From that day onward I never really returned to the old room, instead I stay with my mother.

The nymph Eros.

She taught me how to properly speak, walk, and write despite being so sickly, and to my surprise, my young mind and body picked up fast!

Every once in a while those witch maids would come down to bring us food, I don't even want to know what they were doing on the top floor all day but at the same time, I didn't care.

There were 2 maids I liked though! Claudette and Marianne would come down to play with me whenever my mother was too sick to. Always bring me candy and chocolates. They were just generally nice people!

I should remember that...

But regardless of that, I'm trying to remember exactly what happened to Sovvia when she was 5. It's hard since not much focus was on her and rather the main female lead and the male lead. Oh, that's right! The male lead!

What was his name again?

Soven? no.

Sorrel? no, wait.


Ah yes, Sorren, the son of the well-known Duke Victor, a duke who is extremely bothersome always trying to gain the favor of the emperor through his son.

I got up and began knocking my hand on the wall, I may have given up escaping since I was with my mother but at the same time, I didn't want to be stuck in this tower for much longer. I felt as if I was going crazy. No wonder Sovvia was always so agitated and snappy, I would be as well if I was trapped in a tower for the majority of my life but that was beside the point.

I bent down to crawl under the bed my mother was currently resting in.

suddenly my hand brushed against something that felt like a hatch. "What on earth is this?" Shoving myself in further, squinting in the darkness I saw a hatch.

Hesitantly I opened it causing a silent but loud enough creaking noise, luckily Eros hadn't woken up yet due to her sickness withering her more. This may be foolish but I slowly stuck my head in the space, there was a relative amount of room between the hatch and the ground. However, I noticed there were stairs leading downwards along with a ladder to get up to the hatch.

"There's no way I'm surviving a drop like this as a five-year-old..." I whispered hesitantly. I don't want to die again!

I reached towards the ladder to try and grab on, I luckily made it and began climbing down.

The ladder rocked and creaked and I was scared to fall. All of a sudden the ladder tilted back, I felt my heart drop.




Faint sounds of child-like giggles entered my ears hushing me, as I feel warmth kissing against my cheek.

When I finally opened my eyes is realized I had fallen off the ladder but I didn't feel injured in the slightest. Looking to the side I saw the ladder standing perfectly fine.

"Alright, this is strange... there isn't a scratch on me-" That's when I noticed something dart past my peripheral vision, turning to see moving balls of light and once again the sound of giggling.

The realization then hit me "Thank you for saving me! I don't know what I would have done without you guys here" The spirits moved around quickly with joy as I stood up brushed off my dress started to go down the stairs.

When I finally reached the bottom of the staircase there was a big ugly wooden door. "It needs a key to open... I should have known this wouldn't be so easy"

The spirits began making noise again before bolting through the keyhole. Almost immediately the door swung open and a ray of sunlight hit my face instantly.

My bare feet stepped out onto the grass, this place looking absolutely beautiful. Years inside the tower made me appreciate the sunlight.

I spent a good few minutes wandering around just appreciating the sunlight. A thick forest surrounding the tower full of beautiful flowers and creatures are only ever seen in the picture books mother had.

There was even an alluring lake which for some reason I felt extremely drawn to, there was a statue of the goddess irene broken from the thighs down; covered in vines and moss. I tracked closer towards the stary-filled lake, making sure not to fall in.

Slowly my interest in the water faded; no longer catching my eye, but making a mental promise to come back here later. I ventured deeper into what I assumed was a large Forest. That's what I thought before the Forest abruptly ended revealing a giant flower garden with hedges around the sides.

The gate that stood in front of me was paved with gold and what I assumed to be diamonds.

Forcing open the gate with all the strength I had in me. A gust of wind flung the gate open causing me to fall face-first onto the grass.

Silent snickering echoed behind me.

I rolled my eyes.

Standing back up I began to walk through the beautiful flower garden. After walking around for a bit.

Gazing upwards I saw a gorgeous palace, pillars holding up the foundation of the marble patio.

For some reason, I felt an overwhelming sense of dread come upon me so I decided it was time to turn back. I ran back out of the flower garden back to the pond.

Whilst washing my face in the water I felt a gaze on me. Turning to see a young boy around my age pointing a sword directly in my face.

wait a minute.

Raven black hair

Golden eyes

and a gaze like piercing daggers.

Out of pure fear I backup up not realizing how close I was to the water and before I knew it I had fallen back into the deep pond.