It wasn't Gu Yan's first time experiencing this kind of ice cold feeling that showed no signs of life. When he had first used summoning magic to summon the other person to him, his hand had also moved towards the other person… Oh wait, it should be towards the other person sickle and he even touched it a few times.

When Gu Yan had accidentally touched his fingers, he instantly felt this kind of pure, chilling cold.

But there were several differences between now and then. This time, he was being wrapped in the other's embrace. The cold aura now completely enveloped his body, and Gu Yan felt as if he had been shoved into a freezer.

His body involuntarily shivered from the cold.

The heart of the god that symbolizes darkness and death had, during a massacre, gone as cold as his body's temperature; Ice-cold to the point of unfeeling.

But this handsome Death God was currently, carefully hugging the magician who had mercilessly attacked him with a Magic Star bomb, eyes drooping slightly.

Sensing the body within its embrace shivering, a hint of light surfaced within the Death God's pitch black eyes. He lightly pressed his thin pursed lips onto the youth's earlobes, already in the process of pulling back his body's chilling aura.

From a freezer to a regular air-conditioned room, Gu Yan felt more comfortable than before. In the meantime, he was thinking about an extremely grave matter.

Accidentally domestically abused my family's lover, what to do—??

Gu Yan could ascertain that, before he had entered this bitplane space, his family's Qiuqiu was definitely not in control of the Death God's body, but just now…

He had actually solidly landed a Magic Star Bomb on his lover's body. Thinking of this point, the corner of Gu Yan's eyes uncontrollably twitched, his expression complicated.

He realised that the moment the other had taken control of the Death God's body was when he had looked over. However, he had already finished chanting the incantation at that time. The Magic Star Cannon landing on the other's form had also caused a distinct chain of numerical damage to surface.

"Does it hurt?" Gu Yan turned himself around. Having remembered the position where the Magic Star Cannon had landed, he reached a hand out to probe at the position of the black-robed Death God's wrist.

Players had all lowered their pain sensitivity in game, to the point where no matter how much they were beaten up, they still wouldn't feel anything. Meanwhile, Gu Yan didn't know whether his family's lover had lowered that setting when he was controlling the BOSS's form

Being asked that, the godly handsome face lowered even further. He had noticed that when the youth asked the question, his gaze held concern mixed with guilt.

The master of the Underworld region could finally feel the body warmth that belonged to humans when his wrist was touched by the youth, separated by his clothes.

"Not too painful." The Death God's originally pitch black eyes were now distinctly reflecting the youth's figure in front of him. Putting away his terrifying sickle overflowing with a deathly aura, the god in control of the Underworld chose to answer in a sly manner.

Neither confirming nor denying, compared to these two, the answer 'not too painful' would be even more likely to cause someone to feel guilty. This way, the youth before him would care for him some more out of guilt.

The feelings module in the light brain was a new function. Compared to the completely matured yet still constantly updating system module of his, his feelings module was still relatively lacking behind. However, this kind of 'lacking behind' was only his own opinion. Reality proved that, in terms of capturing a person's heart, even professional psychologists might not be able to beat Asa.

As expected, this answer caused Gu Yan to frown. Currently, the attractive Death God was quietly standing before him. His secretive black cloak's sleeve was slightly wider and longer, just happening to completely cover the wrist. The exposed fingers were long and distinct. Even though his skin color was pale grey, this pair of hands were still nice to look at as usual.

Adding on to the other's droopy expression as he looked over silently, there would probably be no one who would think that this pair of good-looking hands were previously wielding a horrifying weapon. They also wouldn't think of how the other person would have a cold unfeeling attitude when he was using this weapon to slaughter.

The god that symbolizes death was now docile and standing quietly, his head lowered to lightly kiss the side of the youth's neck, like a wild cat that was willingly offering itself to be tamed.

"… It's red." Pulling up his sleeve slightly, Gu Yan's face was conflicted as he stared at the conspicuous patch of red on the pale grey skin. He stayed silent as he lightly rubbed at the area with the pad of his fingers for a while, wanting to rub the patch of redness away.

However, after rubbing for a while, probably because of the color of his skin, the colour was still extremely eye-catching. This made Gu Yan's expression even more complicated and conflicted.

Accidentally abused his family's lover, plus it seems to have been quite harsh, what to do—?!

Seeing the youth's change in expression, the hint of light in the Death God's black eyes became even brighter, but he lowered his head even more to hide his gaze. Following that, he very naturally kissed the side of the youth's neck again, "Kiss me."

Gu Yan: …


He was momentarily stunned, not expecting such a request, Gu Yan was momentarily unable to react. When he was finally able to react to it, Gu Yan took another look at the conspicuous red mark that hadn't dissipated on the other's wrist and felt that he must not reject this tiny request from his family's lover.

The god that held control of the Underworld was similar to the Abyss Demon King in that both their appearances were very handsome, but the two faces held no similarity at all. The former was filled with cold aura, while the latter was filled with demonic beauty.

Despite knowing that they were both his family's lover, to do intimate things with two people who looked completely different felt strange nonetheless.

A warm and soft feeling came in contact with the corner of his mouth and held there for a moment. The Death God closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of being kissed by the youth on his own initiative.

The natural and proper thing to do was to take the chance to kiss him back. The players that had died in this space had already been thrown outside of the transmission zone, which also meant that they were thrown back onto the platform. Therefore, they were only the two of them remaining in this whole area.

Once again, there was a surge of irresistible pleasure merely from being touched. Gu Yan who was being kissed on the side of his neck suddenly stopped breathing, knowing that his family's lover was definitely adjusting something in secret again. His body that was being kissed and lapped at went soft, but this time, before this person could continue onto his next step, Gu Yan resolutely hugged him to obstruct his movements.

"Not now." Gu Yan's voice when he was speaking was somewhat unstable. The numbing pleasure that had seeped into his bones and was swimming around his limbs already made standing difficult for him. He was completely reliant on the cold black form hugging him tightly to himself.

The last name, other than his, that was still lit on the party members list finally darkened then. Of course Gu Yan still remembered that he was in a dungeon. The light brain didn't have any feelings of embarrassment. If he was not stopped, Gu Yan could confirm with a 100% likelihood that his family's lover would push him down right here in this map and do things that would cause him to lose his morals.

The God that symbolized death currently held none of the terrifying coldness it had when it was slaughtering. Having heard what the youth had said, he was also not unwilling to comply, but he kissed the side of the youth's neck once again, before he answered with a low voice, "Okay."

Having predicted that he would be rejected earlier on and that the youth would say 'not now', Asa could be considered to have achieved his goal. From another perspective, 'not now' could be understood as doing it afterwards. This was how Asa understood it.

"You need to kill me. Only then, the party will be fully exterminated." Gu Yan helplessly looked at the black-robed Death God in front of him who had no intentions of moving against him. If he didn't die, it wouldn't be considered as a party extermination. This way, the boss would not refresh, and his revived party members wouldn't be able to enter the palace hall.

However, the rules of the game world were all set by the light brain. The highest being in control of the entire virtual world was now in the palace hall, overtly violating the rules that he had set himself.

He rejected the youth's statement and forcefully darkened the name of the magician within the party members list as well. He then waited till the time was almost right too, and he lit up the name again. Afterwards, he sent the youth above the palace hall.

Presently, the revived team members had also just happened to be sent there at the same time. Gu Yan who had successfully met up with his party members was silent. This technique of his family's Qiuqiu could be said to be very naturally cheating…

Since the whole party had been exterminated, this meant that they had to start all over again from the top. The palace hall had also regained its original look, the black figure with a full health bar was once again standing by the side of the Pool of Reincarnation.

"Meow." As the party members were stacking each other with buffs, the kitten that had eaten attribute raising food, which was originally lying prone by the entrance of the Palace Hall entrance, now moved towards the youth's side again, before flopping on the youth's legs and purring loudly.

After waiting for every party member to finish buffing themselves, this little round ball of fluff lapped at the youth's fingers, before it very conscientiously moved away from the youth's legs and returned to flop quietly by its original position beside the entrance.

Lightly swaying its tail, this kitten with horns on its head squinted its deep purple eyes.

It had the patience to wait… to wait for this party to successfully complete the dungeon. After that, it could do whatever it wished to do.

To shorten this waiting period, it could even cheat at opportune moments, without allowing anyone to detect it. This was not a difficult matter, he would simply pick a suitable person when the MVP results for technical ability were out.

For example, for the 'connection' skills, all he had to do was pick the two nearest people, and let the arcane orbs chase after the classes with high movement. Cheating without a trace; Like this, this party of people would only think that their luck was good.

The party had finally finished stacking the various kinds of buffs, but they did not immediately proceed with the second round. In fact, they listened to the summary of analysis of the BOSS' skills during the second phase, including… regarding the problem of their DPS's rotation.

It basically meant the rotation of their attack targets. Whether a damage dealer rotated in time, it could be seen from their output data.

The damage dealers of a professional dungeoning party would not aim for beautiful damage output results, but to do well at what they should be doing. But since the commander already mentioned the problem in rotation, in addition to the fact that this was just before they started their second round, people would naturally have some comparison amongst themselves. The damage dealers within the party opened up the board for the party's total output stats.

… After which they were all simultaneously shocked stupid.

Looking at the name of the player with the highest total damage output, the blindingly bright 47k dps, together with the blindingly bright back of the deep purple figure, all the DPS players in the party suddenly fell into a state of silence.

Were the magicians that they had seen before and this magician of their party really playing the same profession??