The eye-catching, dark purple colour bar was first on the damage list. And, it was too unbelievable. The moment Zhi Yi glanced over, he almost doubted what he saw.

However, the name of the magician was clearly written on the horizontal bar with the dark purple background: Sen Luo – 46k damage. Looking at this data, the team commander who was used to facing extremely tense, violent environment, could not resist the slight pull at the corner of his lips. His heart was currently more agitated than it would have been if a person were to tell him that he had just won the lottery.

Who said that the magician is nothing apart from their crowd control skill, and only existed to drag down the elite team's DPS output??

Under such blinding figures, the squad leader continued to spit commands and was ready to adapt to any changes that may occur at any time. At the same time, part of his attention went to observe the magician who was moving about energetically on the battlefield.

The more he observed, the more incredible he felt. The magician sitting on the broom seemed to know exactly what will happen in the next second and was always a step ahead. His movements were precisely controlled to the extent that it enabled him to accurately avoid the attack, without even an extra half step.

Therefore, the people around the magician could constantly see a thrilling battle. Except, it was merely shocking because there was not any danger.

For example, when the icicle from the top of the temple fell, it would simply brush past the magician's robe before piercing the ground. When the flame garland activated, the maximum range of the blast just happened to stop right next to the magician's boots.

The person who was experiencing this situation was not only unscathed, he even had spare time to help his teammates.

Just like two teammates who had been inflicted with the 'Twisting Shackles' skill. This skill was also known as the 'connection'. The two people afflicted with the skill needed to be within 5 yards of each other to dispel the curse. If they had still not closed the distance by the fourth second, they would die without a doubt.

This strict time limit undoubtedly required the two people who were 'connected' to have a quick reaction and move towards each other immediately. However, in reality, the battlefield is relatively large and it was necessary to avoid various attacks. This time, the two people who were 'connected' by the BOSS were quite unlucky, as they were extremely far away. Despite both using their movement skills, they could not run to each other.

Originally, one of the thieves was already prepared to lie down and become a corpse. However, at this time, his body suddenly floated up uncontrollably, and in the next second, he was thrown in the direction of the other person by a huge wind.

"Fuck-" The thief landed on the ground very inelegantly. The thief who had always been described as flexible and agile was stunned. Of course, his experience allowed him to quickly recover his image.

Gu Yan who was holding the magic book in his left hand blinked his eyes. He was merely trying to combine the anti-gravity magic with the wind element. In fact, he had no absolute confidence of saving that person…

However, being able to save him was the best outcome.

Can the magician's skills be used like this? The people who noticed this scene had a strange feeling bubbling in their hearts. However, the battle was intense, no matter how surprised they were, they had to temporarily suppress this emotion till the end of the battle.

After finishing off the icicles on the field, Gu Yan took a step to his left to avoid the black water on the ground. He continued reciting a 'magic star bomb' spell towards the BOSS.

Once the magician created an optimal fighting environment for themselves, the damage they could deal was enormous.

His family's Qiuqiu was not controlling that body now, so he did not feel like it was… domestic abuse.

But it still felt a bit strange and awkward. After all, his lover had once used the identity of this Death God.

At this moment, the little cat who was quietly crouching at the entrance of the palace, stared at the magician sitting on the broom, its throat was faintly producing a purring sound.

As the light brain that dominated the entire game world, it knew that the boss was about to enter the second phase. The ground in the hall would collapse and fall, and the people in the field would also fall into another area. There would be a platform – neither big nor small, and the outside was merely the void.

If he continued staying here, he would not be able to see that person anymore.

Thinking of this, the small and round kitten's ears trembled. Abysmal darkness flashed through its eyes.

"Prepare for phase 2." Watching as the BOSS's health was about to hit 70%, Zhi Yi gravely warned.

The first phase was familiar to them, and moreover, the team's configuration this time can be described as a luxury lineup. It was relatively easy to get through this stage. But the second phase was different. Even the members of the Silver Crusaders had only experienced a few seconds at this stage before they were gloriously destroyed by the BOSS.

As soon as the command fell, the health bar displayed on the top of the Death God fell to 70%. This sickle-wielding, handsome man wearing a large black cloak with a grey complexion, stopped his assault on the knight in front of him.

He turned into a virtual image in a flash. When he reappeared once more, his physical body emerged from the reincarnation pool. After that, the God who symbolized death lifted his hand and merged his power with the reincarnation pool.

Crack – Craack –

The seemingly sturdy dark-stone floor of the hall suddenly cracked. Following the sound, every single, standing player who was in the temple felt a tremor. With a loud 'Boom', the ground in the central part of the temple collapsed and fell.

"Why is it that when fighting a BOSS, we still have to bungee, ah ah ah ah-" A scream that could not be considered long followed him all the way down.

Although the team commander had informed them about the collapse of the ground in advance, there was obviously a difference between knowing and experiencing it personally. Like this warrior wearing a suit of armour, wielding a holy shield and a longsword in his hand. Earlier when he was lifting the BOSS, he seemed extremely strong and reliable. But now, the black-haired knight was screaming 'Ao Ao' very excitedly.

Of course, the point of switching the battlefield was not to let the player fall to their deaths. Just before they reached the ground, an invisible airflow would keep them steady.

"Ah, fortunately, I am not afraid of heights." As he said this sentence, the Paladin already stood at the edge of the platform. He was throwing taunting skills at the Death God who seemed to have become even scarier and colder than before.

He was talking as though he had not been the one screaming earlier. Several players who were more familiar with the black-haired knight could not help but twitch their mouth. To save the other person some face, they did not say this in the end.

Falling from a height, although there was the stabilising airflow, most people had very awkward postures after they landed. Of course, there was a person who is an exception…

A pure looking magician was holding a magic book that emitted a faint light through the lines. He was currently sitting on his magic broom, smoothly and steadily. His relaxed gait was really enviable and hateful.

Wasn't it just a flying broom? they-

…they really don't have one.

The flying broom is a special skill for the magician class. With this in mind, the members of the joint dungeoning party silently shifted their sights. In the past, they had felt that this profession's skill was absolutely weak like a chicken, but now, they could only be envious.

But when it comes to DPS, their professions' skills were useful, at least their DPS was definitely much higher than the magician. Thinking of this, the damage dealers in the group also suppressed their envy.

Phase 2 was a completely unfamiliar stage. They had fallen from the temple onto a relatively narrow platform. The outer perimeters of the platform was a dark and distorted void. Anybody could guess what would happen if they were to fall off the platform.

Swallowed by the twisted void, instant death without a doubt.

The killer attacks used by the Death God were more frequent than the first stage, greatly increasing the pressure on the clerics in the team. They had no knowledge of the new mechanism of the second stage. The people of the joint dungeoning party could only learn while fighting, and at this moment, three arcane orbs that were quite fast suddenly appeared on the platform.

"Switch targets." These arcane orbs had health bars. In accordance with the conventional mechanism, Zhi Yi immediately issued a command to stop the damage dealers from attacking the Death God, and to first settle these summoned arcane orbs.

The BOSS chose three players, and the three arcane orbs closed in on these people. The movement speed of these orbs was not slow, but what was more overboard was that their speed was also increasing by the second.

One of the chosen players was a priest, a well-known short-legged profession and she was not able to run for a long time before the arcane orb caught up. Seeing that the orb was about to touch her, Orange Fu's heart was sinking. She didn't know if this orb would explode after hitting her, but she really could not avoid-

This thought had just crossed her heart when Orange Fu looked at the arcane orb in front of her that turned into a…snowball?

She did not understand what happened until she saw the magician sitting on the broom reciting a spell to completely crush the snowball into dust. His voice in the team was extremely clear: "These arcane orbs are weak to control, freeze, stun, and slow skills."

The damage dealers on the team instantly lit up. Can be controlled, this made it much easier. But at the same time, there was an arcane orb that they could not handle. It ultimately hit the player. The orb did not explode upon hitting the person, and there was not even any damage, but it threw its target out of the platform.

The name of the person in the team panel suddenly turned grey, indicating death.

"This fucking…" The silver crow who was tanking a lot of the Death God's killer skills could not resist cursing. This ridiculous skill, at least the arcane orbs were weak to control skills, or else they simply cannot go on.

The platform could be barely regarded as a circular arena. Now they needed to run every ten seconds or so because the black figure holding the sickle would occasionally summon a large expanse of ​​black flames on the platform. It was detrimental to stay inside the black flame for more than three seconds.

This kind of black flame would reduce the health according to the percentage of the target that was burned by it, 35% per second. Even if their health bar was extremely thick, staying in it for three seconds would automatically turn them into a corpse.

How big was the area? If the platform was divided into four equal parts, then it would cover three-quarters of the entire platform. The position of these black flames was calculated. If it was random, there was a possibility that no team would ever obtain the first kill of the Death God.

But this was the first kill. No matter how amazing the commander of the regiment was, there was no way he would know these mechanisms. Therefore, when the Death God summoned the black flames, many names on the team panel would turn grey.

The BOSS would usually have three new skills after each stage. Till now, they had experienced two. The remaining survivors clenched their teeth. They had to at least bring out the third skill to be tested.

Softly chanting the spell of the magic star bomb, Gu Yan reached the 9 o'clock position of the platform in advance. He knew that this would be the safe area for the next black flames summoning.

In fact, obtaining the first kill of the BOSS, this kind of thing, Gu Yan really did not need his lover to help him, because he is a huge walking cheat.

Although the mechanism in the game was determined by the light brain, when traced back to its source, these ridiculous settings and various pits were actually written by this author.

With his complete understanding of all the mechanisms, if he was not a cheat, then what was he? Only, this was the first run and he could not say what he knew. He had to wait until the party has been destroyed at least once.

He was also aware of the third skill of Death in the second phase. Simply put, three players, besides the tank, would be randomly thrown into another dimension. In this space, the three players would have to clean up all the mobs inside, and then defeat the Death God's shadow clone in order to come out of this space.

Now there were not many people left alive in the team, and they were still in a state of critical health. Only one cleric remained and it was insufficient to maintain the health of the surviving players.

The black-robed Death God ruthlessly reaped the life of the surviving player. A short burst of scarlet light abruptly flashed in the darkness. At the same time, a portal appeared in the center of the portal.

Unsurprisingly, Gu Yan felt a suction force and did not resist because he knew that resistance was futile for this skill. There were only seven people left in the team, one of which was the tank, which meant, he had a fifty-fifty chance to be chosen. It was not surprising to be chosen.

There were roughly four seconds between being selected and being sent into the other dimension. Normally, these four seconds would be used to fill up the blood of these three selected players.

Ensuring that the three players to be sent into the dimension had full health was necessary to increase their survival rate in the space. After all, the person chosen may not necessarily have healing skills.

The three people who had been sent to this space were all in critical health, barely killing the mobs in the space. There were only two people left in the space.

One was Gu Yan and the other was the female gnome thief.

The shadow clone of the Death God gradually formed after clearing away the mobs and the wide black cloak held a kind of mysterious attraction to the other person. The handsome man with a greyish complexion moved, the black sickle in his hand was ruthless, reaping the life of the remaining thief.

When the gnome thief fell, Gu Yan had just finished chanting the spell for a magic star bomb skill. Of course, he didn't have the thought of ​​being able to beat the shadow clone of the Death God alone, because it was impossible. Just deal more damage. This was always a common habit of players; to deal more damage even in the last second before death.

But when this magical star bomb touched the shadow clone of the Death God, the black figure suddenly glanced at him. His black eyes reflected his figure and Gu Yan's eyes could not help but twitch.

He had a feeling…

But he could not think about it anymore, because his feelings became reality in the next second. He was hugged from behind by the black figure that had teleported over. Feeling the other person's low body temperature, Gu Yan's eyelids were jumping.

There seems to be a problem with the plot?