I gripped my father's hand tightly; this would be my first public appearance in Oraylea. What if I messed it up?

What if I humiliated father?

He tightened his hold on my hand in response "Don't fear. None of them can hurt you whilst I'm here."

"You look beautiful"

I turned to him shocked, was that genuinely a compliment? Before I could question it the loud sound of the horn blasted in my ears making me jump.

"Emperor Julius Oraylea and Lady Sovvia Oraylea!" The announcer called out at the giant doors opened

Father continued to hold my hand as we walked down the stairs, all eyes were on us.

I could hear the whispers of the guests, everyone in attendance was related in some way to the 4 families or specially invited.

'who is she?'

'could she be the one the rumours are talking about?'

'You mean the emperor's affair child' Another guest cackled

'shhh don't say things like that! Do you want to lose your head?!'

The whispers continued as we made it across the hall towards the next set of stairs that led up. I scanned my eyes across the hall searching for someone.

'no way she looks nothing like the emperor!'

'but those eyes...'

Father lead me through the crowd up the next set of stairs where two thrones sat. One for the emperor and empress.

Following the emperor's directions, I sat down on the empress's throne

'she sits so casually on the empress's throne?'

'who does she think she is?'

As the party continued several guests came to converse with us, including sorren who complimented my appearance.

The emperor turned to me "Are you alright?"

"Yes im-"

"Your majesty," two people say in unison. My blood instantly ran cold upon seeing who the two were

A boy with blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. A girl with green eyes and brown hair that looked like the richest chocolate.

I looked in shock.

She was truly beautiful. Her hair was perfectly straight with equal bangs. Her emerald eyes illuminated the room.

The dress she wore complimented her already angelic appearance, It had a beautiful floral imprint.

So this was Lucia, she truly was an angel.

I turned to look at the emperor, his face not changing. In fact, he looked slightly confused.

"It's nice to meet you father" The girl smiled

Gasps of onlookers emanated throughout the room followed by many curious whispers

The emperor glared at her "You dare to claim to be my children?" The emperor looks away "I don't recall either of you."

I turned to the boy who looked confused and distraught.

"But I won't deny that you do ring a bell. I feel as though I've seen you somewhere, but we can discuss this another time."

I saw the worry on Lucia's face as it quickly turned to embarrassment.

They looked incredibly flustered.

The two children walked away slowly, stares following them back to the centre of the hall.

The emperor let out a groan that made me jump; he was rubbing his forehead.

"Are you alright father? Did you truly know them?" I needed to figure this out now. If he didn't know them why would he ask if I wanted siblings?

Had he already forgotten?

Julius looked over at me "They seem familiar but whenever I try to remember my head starts to pound..."

I felt a shiver run down my back, snapping my head back to the dining hall. I noticed a mysterious figure dart past one of the pillars.

I got up from the throne.

Something wasn't right, I could feel the restlessness of the spirits as though they were trying to warn me. "Father please excuse me."

The shown figure noticed me following them and began to move quicker

I ran down the stairs to follow the creature.

Just as I was about to leave the hall to the passageway, a hand grabbed my arm.

"Hello! My name is Lucia, I apologize for this! We didn't have time to introduce ourselves to each other earlier" Damn it!

I turned my head to see the figure dart into the corridors where the mysterious force vanished.

"Um, lady Sovvia?" I turned back to the girl who let go of my arm

"I apologize, I was just in a rush..." I put on the nicest smile I could

Lucia stared at me with an oblivious look on her face "Oh yes my name is Lady Sovvia Oraylea! Feel free to call me Sovvia."

"Yes! Yes! It's truly an honor to meet you!" A moment of awkward silence brushed against us.

"If you don't mind, may I ask what your relationship with the emperor is?" Lucia smiled yet her smile wasn't as warm as it was before. But more sinister...

"I'm uh- well" Before I could answer "Sovvia!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me

I saw Kane hurrying over to me, Sorren close behind

"Princess where did you run off to? The emperor was beyond worried so I came to check.." Kane said putting his hand on my shoulders

"I'm sorry Kane! I won't do that again..." I turned towards Lucia whose face had darkened.

"Sovi!" Sorren who has just caught up with Kane yelled

"Sovi?..." I heard a voice behind me whisper

"Oh, Lady Lucia! It's nice to see you again!" Wait a second. These two are meant to be fated lovers right? If I match to make them maybe I won't find myself at the end of a pointed stick...

"Sir Sorren you've already met Lady Sovvia?" Lucia spoke happily

Sorren turned to look at her "Yes! We've known each other since she was five and I was seven!" He gleamed

"Really how did the two of you meet?"

"I found her wandering around the castle grounds! She said she lived in a towe-" I slapped my hands over Sorren's mouth shaking my head.

"A tower you say?" Lucia repeated

"Haha! Sorren loves to make jokes, right Sorren." I elbowed sorren in the side

"Yes, yes!" This wasn't going well.

I need a way out...

"Kane! take me back to father please" I reached out my hands. "Of course princess, anything for you!" He lifted me up into his arms and began to carry me back

I'm sorry Sorren but this is in my best interest to stay far away from you from now on.