Chapter 34


You were shocked to look at Jimin and Namjoon oppa. They both were badly bruised. Taehyung was also utterly shocked to see their condition. He clenched his jaw, like how can someone be so much cruel. You immediately ran towards them and started crying.

"J-Jimin, please wake up." you shook him, but he was unconscious, making your heart thump like crazy. Taehyung went towards Namjoon and tried to get any reactions from him, but couldn't get as well.

"Jimin p-please open your eyes. Please oppa, atleast you open your eyes. P-please I'm scared." you were crying so hard seeing them like this. How can Jungkook be so cruel with them.

"Wait let me bring water." With that Taehyung ran out leaving you alone with them. You cupped Jimin's face while tears kept streaming down your face. You tore the sleeves from your dress and wrapped it around his arm that was still bleeding a little. You then tore another sleeve and wrapped it around Namjoon's leg that was looking as if had been crushed. You turned your head away as you couldn't even imagine how much pain they would have gone through.

"Here." Taehyung came back while running. He splashed the water on their face. Jimin scrunched his eyes and tried to open it, but was too weak.

"Ji-Jimin please open your eyes, its me Y/n." You desperately said.

"Y-Y/n?" He spoke while opening his eyes. You smiled and grabbed his face. Tears started falling from his eyes as well.

"Y-y/n I'm sorry, your o-oppa couldn't help you." Said Namjoon while crying. You shook your head and wiped away his tears.

"No you both did great." You said while opening their rope. Taehyung also helped you. You hugged Jimin and cried in his embrace.

"Y/n, I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I'm weak, pathetic, who couldn't even save his love. I'm sorry love. I don't deserve you." said Jimin while crying, you broke the hug and wiped away his tears. You kissed his cheeks.

"No you're not pathetic Jimin, but your strong, stronger than anyone. Instead I don't deserve you. Because of me you both are like this." you cried.

"Lets get away from here Y/n, I can't fight anymore. Lets die together, if we can't live." said Jimin desperately. Namjoon jerked Jimin by his arms and glared at him.

"Are you stupid or what, killing, and then what. After that what huh ??? Its better to fight with the problems than to avoid it." Namjoon said but Jimin jerked his hands away from his hold and grabbed your shoulders. He looked into your eyes.

"No, I can't fight with my problems Y/n. I'm tired. Lets finish this here." He said while crying. Your heart broke seeing him like this. Taehyung was also crying looking at you all like this. He could never believe that Jungkook could be this much monstrous, he not only destroy one but many lives.

You shook you head and looked at him, making him to furrow his brows.

"Why Y/n?"

"Because I can't commit a sin of killing someone, because of mine happiness." you said.

"No, Y/n you aren't commit a sin, I'm ready to die with you."

"Its not like that Jimin, I'm ready to die with you b-but I can't kill a soul that is developing in me. I'm preg-pregnant." Jimin left you and stumbled back. Namjoon was also shocked to listen this. And for Taehyung this news was new and scary at the same time.

Jimin grabbed your shoulders and started shaking you.

"Say that its a lie, please Y/n say it; its a lie." but you looked down, making him utterly shocked. He left you and started muttering.

"No you can't g-get pregnant. I-It can't be, No nooooooo."

"Tell me one thing Jimin did we did something that d-day, when I was dr-drunk." you asked gulping. You internally wished that you and Jimin did that, but to your poor fate Jimin shook his head making you utterly shocked.

"Wh-what do you mean?" You asked being totally devastated.

"We di-didn't made love Y/n, I couldn't do it because you weren't in your right senses." He said making you stumble back. How can it be ?? Then whose child is this??

"Then whose the father of th-this child??"

"ME." You all turned around to the direction from where the voice came. You looked at the person with horrorful expression. There stood Jungkook with an evil grin plastered on his face.

He smiled wickedly and walked towards you.

"Surprise aren't we. Well, let me just make it clear for you all. Yes, I was sterile, but that didn't mean I was defected for the rest of my life. When I came to America, you know I went to the doctor and what he said made me even more happier. It was just that my Sperms were really weak, which couldn't fertile an egg, so I did an operation and now I'm perfectly fine. So, yeah baby, that child in your womb is mine and so, are you." He said while chuckling

He grabbed you from your hair and pulled you towards him. Jimin glared at him and tried to save you but his men stop him to do so. J-hope, Yoongi, Bambam and Yugyeom were also there and were helping Jungkook. Obviously they will help him, after all he's their Boss. Yugyeom and Bambam Also grabbed Taehyung and Namjoon.

Jungkook's grip was really tight around your hairs, it felt like as your scalp will come out. Jungkook glared at you.

"Didn't anybody taught you that curiosity kills the cat, love." He roared at your face.

"Leave her Jungkook, she's pregnant. Atleast think about the baby." shouted Taehyung. Jungkook looked at him being totally astonished.

"I never knew you had a tongue too, brother." He said while smirking. Taeyung scoffed and looked away. You was totally confused that why did he called him his brother. As much you knew he didn't had any brother.

"Huh, I never thought that my own brother will go against me. What's wrong huh ?? Did you also fell for her." Jungkook said shamelessly. Taehyung glared at him.

"Correction, Step-brother, And Yeah I did fell for her but like a brother. She's just like my sister and I'll do anything for her happiness." Jungkook fake gasped looking at him.

"This much love in just some days, wow I'm impressed." He said while tightening his grip aroung your hairs.

"Ahhh." You cried when you felt that your scalps are gonna come out, but he left you in the right time and grabbed your shoulders and again pulled you towards him, Now your back was facing his front. He leaned to your shoulder and kept his head on it.

"So, what should I do with them, love. Don't you think you deserve a punishment, but I can't hurt you know why ?? Because I love you so much. But they will be punished." he pecked your lips and handled you to J-hope and Yoongi. They grabbed your both the arms as you kept struggling to get away from his grip.

"Now, now what should I do with you three Hmmm?" Jungkook kept his index finger on his chin and started thinking, he then dramatically smiled and snapped his finger. One of his man came with a baseball bat in his hands, and then handled it to him. Your eyed wide opened thinking about the possibilities.

"Noooooo please don't do this, Pl-please stop. Let me go. " you cried to get away from their grip, but they were holding you really tight. Jungkook smirked evily at you and then went towards Jimin. He signaled his man to leave him, making Jimin to fell on the ground weakly.

"Please let him go, he's already weak. Pl-please stop." you cried but it seemed like Jungkook had become deaf. He smirked at Jimin who was now trying to stood up. Jimin was ready to fight with him, but its just his body isn't co-operating with him.

"Awww poor you can't even stand, wait let me help you." With that Jungkook grabbed his arm and jerked him to stand. He then let him stay stood by his own.

"Come on now fight with me." he challenged Jimin. Jimin looked up at him and glared him, with his red bloodshot eyes. Jimin fisted his hand and tried to punch him, but Jungkook was fast enough to dough it. He chuckled with his childish attempts. On the other hand Namjoon and Taehyung were continuously cursing him, to let Jimin go. They were also trying their best to get away from Yugyeom and Bambam's grip but couldn't.

"Please stop. Please let them go, p-punish me. I was the one who did it, Please stop. Nooooooooo" you cried when you saw Jungkook hitting Jimin with the baseball bat. Jimin fell on the ground straight on his face. The impact was too much to handle, but Jungkook didn't stopped and kept on hitting him, making blood to come out of his body. For the last time he hit his head making it bleed badly. Jimin looked at you and smiled, you were crying and was trying really hard to get to him and help him.

"Get away from him, bastard. I fucking hate you, you're a monster. I'll never love you asshole." you angrily cursed Jungkook. Jungkook looked at you with bloodshot eyes. he tilted his head and baam, he hit Jimin's head really hard knocking him down. You were completely socked to see Jimin lying lifelessly on the ground.

No he can't die, not until you're alive. You fell on the ground crying, while looking at Jimin's unconscious body. J-hope and Yoongi, were also shocked to see his cruelity but didn't utter a single words, as they knew him very well, and thus didn't wanted to die this young.

"You fucking bastard. Let me go, I'll make you pay for it." Growled Namjoon, while kicking Yugyeom, which made his grip to loosen. Namjoon ran towards Jungkook ready to hit him, but......


Jungkook shot him on his chest, making him look at him with wide eyes. He started throwing blood from his mouth. Namjoon fell on the ground.

"Nooooooooo oppa." You cried to get away from their grip, but couldn't. Namjoon also closed his eyes, making Jungkook to laugh like a maniac. He then looked at Taehyung.

"Now its your turn my brother." he said tauntingly. He walked towards Taehyung with a knife and stab it on his stomach, making him cry out due to pain.

"Ahhhhh, fucking bastrad, because of your slutty mother, my mom attempted suicide, leaving me all alone. She was the only one who believed in me, saying that I wasn't sterile, but your slutty mother, filled my father's ear saying that I was a curse." Roared Jungkook while stabbing him again and again. Teahyung fell on the ground while clutching his abdomen.

"I'm really so-sorry for my mother. I'm ashamed too to b-be called as her s-son." Taehyung honestly said. Jungkook's mom was an angel, but when she found out that his husband means Jungkook's father married someone else, she couldn't take it and killed herself. After her Death Jungkook was left all alone, with that bitch of a step-mother of his. But Jungkook never hated her, he always loved her like a real son, but as he grew older he understood the real intentions of her. She wanted nothing but money, But Jungkook was also a cunning man, after when his father disowned him saying that he was a curse, he came to America and now he's the most powerful man in the Whole world.

You were sitting on the ground like a lifeless body, you couldn't make out what actually happened here. Suddenly your head started spinning and darkness consumed you....