Right now just give us some money as we really need it. Don't you feel pity after looking at our condition." Spatted you aunt. You chuckled and shook your head in disbelief.

"Really look at yourself. You both are no less than a beggar and still have the audacity to emotionally blackmail me. Did you both forgot what you both did with me and Taegi ? And secondly Jimin gifted me this dress. And also I don't need to explain you both, of what kind of relation me and Jimin holds." With that you left them there shouting at you.

They kept calling your name. But you didn't cared now. Why you should think about them when you and taegi were nothing for them.

You came back home and saw that Jimin was sitting on the couch and was reading some papers. Today he came home really early. You smiled and went to him. You back hugged him. He chuckled and smiled back at you.

"You came really early today. Was something wrong?" You asked being concerned. He smiled and made you sit on his lap.

"Nothing to be worried about. My work got completed really fast today. So, I thought of spending it with my love. So, where you wanna go?" You put your index finger on your cheeks and started thinking.

"Ummm lets go for fishing." You spoke with excitement. Jimin thought for a second then he smiled and told you to get ready.

You both got ready really fast and went out. You both came to the lake where large fishes can be find. Here you can garb fish by your hands only as the depth of the lake isn't that much.

You ran towards the lake like a 10 year old. Jimin chuckled seeing your childish side. He also came behind you. You started jumping in the water.

"Be careful." You chuckled seeing Jimin's sacred look.

"Don't worry I'm gonna be fine." You said while jumping and splashing water by your leg.

"I wasn't warning you. I was talking to the fishes. What if they got hurt because of your jump. You're jumping like a pig in the water." Jimin laughed after making fun of your. You glared ta him. But then something came in your mind.

You smirked evily and Jimin just looked at you dumbfounded. You immediately splashed a large amount of water at Jimin.

He wiped the water droplets away from his body and smirked at you even more evily. He ran towards you. You tried to escape from him but he was fast enough to catch you. He grabbed your waist and intentionally fell on the lake, making you and himself wet.

"Yaaaahhhh Jiminaaah." You shouted and started splashing water at him. He also did the same. Soon you both got tired and started laughing looking at each other's wet form. Jimin smirked at you. He leaned near your face and whispered at your ear.

"You look sexy in black bra." He kissed your earlob and got away from you to look at your reaction. You gasped and looked down at yourself. Your bra was clearly visible as you were wearing a white Hanbok. You covered your chest and glared at him.

"Pervert." He chuckled.

"Only for you baby." You hit his shoulder playfully.

You both were so busy with each other that you both didn't noticed someone's presence staring at you both with bloodshot eyes. There stood Jungkook. He was looking at you both from far away. He was fuming with anger.

"Soon love. Soon you're gonna be mine. And I'll make sure to punish you really hard for loving him." He smirked and started laughing like a maniac.

Surely he was a maniac but only for you. He can destroy the whole world for you. And can also build heaven for you. Only for you. He will do everything possible to make you his and only his.