In the completely a dark room, a cold body stuck closely against him. The coldness that emanated from the skin under the robes was particular obvious against his own body.

The pitch-black eyes of the Death God were darker than darkness itself. The Death God tightened his grip on the warm body in his arms. After throwing out this question, he bowed his head to nuzzle the pale neck of the man in his embrace.

In this pitch-black environment, it was no different from being visually deprived.

The reason why people feared the dark, was due to the fear of the 'unknown'. No one knows what might suddenly appear from the darkness.

Darkness was frightening due to the imperceptible and unknown factors, which was beyond the visibility of humans. Under such circumstances, familiarity would breed intimacy. This intimacy would be reassuring, making it easy to produce a psychological dependence towards one another.

So, in Gu Yan's case, the one who gave him this sense of familiarity would be the one he was currently leaning on, the one who was nuzzling against his neck.

This inadvertent reliance made Gu Yan lean against the person holding him and it took him several seconds to respond.

The words, 'not now' that Gu Yan said when they were dungeoning, were caught by his lover. Would this count as having dug a pit for himself to jump into...?

Gu Yan understood what the other person wanted to say, but just as he opened his mouth to answer, something cool and soft pressed against his lips.

Carefully, gently… It seemed to be quite cautious, but it also did not allow for the slightest chance of refusal.

In this darkness, Gu Yan could not even see the outline of the person kissing him, nor could he see the other person's action. He was forced to feel all of this, passively.

Looking at the youth in his embrace who had a dazed expression because of the darkness, the Death God narrowed his eyes slightly and gave the youth a gentle peck on his pale lips.

He knew those eyes could not see anything at this moment but that warm body had just leaned on him on its own…

There was no need to hear the answer. The dark-robed Death God pushed his cold tongue into the warm caverns of the human's soft mouth, placing his right palm against the back of the youth's head to prevent him from escaping.

The Death God did not stop his plunder until he heard the heartbeat inside the human's chest increase rapidly, and his breaths became shorter. He retracted his cool tongue and he gently kissed the human trapped in his arms, allowing him to breathe.

There was no need to hear his answer because this person would not refuse him.

He thought so with utter confidence. However, in reality, the Ruler of the Underworld had not given the youth in his arms the opportunity to escape.

"Asa…. Qiuqiu…?" Having been pushed to the ground, Gu Yan was somewhat bewildered as to why the 'ground' was soft, but soon had no energy to ponder over such trivial issues.

The rustling sounds of their clothes rubbing together became even more obvious in the dark and silent space. So loud in this silent space, just like an echo travelling into one's ears.

Without his sight, he had no way of predicting the other person's next actions with his eyes. His adam apple was suddenly licked by a cool tongue, especially the protruding part which was brushed over heavily, causing Gu Yan to hold his breath.

However, the owner of the tongue appeared to not have been satiated. After licking, he even bit at the protruding laryngeal knot. His hands had not been idle either. They methodically stripped the magician's symbolic robe off the youth.

His eyes were unable to see what the Death God was doing, but Gu Yan could feel the other person pull his belt away. A cool hand slipped inside and touched his waist, continuing its journey downwards.

"Don't- hmm… Don't randomly adjust the data." The space was far too quiet. Gu Yan could hear the waver in his voice, it could even be said to be quivering in anticipation.

This sort of pleasure was far too intense compared to what it would have felt in normal situations. Clearly, the other person had barely begun his rapturous assault, but Gu Yan already had the feeling of…almost reaching the heights of ecstasy.

Through the deep darkness, the eyes of the black-robed Death God carefully observed every change in the youth's expression, including the youth's present appearance.

The youth's eyes that could only reflect slices of darkness were not as clear as usual; the expression was a little unsettled, and the corners were slightly red. His whole body could not relax due to the dark environment that made him unable to see. So perturbed, that he had even unconsciously relied on him.

Knowing that the youth could not see, the Death God observed him without restraint. In fact, he really liked the appearance of the youth right now.

Depending on him, belonging to him...entirely possessed by him.

"I did not randomly adjust." A deep voice suddenly sounded in the darkness. The black-robed Death God nibbled the youth's ear as he said this.

Compared to his own body, the body of the youth beneath him was very warm. He could feel the youth's body trembling slightly and knew the reason for this. But during times like these, he would not listen to the youth's requests.

"This will make Ah Yan feel more comfortable." Five times the sensitivity, it was doubled from the previous time. The supreme existence that governed this virtual world accurately observed the physical responses of the youth. He was able to determine that this level of sensitivity would not be unbearable for humans but merely enhance pleasure.

"Mmm—" A low moan that carried a somewhat nasal tone emerged from Gu Yan's throat. Limpid tears flowed from the reddish corners of the dark-haired youth's eyes, trailing down in drops.

Already, he had been deprived of his vision and had his sense of touch become extraordinarily sensitive. Now, his sensitivity was raised once more. When the black-robed Death God touched his skin with his cool hands, he felt a near-destructive pleasure spread rapidly from the parts that were touched.

Pleasure encroached his mind, and the expression in the youth's eyes slackened even more. However, the feeling of his body being penetrated pulled a sliver of sobriety back to him. Although, he actually did not wish for even this small bit of clear-headedness.

Amidst the dark, silent space, the sounds were magnified very distinctly.

"A-Asa…" The action of opening his eyes was futile. No matter how hard he tried, Gu Yan could not see anything. His body softened and his occupied mind could no longer think.

With both his sense of touch and hearing heightened, Gu Yan heard that deep voice reply "En", and in the next second, his body was filled to the brim.

The Underworld's BOSS could look through the darkness and watched the youth part his lips to pant slowly. The slight reddish corners of his eyes were tainted with arousal, and his delicate countenance was extremely beautiful. He liked this sight very much.

But from Gu Yan's perspective, if the person who entered him didn't make a sound, he could only rely on the familiarity of touch to confirm the identity of the other person.

"Qiuqiu…" Extreme numbing pleasure ran along his spine to every inch of his body. Gu Yan did not know whether or not he made any other odd sounds when he opened his mouth, but he was certain that he had definitely spoken these two words.

It's just that these two syllables brought the exact opposite effect than intended.

The frosty and handsome God of Death narrowed his eyes which had been gazing devotedly upon the youth underneath him. Afterwards, what only remained in the sealed off and dim space were the pants and low moans of the youth.

The rapid thrusts were seemingly endless. Unable to tell how much time had passed, Gu Yan merely knew that he was unceasingly invaded and filled again and again by the other person.

These waves of pleasure were inescapable; they piled up until Gu Yan forgot to suppress his own voice, while this voice delighted the supreme being ramming into him, causing him to grow increasingly wilder.

(The river crab crawls by)

With his chest visibly heaving, Gu Yan rested on top of the Death God's cold body, making great efforts to calm his breaths. His vision remained blurred and he still could not ponder over any questions at that moment.

Once his breaths calmed and his eyes gained clarity, Gu Yan felt the other person's inclination to have another round.

Sure enough, he had no intention of finishing so easily. Holding the youth above to sit on him, the Underworld's BOSS once again began his slow but incomparably direct actions.

With a low moan, Gu Yan's current state was basically—having given up any thought of resistance. Knowing that his lover would definitely not stop, he simply closed his eyes and laid on top of him.

However, not long after Gu Yan shut his eyes, he heard a deep, gravelly voice press close to his ear softly murmuring the two words 'Ah Yan'.

This heart-swaying voice belonged to the demon race. At this moment, Gu Yan was yet to react. But the moment his hand was pulled up and placed on a horn on his head, Gu Yan instantly opened in his eyes.

Nevertheless, nothing within the darkness could be seen, just as before. With his mind continually being assaulted by destructive pleasure once again, he could ruminate no longer. Soon, the last glimmer of sobriety in the youth's eyes waned again.

When Gu Yan woke up, he found himself lying on his living room sofa in the real world, covered considerately with a small quilt.

While a player played in holographic games, their bodies would be in a sort of resting state. But to have fainted in the holographic virtual world this way… Gu Yan's eyes twitched just thinking about this.

He had probably been carried out of the game capsule by his lover after fainting. There was a wake-up alarm button outside the game capsule. When pressed, the game capsule would cease operating and open to the outside world.

Just as his tummy grumbled in protest, Gu Yan heard distant footsteps approach.

A handsome face with devilish beauty appeared before his eyes. Those dark purple eyes that were as dark as the abyss lowered to look at him. The owner of those eyes was discernibly in high spirits with slightly raised eyebrows that carried a sense of satisfaction.

Looking at the face with mixed features of the Abyss Demon King, Salos and Death God, Xiunuo, Gu Yan recalled the many moral integrity reducing matters he had done with the other.

"..." Averting his gaze from that face, Gu Yan temporarily could not speak. However, he remembered one particularly important and serious issue.

[00, shield your vision during those times...it isn't suitable for children.]

Less than a second later, 037's voice which carried no emotional fluctuation within it immediately rang inside it's host's brain: [Systems do not have any age.]

Gu Yan went silent: [Then, it isn't suitable for systems.]
