Chapter 35


You woke up with a jerk. You sat up on the bed, breathing like crazy, sweat breads were falling down from your head. You were totally petrified. Immediately all the events that happened yesterday night came into your head flashing. So, it wasn't a nightmare??

You stood up from the bed and ran towards the door. You started banging on it.

"Open the door. Fucking open it bastard. I'll kill you. H-How dare you hurt my J-Jimin." You were banging on the door like a madwoman, whereas tears kept streaming down your eyes. You were desperate to know whether Jimin, Namjoon and Taehyung are okay or not. You were praying internally that they all were fine, safe and sound.

"Fucking open the door." Now you were being too impatient. You fell on the ground crying. You ruffled your hairs being frustrated. On the other hand Jungkook stood out of the door, keeping his hands inside his pocket.

He knew this that the moment you'll woke up, you will react exactly like this. He sighed, being angry with his act. But he himself didn't knew what exactly happened with him yesterday. He was gone mad. His blood started boiling seeing you with Jimin. He was angry that even after so much you love him, like nothing. What else should he do more to make you fall for him??

Suddenly Eunwoo came towards him and stood beside him, keeping his head low.

"Master, Dr. Harrison is here." He said to which Jungkook nodded his head and turned to leave, He looked at the door for the last time and went downstairs.

He came in the living room and greeted Dr. Harrison.

"Hello Dr. Harrison. I'm praying that I'll receive good news from you." he said while raising his brows. To which Dr. Harrison looked hesitant.

"I'm scared to say this Mr. Jeon, but you're suffering from Bipolar Disorder." he said while looking down. He was hella scared for his life. But Jungkook just stood there keeping his calm and compose posture. But Eunwoo only knew what this means. He was literally shivering standing behind, thinking about the possibilities his mater will do.

Jungkook smirked and walked a step near Dr. Harrison.

"Tell me something that I don't know."

That was the moment when Dr. Harrison and Eunwoo both stood there being froze. He knew. Jungkook was well aware that he was suffering form some kind of disorder, if not then why wouldn't he have any control on his anger. And when Dr. Harrison told him that he was suffering from Bipolar Disorder, his doubt, confirmed.

Jungkook kept his hand on Dr. Harrison's shoulder making him flinch.

"Get out before I kill you." Not even a second was wasted by Dr. Harrison. He ran from there like no tomorrow.

"Prepare breakfast for your mistress, I'll feed her today." With that Jungkook went upstairs straight to his room, where you were crying on the ground. You head was paining like crazy. It felt like it can explode any minute soon. You were getting out of control. It felt like you didn't had any control on your self.

Suddenly the door flung opened revealing Jungkook. You backed away from him a little, But something strike on your head, that why should you be afraid of him now, Its not like there something which is left with you.

"Where Jimin?? Where are they?" you shouted while standing. You were now boiling with anger. You badly wanted to strangle him till death, but there Jungkook only stood being totally calm. He was suppressing his anger, as he didn't wanted to hurt you further.

"They are long gone, away from our lives." You ran towards him and grabbed his collar.

"Bastard I'll kill you. How dare you hurt my Jimin."

Thats it that was the last string of Jungkook's anger. He grabbed your jaw and banged your body to the wall, making you moan in pain. But you still kept glaring at him with your red- bloody eyes. Now you weren't afraid of him. You just wanted one thing and that was to kill him. You wanted to avenge revenge for Jimin, Namjoon and Taehyung.

"My Jimin?? Then what about me huh, what the fuck should I do with your love for Jimin. I too fucking loved you, but what did I got in return only hate. What was my mistake ?? From my childhood I was called as a curse. I was hated for the sins which I never committed. But now I'm the biggest SINNER." He growled, and started laughing like a sadist. His sanity had long gone. Now he was just a maniac. A Psycho.

"Nooo they can't die. You're lying, they can't leave me alone with a monster." You kept on blabbering about them ignoring the things Jungkook said.

He squished your jaw and glared at you.

"You still don't believe me. You don't know, princess. I can do anything possible in this world only for you." He said, making you shiver. Suddenly you both heard knock on the door.

"Come in." Jungkook ordered. He grabbed your arms in a straight grip and dragged you to the table. Eunwoo entered inside and kept the plates. He bowed and then left you alone with the monster. Jungkook forcefully made you sat on his lap. You kept on struggling, but his grip was strong like steel.

He grabbed the spoon and took the rice on it and forwarded it infront of your mouth.

"Eat." He ordered but you were stubborn and disobeyed him by turning your head away from him. He clenched his jaw and grabbed your hairs, arching your back.

"Ahh." you cried, taking it as an chance he filled your mouth with the rice.

"Chew it." He again ordered but you only glared at him and spit the food on his face. He closed his eyes taking your insults. He was trying his best to not get angry with you, but you kept on questioning his patience.

"Fuck off." you cursed him. He wiped his face with the hem of his shirt and looked at you. He put the spoon on the plate and grabbed your jaw.

"Fucking dare to do anything more, and you'll see the best out of my anger. I'm not only tensed for you but also my child that is growing inside you. Now eat." He said calmly.

"Fuck off. Fuck this bastard child of yours. I'll never except this child of yours but of a bastar---" you could even completed you words when a stinging pain flashed on your cheeks. He slapped you. You fell on the floor, while grabbing you cheek. He then held you hairs in a tight grip and looked into you eyes.

"Bastard's child huh, then what about if you were carrying Jimin's child huh, fucking answer me." You smirked.

"Then I would have loved that child as mine because he/she would have been the result of our love, not rape, Which you did. You raped me not once, but many times in the past, and still have the audacity to say that you love me. Fuck you, bitch." You said straight on his face.

Jungkook anger was now taking over him, and he really don't want to hurt you or his child. He glared at you for the last time and left you. He walked of the room, not before locking it. You again fell on the ground crying your heart out.

Jimin is dead, so is Namjoon oppa and Taehyung.

You couldn't process this. How can he die without thinking about you. No its impossible. God can't be this cruel to let you suffer alone. Your heart was paining. Its was longing for love, but can't get. Why it have to happen with you ?? Why you?? Why can't you live a normal live with your Jimin, like other girls ?? Why god had this cruel fate only for you ?? Why??

You ruffled your hairs.

Jimin is dead. Jimin is dead. Jimin is dead.

"Ahhhhhh stop stop. He can't die. Ahhhhhh He can't. Noooo Jimin you can't leave me alone." You screamed when that voice couldn't stop. It kept on chanting that Jimin was dead.

No you can't live without him. You'll have to be with him, no matter what. You immediately stood up and started looking around, for something. Suddenly your eyes caught the balcony. You immediately ran there, and to your luck its wasn't lock. You stood on the brick railing looking down. You closed your eyes, thinking about all the sweet moments you shared with Jimin.

A lone tear escaped from your eyes, and you jumped off the railing.