The sound of wooden swords collided with each other, the grunts and panting loudly in my ear. This is necessary if I want any chance at the throne. Emperor set up this training session for me and (1st prince).

I'm not sure how but I'm actually holding my own against my instructor for a good few minutes now, I've staggered a lot but all of that mental torture of being trapped in a barren room for ages, with nothing to eat but food laced with poison truly made an im-pression on me. If that makes any sense.

"tsk" I heard Perseus kiss his teeth towards me as he watched from the side-lines muttering how he could do so much better than me.

I turned back to face my instructor who had suddenly disappeared. "Never take your eye of your opponent BOY!" I heard the abhorrent shout from behind me as I turned to block, being shoved back. However, by dumb luck I managed to stay standing despite my terrible form; heart thumping in my chest as if it would.

"Enough of this." I said under my breath.

"Hah?" The instructor stared at me, clearly assumed by my sudden change in demeanour. I charged all the magical energy I could around my body and pinpointed it in my sword. If there's one thing I know, it's how to control the flow of magic around me.

Drawing power from the spirits and elemental beings that surround me, I let go an increased amount of energy at once. All for one final blow. "Ha, what's this now?" The instructor jests at me

Pressing my left foot backwards I catapulted from the ground, it felt as though the world had stopped around me, time moving slowly.

This time. This time I've got you.

To my surprise as the world moved slower the palace instructor turned to me with full speed as though at the speed of light itself blocking my attack. Despite him blocking my attack still managed to make him stagger and fall back. Whilst I was sent flying into a nearby pillar.

"It's a truly impressive feet to be able to knock me over. Be proud of yourself." He smiled at me holding out his hand.

I smacked it away in anger, my white hair falling over my eyes. Slowly I stood up and made my way to the bench where Perseus sat mocking me. "Look at your face, you look like a wounded dog." He laughed. Perseus stood up to be ready to challenge our instructor himself. "Oh yes, I forgot a wounded dog is too much of a compliment for someone like you- I'd say your more of a pathetic mutt!" He cackled getting in a defensive position.

Unfortunately, Perseus' match wasn't going so well as he was knocked over almost at once. But the again that could have been me. I only stood a chance due to the endurance I had built up as well as magical energy.

"This is ridiculous, this must be fraud!" Perseus screeched before storming out of the room.

As I stood up to leave as well, I saw father entering the room with the empress resting by the door frame; Her personal maids in tow.

"Wait a minute, Yuno!" The instructor yelled grabbing my shoulder. I winced back at the pain to which the instructor backed away muttering an apology. As if he really meant it...

"That was quite the amazing amount of magical energy you managed to build up, it was wholly impressive. You should be proud." I stared at him blankly ready to walk off.

"Wait a minute!" He yelled "I'm not interested." I responded blankly

"I'm just saying you should really get training in magical combat. I would teach you but it isn't my specialty, maybe speak to your father about hiring one for you?" He voiced smiling

All in all, it didn't sound like a bad idea at all but I would rather die than ask that man for a favour. Father maybe stupid for the empress but he's still not someone you should ask favour from. Shaking my head at the taller man I exited the room gripping my already damaged shoulder. I had a bad feeling as I watched the empress stare at me as I left. Turning to see her mutter something to the attendants.

I also noticed father speaking with the instructor and he seemed pretty impressed. Whatever. I continued down the lavish halls of the palace towards my room.

Opening the door, I glanced back. I'm being followed.

My mind flashed back to the empress who stared daggers into my soul as I passed. It doesn't matter they won't find what they are looking for. Especially if they can't see it. I smirked looking at the spirits on the wall guiding me to the book that would be best for my education. I already know the empress has littered this room with fake knockoffs to try and throw me off. As well as the maids who tend to my room all have the same mannerisms as the empress.

Luckily regular humans are unable to sense o even see spirits. Then again, there is one person who I've met who seems very attuned with the spirits but she is only half human which explains it.

A smile appears on my face, Sovvia... I wonder where you are now.

A loud bang erupts from my door and the castle medic enters seeming to be in a rush. "Who told you to enter here." I glared, who does he think he is to just burst into a princes room?

"The empress informed me you were injured so I've come to heal you" He pushed up his glasses, sweat dripping as an obvious sign of guilt.

"My arm is fine" I smirk raising it. Th empress is still unaware of my magical abilities and I would like to keep it that way. "May I see it your highness?" He said clearly sceptical, after a second glance as well as touching pushing down on my skin. The healer looks extremely confused before apologising and leaving.

I sit back down ready begin my studies, regrettably thanks to the empress being in charge of education I haven't gotten a tutor which may pose to be an issue. Just as I began to take in the knowledge I was once again disrupted by a knock on the door. "Your highness?" I heard the sound of my personal butler outside of the door. I ignore him and continue revising

I heard a sigh come from the other side of the door "Your highness I am here to remind you that you will be having a dinner with the imperial family as well as..." I began to tune him out.

I knew what they were up to and I clearly wasn't going to get any work done. Closing the book, I used the short distance teleportation spell to exit into the palace gardens. Luckily this spell doesn't require a magic circle considering its a short distance. Finally, some peace and quiet.




"What do you mean him arm was perfectly fine?" The empress gritted her teeth "I saw it with my own two eyes! Do you think this is a joke?" She bellowed.

"No, your glorious empress! I know what you say is true but I'm not sure what else to say!" The healer stuttered clearly terrified

"Listen here. Something suspicious is going on with that boy and I want you to figure out what it is!" She screamed pointing at the maids.

"Now get out!"

The sounds of terrified feet echoed the through the halls followed by a loud door slamming shut. The empress stared into the mirror, her long blonde hair falling out of its bun, she looked dishevelled.