Chapter 7- I Hate The Academy!

Naruto woke up to the sound of a screeching sound, one that sounded like it was from counselor Haruno. Naruto rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes, before going to the bathroom to wash up.

After getting washed up, he went out of his bathroom, and into the kitchen to fix up something good. He ate some eggs and bacon.

Naruto washed his dishes while thinking about his life. The things he has accomplished in such a short amount of time. Then, something hit him like a truck.

Today was the day he was supposed to join the academy.

'Should I just send in a shadow clone?' Naruto thought, but then soonly banished the idea, as he would probably get a good hearing from Danzo and the Hokage.

"Troublesome," Naruto said out loud.

Naruto looked at the clock and saw that he had an hour to pass by, so he decided he would go to Danzo's house and do a little training.


Naruto walked in the front door that was conveniently not locked. He went to the back and saw that the training ground was clear. Naruto decided to do his warmup, which increased since the first time he did it, every exercise was now 300, and the kilometer run was now 20.

It took only 30 minutes, record time too, to get everything done. When Naruto finished his warmup, he went to fill a huge hole with water chakra, which was a lot harder than said, as he had no water source so he had to grab the water molecules from the air and make a huge pool, which took a large bit of concentration.

After training his water affinity, Naruto looked at the sun, and telling by its position, noticed that it was around eight-thirty, which was about the time he should be at the academy. Naruto blew a sigh through his nose. He knew the academy was going to be boring, so he was contemplating sending a shadow clone, and risked the chance of it acting like a clown and ruining his already horrible 'street cred.'

Naruto was interrupted from his thoughts when Danzo walked out of the house and into the training ground.

"What are you still doing here? Shouldn't you be at the academy?" Danzo asked.

"Yeah, I am heading there now, Sensei-Danzo," Naruto said, before heading towards the house.

"Naruto, I want you to relatively hide your abilities. If people know what you could do, they would be at your neck, and nobody wants that, now do we?" Danzo asked.

Naruto shook his head. He realized that Danzo has been getting awfully cold lately, probably because he wants Naruto to be the best him, but a little compliment here and there never hurt anyone.

"Yes, Danzo-sensei," Naruto said, before leaving the vicinity, towards the academy.

Danzo just stood there, completely still, almost as if he were waiting for something to happen.

"Orochimaru, you can come out now," Danzo said.

What came out of the foliage surrounding the training ground was a woman-looking human. She looked pale, with snake-like eyes, and long, black hair.

"So you did notice me, old friend. I was starting to think you lost your touch," Orochimaru said.

Danzo shook his head, "Do you have what I wanted? If not, leave, I can't be seen with you," Danzo replied to the snake-like human.

"Why's that, sensei? And yes, I do have what you want, but do you have what I want?" Orochimaru asked, licking his lips with his snake-like tongue.

"Yes, I have the sharingan, do you have the rest of the cells?" Danzo asked, which sounded like it was getting less patient as the conversation lasted.

"Yes, I have the rest of the cells. Just one question, what are you going to do with the cells? Especially since you have been asking me to get you the cells in small doses. Why the huge change in the number of cells this time? What is the rush?" Orochimaru asked.

"I have someone whose compatibility with the Hashirama cells is very high. I plan on giving him the same ability I have," Danzo said, while also demonstrating, making a plant through his hand.

Orochimaru hummed, "So, you were finally able to do it? You were able to get the Kyuubi container in your palms? Pray tell, how were you able to make that old sensei of mine cooperate?"

"None of your business, now hand over the cells," Danzo ordered.

Orochimaru complied with Danzo's demands, handing over the cells. Danzo gave him three eyes, each having a unique pattern of tomoes in their eyes.

"Pleasure doing business with you, old friend. Sorry I couldn't stay longer, but I have places to be, bodies to take over, you know how it is," Orochimaru said, sinking through the ground as his body turned to mud.

Danzo took the cells with him and went into the house.


Naruto finally arrived at the academy, via body flicker. Another perk that came with learning and mastering your affinities was the fact that you could change the look of your shunshin, his lightning as his second-highest affinity, and water being his highest.

He found his lightning affinity the coolest though when incorporated into his long-distance shunshin.

He watched as the other kids were dropped off by their parents to go to the academy. He watched as people from Hizashi's clan waved off to his school. He noticed a certain someone walk by himself, no parents waving him off. He identified this person as Sasuke, the only survivor of the Uchiha massacre.

'What a tragic event,' Naruto thought. He had gotten to know Itachi a little bit because of Danzo, so he knew that what Itachi did made no sense, as he wasn't crazy, Itachi was a pacifist. So, what he did that fateful day, didn't make any sense, so there had to be something, hell, someone behind the scenes.

Naruto, who didn't realize he was staring for so long, realized that everyone was already going inside and that if he didn't start walking fast, now, he would be left behind and late.

Naruto hastily walked to the chunin desk, who was supposed to give him a paper slip, telling him where his classroom is. Naruto noticed a chunin sitting at a desk, handing papers to the other children.

Naruto walked to the desk and asked for a paper slip.

"Name?" The chunin asked, not looking at the person who asked for a paper slip.

Naruto responded, "The name is Naruto Uzumaki," Naruto said, almost blandly.

The chunin almost spit out the water that she had originally sucked down as she heard Naruto say his name.

She quickly wiped her mouth from the moist feeling, before turning her full attention to Naruto.

As she got a good look at Naruto, she narrowed her eyes and then proceeded to dig through her desk of paper slips.

She, reluctantly, handed over the slip that had his classroom number on it, still staring daggers into Naruto, as if looks could kill.

Naruto took the slip, smugly, knowing that it would get a rise out of the chunin. All the chunin could do was stare daggers into his back as he headed to the classroom he was assigned to.

When Naruto arrived at the classroom, he stalked around the large room. Many familiar clans, but no familiar faces as he wasn't very social, although he did notice Sasuke staring out the window on the corner of the classroom, many of the women were crowding around Sasuke, as if to get to know him.

Naruto smiled at the image, fangirls, although Naruto knew that he wasn't going to get any, especially since he was told that he shouldn't try, he would enjoy Sasuke's pain, as he wasn't too much of a fan of the smug boy.

He was spoiled since day one, although he knew that looks could be deceiving, and he knew that Sasuke had a lot taken away from him, even after the massacre, Sasuke never really had to work for anything, getting it instantly after asking just once.

Naruto noticed different kids from different clans, one from the Hyuuga clan, another from the Nara clan, and one other from the Inuzuka clan.

Naruto knew that he would at least get to understand the Nara as he wasn't a complete idiot, from what he heard, as this particular Nara had a high IQ, and he was also the clan heir. Everyone else is probably immature, and not near ready for what comes in store as a shinobi.

Naruto noticed that the instructor wasn't in the room, so he quickly found a seat, which happened to be at the top, right next to the Hyuuga he noticed earlier.

As he sat, he was greeted with a pink-haired girl barreling into the classroom, a yellow-haired girl coming just right behind her.

"I made it first! That means I get to sit with Sasuke-kun today, Ino pig!" The pink-haired girl yelled at the companion next to her.

"No fair, I was here first!" The yellow-haired girl fired back at the girl, who, now that Naruto paid attention to her, had a huge forehead, it would probably be an insult to the number four if he called it a forehead.

Next, that came in was the instructor, who had a tick mark at the top of his forehead, which was nothing compared to the pink-haired girl's head.

"Can you two please take a seat, before I pick it for you," the instructor said, which made the two girls sprint over to the seats nearest to Sasuke?

Naruto inwardly laughed at the misfortune of Sasuke's situation, he would hate it if it were him.

"Now that everyone is quiet, let's get down to business. This school curriculum will comprise reading, writing, mathematics, science, geography. We will be learning about all of this all week, lunch will be an hour at 12-o-clock. After that, we will be sparring and other practices to form your ninja careers, any questions?" The chunin explained.

After no one said anything he went more in-depth with what he was going to teach this year, but Naruto tuned him out and went into his mindscape.

Naruto spawned out of thin air in a beautiful clearing, grass-covered the entire mindscape, it looked similar to the training ground that Danzo had, although more vegetation covered the field.

There, sitting in the middle of the field was the Kyuubi, with a chain representing his binds to Naruto. He was peacefully sleeping, and if Naruto listened just hard enough, he could hear his little cute snores.

"To think I could say the big, bad Kyuubi could look cute, is something I would have never expected to think of in my entire life," Naruto said, startling the Kyuubi, who looked at Naruto with a surprised expression.

The surprised expression soon faded, turning into an annoyed expression.

"Didn't we agree that you wouldn't wake me up if I were sleeping? And. Hey! Don't laugh at me, mortal!" the Kyuubi yelled at Naruto, who was laughing hysterically at the Kyuubi's misfortune.

"How could I take the big, bad Kyuubi seriously, if he is just like your average person. Hell, if I didn't know that you have killed thousands of people in your life, I would take you even less seriously, which is nigh impossible," Naruto said, which just added to the sheer annoyance the Kyuubi had.

"You know, I sometimes forget why people seem to hate you and your brothers/sisters so much," Naruto stated, which made the Kyuubi's annoyed expression unreadable.

"I mean, if it weren't for how you looked or your size, you probably would be treated like any other normal person. Just comes to show how stupid some humans can be," Naruto said.

Naruto watched as the Kyuubi just sat there, silently.

"So, you haven't told me your name yet, you going to tell me... or-" Naruto was cut off by the Kyuubi suddenly, who seemed to be in a sour mood, which was usual.

"Leave me alone, I am tired," the Kyuubi said.

Those were the last few words he heard before he was flung out of his mindscape, entering back into the conscious realm.


"-I will be showing you the training field which you and your classmates will be training on every day till you graduate," the chunin, which Naruto identified as Iruka, said.

Iruka led the way to the training ground, the kids following him.

As Iruka and the kids finally managed to reach the training ground, he stopped and turned towards his class.

"This is the class training ground I was talking about. You and your classmates will be training all kinds of techniques here, and will be sparring occasionally," Iruka explained, before turning around, his back facing the kids once again, and started walking to one section of the training ground.

Iruka arrived at a training post that looked like this section specialized in training your kunai and shuriken throwing.

"This part of the training ground you will train your throwing, as you'll need this when you become a shinobi. Sometimes, even a kunai can kill a kage," Iruka said before he picked up a kunai and threw it at one of the posts, hitting it in the dead center, earning him a round of applause from the students.

"Now, who wants to demonstrate to the class how to throw a shuriken?" Iruka asked the class.

Naruto watched as Sasuke raised his hand instantly.

"How about you, Sasuke. Here," Iruka said, handing over a shuriken to Sasuke, which he gladly took.

Sasuke took the shuriken and got into a throwing stance. With all the power and precision that Sasuke could muster, he threw the shuriken directly at the post, which hit it, barely missing the center of the post.

"Nice job, Sasuke. It seems you have practices in advance, would anyone else like to try?" Iruka asked the other students, this time, almost all of the students raised their hands, wishing to test their skills in throwing a shuriken, and maybe even impress the class with their skills.

"How about you, Naruto?" Iruka asked.

This brought Naruto's attention to the conscious realm. He looked at the shuriken, and at the post. He remembered Danzo's words clearly in his head.

He sighed through his nose and out of his mouth before nodding and grabbing the shuriken from out of Iruka's hand.

Naruto got into a similar stance as Sasuke and threw it with a lot lessor strength and precision. This time, his shuriken stuck on the second inner ring, which was close to the bull's eye, although not as close as Sasuke's shuriken throw attempt.

"Nice job, Naruto. You almost got the bullseye like Sasuke," Iruka praised him, which in return Naruto nodded at the praise, before quickly grabbing the shuriken he lobbed at the post and handed it back to Iruka.

The rest of the day passed as simple as that. Although, a lot of it was just boring lectures. Naruto was going to send in a shadow clone to the academy as it would just be a waste of time and training. Naruto knew everything from Danzo's teaching.

When Naruto arrived at Danzo's place to train, it was already two-a-clock. Naruto sighed. School sucked.


A/N: yo, what's up! ZiixlZ here, I hope you guys liked this chapter because I enjoyed making it. If you have any critiques for this chapter, please tell me what, it is better for me to get them now, so you guys can start enjoying these chapters a little more.

I have nothing to say so I am going to go, cya.

Word count: 2657 words

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