I paced back and forward in my room; this was all so confusing. How come her father didn't recognize them?

Wasn't he supposed to be written as a dedicated stalker who instead of talking to his children watched them from afar?

Something was wrong, very wrong. Not to mention that person in the black-cloaked hoodie. They were 100%, not guests, so why...

As I continued to ponder my maids try to calm me down, trying to make small talk about what I'm thinking about too slowly divert my thought away. Suddenly a magic circle began forming next to me.

"Mlady! Watch out!" Claudette yelled and she pushed me out of the way

I coughed as the smoke from the spell entered my lungs, but my distress fell as I saw who it was.

"Yuno!" I yelled, sliding out from under my maids and running towards him. He caught me in his arms "Sorry did I frighten you?"

"Frighten Is an understatement young man, now who are you?!" Marianne yelled pointing her feather duster at Yuno threateningly.

That's right... Most people don't know about Yuno since he hasn't yet had his debut in society as the candidate for the crown prince along with being the official second prince of Atheria...

"Wait Claudette, Marianne please calm down! He's not a threat!"

Unfortunately, the commotion as well as magical energy radiating from the magic circle, and the maid's yelling had alerted more footsteps coming down the corridor.

Kane the knight and loyal right-hand man to my father burst through the door, sword ready to be drawn "Who are you Identify yourself!"

I unwrapped my arms from around Yuno's waist and jumped between the sharp blade and snow-white beauty "Stop! He's a friend of mine... He can use magic." Kane looked hesitant but Marianne lowered her 'weapon'

"Still, that gives him no right to just appear in a lady's room whenever he pleases!"

"I gave him full permission!" I yelled back at Kane "Now I ask of you to lower your weapons this instant!"

With that both Kane and the two soldiers who have followed lowered their weapons.

"Now. Has everyone calmed down?" I ask taking a breath

The room remained silent, only the sound of laboured breaths could be heard. "Alright, I guess introductions are in order!" Yuno stepped out from behind me his eyes gleaming.

"I am Yuno, the second prince of Atheria, I have yet to have my social debut however that is what I initially came here for."

Kane and the knights looked at each other with confusion.

"Second prince of Atheria? You must jest, there's only one prince of Atheria. Now, who are you!" The guard on the right mocked

I stopped firm putting my foot down "He is not lying I can confirm that much, however as royals' business is none of your concern. Please refrain from speaking out of turn again." I glared at the guard whose face now looked panicked.

"Princess..." Kane whispered under his breath, but loud enough to be heard

"Now Yuno. Was there a reason for your sudden visit so soon?" I turned around to see Kane smiling down at me

"Yes! I'm here to speak to Emperor Julius, we had yet to get a response from him so I decided to come to check on what exactly was going on..."

A response for what?




Father sat on the couch; his arm holding up his head, the toga draped down his body, revealing his toned chest.

Wait, what?

Couldn't he have dressed a little more appropriately! I get that he finds imperial garments restraining but still...

"It seems as though, prince Yuno. You have little to no respect for common courtesy to send a message before you arrived." Julius grimaced

"I apologize, your high-"

"Instead you find it proper to appear in the princess's bedroom completely unannounced and cause a stir. This isn't very 'prince-like'."

I turned to look at Yuno who looked completely defeated by that last line. "I apologize your highness it's just I have yet to fully learn formal etiquette."

Father raised an eyebrow at this before his attention drew elsewhere, seeming to start to fully understand the situation.

Sitting up father started Yuno dead in the eyes, Yuno stared back at father with an intense glare.

I let out an audible squeak at the level of tension bubbling up the room.

"Regardless, do you mind informing me what was so important that you showed up here?"

"Ah, yes! My debut will be soon and I will be announced as the official second prince and in the fight for the role of the crown prince." Yuno took in a breath "However when I sent the letter of invitation to Orayleas Imperial family, I received no response..."

The room went quiet for a bit.

"Do you mind stepping out for a minute?" Father turned to look at me.

"But-" The blonde sent a glare my way, as though warning me not to continue this to a fight.

I turned away and made my leave not forgetting to curtsy on my way out.




I waited outside of my father's office, staring up at the chandeliers hanging from the gold and marble plated roof.

instantaneously I saw a familiar black shadow dart past in my Peripheral vision and down the hall. I stood up from my crouching position ready to take chase after the once again spotted creature.

Once again an arm grabbed, as if on que me holding me back from giving chase. "Princess!" I turned to see Yuno smiling down at me.

We walked together towards the gardens where we sat down at the picnic table my and i father would regularly sit at.

The garden maid began pouring our tea, the silent splash of the warm flavour hitting the beautifully decorated cup as well as the sound of rushing water from the river nearby was music to my ears.

Despite the calm scenery and soft blowing winds, my mind couldn't forget about the creature I had seen.

Was it just the trick of the light or was it something else...

"The spirits sure seem flustered today. A bit more than usual..." Yuno pointed out.

I nodded in reply

"I wonder what's wrong with them, they are usually never this agitated." The white-haired boy pondered. Only furthering my worry and suspicions.

"Hey, prince Yuno..."

"What is it, princess?" He smiled at me

I put on the most serious face and tone I could muster.

"Uhm, do you know anything about..." I stopped myself short; flustered

Yuno stared at me confused. "Memory wiping magic?"