When I awoke I felt the warmth of a someone's arms wrapped me as the blurry world came to focus. Just as soon as my vision returned to normal I saw a boy staring back at me, a worried look plastered on his face.
Getting a better look at him I realized that my suspicions were correct!
This was the male lead Sorren
I panicked and tried to throw myself out of his arms, he began wobbling due to my thrashing
"Miss could you please stop doing that! I don't want to drop you" The boy said bashfully.
"I don't care! put me down!" I screamed continuing the thrash about.
The male lead finally gave up and put me down.
An awkward silence ensued
"So many, what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" Sorren asked looking around at the seemingly darkened woods
"I live here."
"Really? I thought only the emperor lived around here? Are you related to him or something?" he said excitedly
"But how come I've never seen you around in the palace, from what I know the emperor only has one daughter."
How annoying
"Come to think of it you look nothing like the emperor, except for your eyes that is. They resemble him almost perfectly, but you look more like a lost kitten than a lion" The boy laughed.
Huffing in irritation stood back up and walked back to the way I thought was home. My ridiculously long hair trailed behind me.
"Hey wait!"
I turned back around to see him holding out his hand
Come to think about it I haven't seen another person in such a long time, my desperation for contact drew me back in despite wanting to avoid this guy as much as possible.
"What is it?" I said sitting back down
"You're very delightful, you know that?" He gleamed causing me to somewhat blush. "Your hair is so nice, I don't think I've ever seen someone with hair that long"
I wasn't sure how to respond to that so I continued the silence. I was never good at talking to people back in my past life, Always stumbling on my words or saying the wrong thing. Unfortunately, it seems those bad tendencies of mine carried on; but just not as badly.
"I forgot to ask, what's your name by the way?"
"It's Sovvia."
"Pretty, mine's Sorren. Strangely, I've never seen someone with your complexion before are you from another land or something?"
"My mother isn't from here really," I said not anticipating the question
"Ah, that explains it. Where is she from?"
I turned my head to his question, indicating I didn't want to answer.
It was pretty uncomfortable to be sitting in wet clothes but for some reason, I stayed with him and we began chatting. I explained that I lived in a tower.
"A tower? Are you like a wizard or something!"
"No, I just.. prefer staying there rather than the castle I guess" Laughing awkwardly
"You're the first lady I've met who would stay in a place like that as a preference"
'Yeah? Because no one in their right mind would want to live in a place like that' I screamed internally
I stood up and he began to follow me
"Why are you following me?" I asked getting more and more annoyed.
I want nothing to do with this man next thing you know he's trying to behead me-!
Turning back around I saw the sweetest face of puppy dog eyes ever. A blush lashed my face. Alright, I can admit no wonder the female lead fell for him so quickly he's kinda cute. kinda.
But even so, the male lead is destined to end up with the female lead
"I was wondering if I could see the tower you live in..."
I sent him a sharp gaze. "Why? What's your intention." I questioned taking a step in his direction.
"Nothing nothing! I swear I won't tell a soul about it!"
I don't know why but at the moment I believed him, Whirling back around to head back towards the tower.
The walk back was silent, well at least it should have been.
"Hey, why aren't you wearing any shoes?"
My face turned wine red as I looked down and realized I wasn't wearing shoes. Huffing I continued walking.
Taking a glance back I realized he was following me around like some sort of lost puppy. Infuriating.
We finally made it back to the pleasantly open space that surrounded the tower.
"Wait this place is real? I had no idea!" Looking in awe
"Yeah... The place has a magic barrier cast over it so it's basically impossible to see unless you cross the barrier."
"Cant barriers only be passed through by people with royal blood and nobles like me? Does that mean you're really the emperor's daughter?"
I froze. What do I say?
Turning around stumbling over my hair, I put my hands on his mouth making a shushing noise. He looked shocked at first and stumbled backward causing us to bother to tumbled over into a bed of flowers.
Looking up at each other we burst out into a fit of laughter.
Flowers decorating our hair
When I came back from outside the maids freaked out and demanded I told them how I got outside, which I refused to do.
From that day on, The male lead would constantly visit me at the same time every day and I would wait for him. He always came back with a different kind of present.
Whether it be a shiny hairpiece and new dress he had gotten just for me. It was nice having someone to play with and talk to.
However one day we were sitting making flower crowns. I hadn't felt well that day, the stuffiness of the tower didn't help one bit. Sorren had just placed one upon my head. "Thank-" Dizziness immediately overtook me and the world turned black in less than an instant. All I could hear was incoherent shouting.