Chapter 36


Jungkook was so damn angry with the conversation with you. He wasn't mad at you but himself, like literally what he have to do to make you love him. He knows it very well, that a cruel monster like him doesn't deserve love, but he's selfish. And he never let you leave me, never, you're only his, only his possession.

He was standing near the garden when he heard of something falling, he immediately got alert and ran towards the direction from where the sound came. The moment his eyes caught you, he froze. He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. Your body was lying on the ground, lifelessly. You head was bleeding really bad.

He without wasting anymore time ran towards your body, and picked you up in a bridal style.

"Eunwoo, get the car fast." he shouted to which Eunwoo, came running. When his eyes caught your condition he too got shocked. He ran towards the garage and got the car. Jungkook ran with your body to the car and sat inside laying you in his lap. He grabbed his napkin and covered your head which was bleeding. Jungkook started panicking, what if something happened to you, no nothing will happen.

Seeing Jungkook's car all the other car, moved away giving him the area, as they all were scared of him, Obviously he was the Mafia Boss, and thus they have to obey and respect him no matter what. Soon in just 15 minutes he arrived to the hospital, which is also owned by him. He picked your body and ran inside.

Seeing him all the nurses and doctors ran towards him.

"What's wrong master?" Asked one of the doctor, while looking through your body.

"Treat her, FAST." He shouted. Without wasting anymore time. The doctor bowed at him and took you inside the ICU. Jungkook stood out of the room, looking through the mirror. His hands were literally shaking, where your blood was now imprinted. Though he have killed many, but never in his life he felt this much scared to see blood in his hands.

Alone tear left his eyes. His heart was beating like crazy, he was shivering. He was scared. This was the third time when he felt was fear is, The first was when his mother died, and second was when he had to divorce you.

He fell on the floor, crying. Eunwoo looked at his master but let him be like that. He let out all his pain, the pain he have been feeling from ages.

Jungkook can't take a chance of loosing you. You are his everything, then how can he let you die, without him. He was getting frustrated with the thought of you leaving him like this.

After like 2 hours, the operation finished and the doctors came out. Jungkook immediately stood up and ran towards him.

"Ho-how is she?"

"Ummm m-master, we are so-sorry to say that but we couldn't save your ch-child." Jungkook stumbled back hearing this, his child is gone, his child is gone, these words kept chanting in his ears. Now he's no more going to be a father. Today he again lost something precious from his life.

"And ab-about mistress, sh-she is out of danger, but we can't say anything i-in particular as she hit her he-head really hard, which can lead her to amnesia." Jungkook looked at him with wide, eyes, The doctor kept his eyes down, afraid of him. Jungkook was in utter shock, you will forget him, You won't be remembering him.

"I want to see her." he said, while gulping the lump in his throat. The doctor nodded his head and moved away, giving him space to enter inside the room, where your lifeless body was kept.

Jungkook looked at your body, connected with a lot of wires, making his heart clench. he never though that this day can come. He took your hand in his and kissed it, showing his emotion of pain, hurt and fear of loosing you.

"Why did you do that Y/n, why?? I'm I that bad?? I know I did worst with you but leaving me like this was it better? Huh, I-I almost though that I l-lost you. Ou-our baby is gone, he/she is dead I know you hated my child, but killing him/her. Why, why?? Why everyone in my life leaves me, First my emmoa and now you. I'm I that b-bad?? Or I'm really a cu-curse." He cried while looking at you with his teary eyes.

"P-please don't leave me, I-I'll change. I'll become a good man, b-but please don't leave me. I can't handle this pain of being alone an-anymore, Or if you badly want to leave me then fi-first kill me. Its better to di-die like this than by getting killed from your han-hands. But always remember that, I love you Y/n and will always love you till my last breath." He sniffed and bend his head on the bed and started crying even more.

Suddenly you moved your finger and slowly opened you eyes. Jungkook felt you shuffling and immediately looked up. You blinked your eyes for multiple time and caught him looking at you with teary eyes. You knitted you brows and jerked your hand away from him. His heart broke seeing you getting away from him.

"W-Who are you?"

He froze in his spot, what you don't remember who he is??

"I'm Jung-Jungkook, You do-don't remember me." he asked being totally shocked. You shook your head.

"I'm sorry I don't know you." His heart broke into pieces hearing you. You don't remember his, now how will he live.

"Pl-please tell me you're joking, how can you not remember me your monster." he again asked, making you get away from him a little, but in that process you pressurized your head, making it pain.


"Wh-what's wrong?? Are you in pain?" he asked panicking.

"N-no I'm fine it was j-just a minor pain, well where am I and who am I to you?"

"You're in a hospital and you're name is Y/n you're mine wi-wife." you looked at him with wide eyes. Wife ???

"Wif-wife?" he nodded his head, while wiping away his tears.

"But how is this possible, I don't even remember marrying you?"

"Umm Ac-actually you committed sui-suicide du-due to which you hit your head and now is heaving amnesia." he said while lowering his head in shame.

"But why did I committed suicide?"

"Its because o-of me, I'm really sorry Y/n but don't leave me, I will change and try to become a better person, b-but please don't leave me like this." he pleaded while grabbing your hands. You started feeling uncomfortable with his touch.

"I-I'm sorry but how can I believe it that you're mine husband, and what particularly you did which made me to suicide."

He froze in his spot hearing you, how can he say about his deeds, it can harm your health. He don't want you to know all you both dark past. He can't take a chance of loosing you again.

He'll have to come up with a perfect lie........