The God that watched over Death, Ruler of the Underworld; Beneath those deep black robes, his physical body did not have the warmth of a living being. It was cold as ice. Having learnt from his previous experience, when he hugged the youth's warm body this time, he carefully restrained his own aura and used his power to falsify a bit of body temperature for himself.

Even so, his body was still very much lacking in warmth.

"In the future, don't casually control the bodies of the BOSS in the dungeons. If you really have to, remember to lower the pain sensitivity," Turning his back to him, Gu Yan rubbed the wrist area of the black-robed Death God.

Only after pulling the other's long and wide sleeves up a little and seeing that the grey skin was finally free of red marks, Gu Yan, at last, felt relieved.

If his lover was always controlling the bodies of the BOSSES in the dungeon, wouldn't his daily routine in the future have a high chance of becoming just…

Eating, sleeping, and abusing his family's Qiuqiu?

Thinking of this point, Gu Yan suddenly lowered his eyes and raised his hand to pat the head of the black-robed Death God before him.

Unlike his elegant and handsome face, which was rather cold, the dark hair of the Underworld BOSS was unexpectedly soft and pliant. It felt very good to touch and stroking it was like touching the highest quality of silk.

The Death God's eyes which were originally dull and pitch-black, now clearly reflected the appearance of the youth in front of him. Towards the youth's demand, he nodded and agreed in a low voice.

He was only agreeing to the latter half of the request.

Bringing the youth and sending him back up to the Palace Hall, the Master of the Underworld easily restored the destroyed temple back to its original appearance. Now, no trace of any previous damage could be found.

"I want to bring Ah Yan to visit the Inner City of the underworld." After finishing up the restoration of the Palace, the BOSS of the Netherworld narrowed his eyes and told him softly.

"Inner city?" The unfamiliar words caused Gu Yan to blank, and he couldn't help but ask.

This was a place that even he, the author, did not know about. Going through his memory, Gu Yan really could not think of any information pertaining to this 'Inner City' of the underworld.

"En." The Death God nodded. His handsome face, usually stone-cold was exceptionally soft and gentle towards the youth.

The Netherworld dungeon that players entered was merely the outermost area of the underworld, and the inner city was one of the places created by the highest existence that dominated the entire virtual world. Players had no way of entering.

Gu Yan did not think too much and quickly agreed. But before that, he looked towards the entrance of the temple and saw that it was empty.

"They are only 'bodies' made of data. They can be easily added or deleted. Ah Yan, you don't need to mind them." Realizing that the youth was still worried about his previous body, Asa lowered his head and explained

In this virtual world made up of data, he was no different from the God that created this world.

The inner and outer regions of the Netherworld were separated by a void. After being teleported into the inner city, a gloomy and silent palace stood before Gu Yan. The surrounding illumination came from the floating soul lights, and all that could be seen around them were '???' names displayed in red.

The terrifying undead creatures that appeared in the courtyard of the palace were different from those of the outer region. Although they had greyish-white skin and freezing body temperatures, their appearance resembled mostly that of a human's.

"God…?" In the face of the two figures that had suddenly appeared, all the undead in the courtyard ceased their movements. Apart from the familiar pressure bearing down on them, they also felt the warm breath of a living human.

Their king had brought back a living human being, and was even holding him in a rather intimate position—

Gu Yan quickly discovered that the NPCs here had relatively similar mental capabilities as normal people.

Originally, these undead creatures were in a red state of hostility towards him. Taking another look, they were now a neutral yellow. This meant that they would not actively attack him.

Not given any time to react, Gu Yan only felt something cool and soft brush against the ring finger of his left hand. By the time he moved his line of sight down, the Death God next to him had already slipped a signet ring on his finger.

At the same time, the titles above the NPCs' names changed from yellow (Neutral) to green (Friends).

The undead in the courtyard had gone through a myriad of expressions over this short period of time. In the end, they bowed their heads to the human, showing the highest level of courtesy.

The cold-faced Underworld BOSS appeared to be quite satisfied with the reaction of his subordinates and gave an almost unnoticeable nod. In the next second, these high-ranking souls felt the powerful pressure on them gradually vanish. When they raised their heads, the dark figure who had made the air freeze was gone along with the human's breath that subsequently faded away.

The high-ranking souls in the courtyard looked at each other in dismay. They could see the stunned and baffled expressions on each other's faces.

Their king had proposed marriage to one of the human race, and though he hadn't given that person a chance to decline. He had even put the ruler's ring onto that human. This was equivalent to announcing that the human was now the second Lord of the Underworld.

"What is the relationship between this human and the Abyss Demon King?" An alluring female demon asked, her brow twisted. She was originally intending to drink some fine wine, but now the mood was gone.

They could disregard their lord falling for a living being. As long as their lord was happy, it was fine. However, the mark on that human's neck seemed to suggest that he had some vague relation with the Abyss Demon King.

Unable to answer this question, the undead knight who had been preparing to make a toast with the former raised his glass and sipped a mouthful, shrugging his shoulders. "At worst, if we come to blows with those demons of the Abyss, we are already dead anyway. If we rely on the reincarnation pool, we can respawn again but the demons cannot."

These subordinates, for their superior, worried their hearts to the point of breaking while the black-haired god brought the only living human in the underworld to his shrine.

The Death God's shrine would definitely not have the appearance of tranquillity and holiness. There was no golden illumination from the sunlight, nor holy knights in stately armour guarding it in formation. This whole shrine was chilling, ice-cold and silent.

Gu Yan lifted his left hand and examined the signet ring on his ring finger. It was the same material as the black crystal box that he had touched before, and he could see the item information—

Alexis Birthstone; the BOSS of the Underworld's signet ring.

Now understanding the thoughts of his subordinates, when the Death God bowed his head to look at the ring, he said slowly, "It's not a marriage proposal."

When the youth turned to look at him, a glimmer appeared in the Death God's dull, pitch-black eyes. His eyes half-lidded, the cold, handsome face became gentle, yet after kissing the youth's earlobe, the words that he said couldn't be related to 'gentle' in any sense, "Ah Yan, you have always been mine."

"We were already married, now I've added a ring." Tucking his jaw into the youth's shoulder, the BOSS of the Underworld narrowed his eyes slightly. Like an extremely dangerous large cat that had become docile, from time to time, he would rub his forehead against the body of the person he liked, demanding attention.

With this feeling of being stuck with a large, clingy cat, Gu Yan raised his hand to stroke the head full of soft black hair, nodding thoughtlessly.

There was nothing to argue about in the first place, they had already done the most intimate things who knows how many times, marriage was merely…

The other had indeed proposed to him earlier on and he had also agreed, in the first world at the very beginning. To call them 'already married' was really not wrong.

If nodding a little could really make the other so happy, then Gu Yan was very willing to do these sorts of things.

"There is also a reincarnation pool here…?" Observing and walking into the deepest recesses of the shrine, Gu Yan was surrounded by huge runestones and once again saw a secluded pool that emitted a dark glow.

The Death God's power was connected to this pool of reincarnation. During the third stage of the boss battle, this point had also been revealed. As the creator, the possibility of there being two pools of reincarnation had completely slipped Gu Yan's mind.

Having been asked this question, the black-haired god quickly blinked his pitch-black eyes, his pupils dilating. His exterior and voice remained unaffected, and he gave a low 'En'.

"Does Ah Yan want to go in and look?" The low, icy voice talked unhurriedly, the owner of the voice narrowing his eyes at the youth in front of him.

Gu Yan blanked, why didn't he know that there was something else under the pool of reincarnation…

Gu Yan nodded his head. Since they'd already come here anyway, it would be a waste to leave without looking. As an author, he was always brimming with curiosity towards new things.

Then, as he anticipated, 'going in and taking a look' consisted of arriving at the space separated from the pool, at the bottom of the pool of reincarnation. Light and shadow intertwined, with countless souls emitting faint blue light and circling around, above. There were so many of them, that it seemed like the space above was practically adorned with a strip of the resplendently incandescent Milky Way.

It was truly such a beautiful sight that Gu Yan couldn't look away, his eyes filled with appreciation.

However, this beautiful scene didn't last long. The shadows in the sky steadily covered up the lights, and gradually the disjoint space darkened.

When a human is deprived of their vision, their sense of touch would become exceptionally sensitive. In the darkness, Gu Yan clearly felt himself being enveloped by a cold body, and something cool and soft gently brushed against his neck.

"Is this alright now, Ah Yan?" The low voice that echoed within the dark space was very deep and slow, and the gloominess had not the tiniest effect on the owner of this voice. His dull, pitch-black eyes were fixed on the youth who had a dazed expression as a result of the sudden darkness.

As if he was gazing at his most precious treasure, he was full of deep, unspeakable possessiveness.