Chapter 8- summons

Naruto watched as Rock Lee went for a swift leg sweep. It would have caught Naruto, but he was way too experienced with fighting people who were way faster than him, so it didn't phase Naruto one bit.

Rock Lee, who didn't give up on his advancement, threw another kick, this time it was aimed at Naruto's head.

Naruto, who was easily able to perceive the kick and, on top of that, predict the trajectory of the kick, dodged it simply by bending backward, the kick flying past his body. It was obvious who was superior at taijutsu.

Naruto, who wasn't one to let go of opportunities, especially when they were as obvious as this one, grabbed the passing leg before it was able to make its full rotation.

Naruto pinned Rock Lee's leg, who was getting more worried at the predicament that he was in by the second.

"Just tap or I will break it," Naruto said with a smile covering his smile, clearly enjoying the fight he was about to win against Rock Lee.

Naruto remembered how he first met Rock Lee, of course, right after Gai got all fussy and ran away, exclaiming that he would find his own apprentice, that was going to be even stronger than Danzo's and Kakashi's apprentice, aka me.

Naruto came back to real-time, as he felt a tap on his shoulder. Naruto, looking back at the hand, and then the arm, and finally the body, saw that the person who was tapping him was an Anbu, who was almost impatiently tapping on his shoulder.

"What do you want? Can't you see that I am busy in a spar?" Naruto asked rhetorically, almost immediately going back to pinning Lee down to the floor, who had yet to tap out of the hold. Naruto would praise Lee's persistence, almost as much persistence as himself. The only weakness to Lee's persistence was his sensei, the only difference between Naruto and him.

"Sorry, Naruto-san, but this is an emergency. The Hokage has personally asked for your assistance," the Anbu explained, which perked Naruto's ears.

"Okay, humor me. What does the Hokage want?" Naruto asked.

"It is urgent, the Hokage wanted to talk to you now," the Anbu repeated his statement, which annoyed Naruto. He was just having fun, but this anbu just had to come and ruin it.

Naruto sighed through his nose, "Fine!"

The anbu nodded at Naruto's acceptance, and his body flickered out of the vicinity, his chakra presence completely disappearing.

Naruto sighed again before he remembered that he was still pinning Lee. Naruto looked down at Lee and saw that he was knocked unconscious, probably because his body couldn't deal with the pain intake anymore.

Naruto sighed. 'He is fine… right?' Naruto thought and questioned himself. He just shook it off, and sunshined too, like the anbu.


Naruto teleported right in front of the Hokage. This action put all of the anbu in the room on high alert, they jumped out at Naruto, expecting an attack from someone who was going to assassinate the Hokage.

Before one of them could even touch Naruto, he was already on the other side of the room, avoiding the conflict that was going to abrupt if the anbu had caught him.

"You really should keep a leash on them, Hokage-sama," Naruto said, which sounded a little disrespectful, but Naruto was never one for formalities.

"Indeed. Anyways, on to business. I have another mission for you, except this one is more challenging and we don't have too much information on the mission. We also have a shortage of men to send out, so we are sending you in. In caution, this mission is a B-ranked because of said lack of information," Hiruzen explained the details, never taking his eyes off the papers he was signing.

"One other thing before you leave, can you stop sending shadow clones to school. It won't be due if you send them to school. How else will you build a relationship with your peers?" Hiruzen asked Naruto, who was still contemplating what he would bring to the mission.

"What- oh yeah, sure," Naruto quickly dismissed Hiruzen's complaints.

"Can I leave now?" Naruto asked quickly.

Hiruzen just looked up at Naruto before rubbing his nose and dismissing him with a wave of his hand.

Naruto smiled before body flickering out of the office, just leaving Hiruzen behind with his four anbu.

"You know, if it were anybody else, and they did have the intent to kill me, I would have been dead," Hiruzen said, which gained him a few groans from the anbu who had failed to reprimand Naruto.

"I expect you all to be on high alert next time, or you are going to clean all of Konohamaru's draws," Hiruzen said, which gained him more groans from the other anbu members in the room.

Hiruzen pulled out his pipe before igniting it. Let's hope Naruto will come back safe, they didn't have any information on the camp other than its location.


Naruto was running along with the huge trees. These trees were only specific to Konohagakure. Other than that, you wouldn't find these anywhere else. These trees were originally made by Hashriama, who wanted to conceal all of the fire country because it was mostly all just flat land, which wasn't very secretive for shinobi.

Naruto was glad that he was born in Konoha. Everywhere else sucked because the climate, or weather sucked. In Kumo, it was way too cold. In Kiri, there was too much mist everywhere and it was hard to see. In the sand, it was, well… too sandy? In the rock, it was too… Rocky. Konoha, on the other hand, was nigh perfect. It was warm all year round, there was plenty of water and trees, and the place was huge.

Naruto was contempt with where he lived and wouldn't change it for the world.

He abruptly stopped when he noticed the huge camp in front of him. If Naruto was correct, he was told that the camp was normal size, but this was unreal! This place looked similar to two of the normal camps that he usually exterminated.

Not to add to the fact that this place was bordering the land of rivers wasn't good either. He just hoped that there was a patrolling anbu squad near him if something bad happened, and the mission went south.

Naruto sent in ten shadow clones, each using the henge no jutsu to turn into different animals and creatures to blend into the wild and to sneak into the building. While his ten clones were searching inside, he, along with four other clones, were patrolling the camp from the outside, trying to read the patterns.

Naruto waited another two hours to scope out the entire place and to thoroughly read the patterns of the place. He wanted to make sure that this would go as clean as possible, so he had just the idea.

Naruto, forming the hand seal for the henge, morphed into what seemed to be a rat. He snuck into a small crack he had made and met a long hallway. Occasionally, the large hallway would be flanked by both sides with doors, most likely leading to rooms that were meant to sleep. That wasn't Naruto's main focus.

Naruto's main focus was to get past the vault that one of his clones had spotted along the way of spying.

Naruto walked a little further down the hall, took a left and then a right.

Occasionally, Naruto would have to hide in the shadows to avoid getting caught by one of the night watchers who were patrolling around the building. Thankfully, unlike his first time exterminating bandit camp, he didn't get caught.

When Naruto reached the vault, he formed into a spider and crawled through the vault key slot.

What Naruto was met with was surprising, to say the least.

The room was covered in ryo, stacks, and stacks of just ryo. Naruto had hit the jackpot, and he would take up the chance to get all this ryo.

Naruto opened a scroll, which popped out another scroll which read on it, "ryo". Naruto put all the ryo that he collected on missions in here. After a year of straight-up only doing exterminate bandit camps, he had managed to get his own little fortune.

Naruto collected all of the ryo in the scroll and put the ryo scroll back into the original scroll. Next, he saw a bunch of scrolls. A lot of them were just for jutsus for affinities that he didn't have, although it was something that Naruto was definitely not going to pass upon. He took the one scroll that read;


Fire Release: Flame Whirlwind

Description- Fire erupts around the user's body in a spiraling manner which is then launched with his hands towards the target. Once the technique hits the target, the opponent is sent into the air in a spiraling manner and their body burns into ashes.


Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique

Description- The user compresses a large amount of chakra built up inside their body and changes it into a dragon head-shaped fireball. The user then skilfully manipulates that great fire and attacks their opponent. Even outside of the attack range, its power and reliability are stressed. The flames have a high temperature, as they can create an upward movement of air currents which in turn can give rise to thunder clouds. A master of this technique can fire off several flames in succession and anyone caught in the technique could potentially be reduced to ashes.


Earth Release: Ground Shaking Technique

Description- Using this technique, the user sends chakra into the ground to cause the ground to shake. The spot of the ground to affect can be controlled. The magnitude of shaking is rather minor though, only capable of probably slightly unbalancing the opponent. If done while the opponent is not on firm ground, it may cause him/her to fall. This technique is usually used for distraction.


Earth Release: Earth Spear

Description- After forming the needed Snake Hand Seal, Domu will harden the body using the Earth Element. This provides greater defense against attack and will strengthen the arm to increase its striking ability. Like other Doton based jutsu, it is weak against Raiton attacks.


Naruto found many other jutsu like these, each being a different element than the others. He skimmed over the rest of the scrolls, copied each and every other one, and sealed the scroll he copied off of.

It was only after copying ten scrolls and skimming over the rest that a scroll got his attention.

The scroll read the words, 'summoning technique,' Naruto's eyes raised exponentially. A summoning scroll was rare, even rarer was a scroll to be left behind, it looked like it hadn't been opened in, well, ever.

Naruto picked off the scroll from the rest of the scroll. He wiped down the dust and dirt that covered the rest of the words. Now, in all its glory, it read the octopus summoning.

"That's weird… I have never heard of anything like an octopus summoning. Then again, octopuses kind of need water to survive, so no wonder it has never been used. We don't live underwater," Naruto explained to himself, as no one was listening to him, so the only audience was himself. He was going to throw the scroll away, but he was curious about the contents.

It wasn't every day you found a summoning scroll, especially one that wasn't, or rather, hasn't been used. Well, curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

Naruto unfurled the scroll to peer into its contents. Out of all the things that he expected to happen, he wasn't expecting to fall over, unconsciousness taking over his body.


Naruto awoke in a weird place, his surroundings were a lot different, and it wasn't anything like his mindscape. If Naruto had to guess, something about that scroll did something to him.

Naruto was interrupted from his thoughts when he heard a loud snore. He turned around and almost immediately sweatdropped. There, in all his glory, was the Kyuubi, sleeping like the big old furry idiot he was. He was laying on his back, his stomach exposed to the world.

Naruto wanted to yell, to gain the attention of the Kyuubi, but the predicament that he and the Kyuubi were in was just too, I don't know, laughable?

It took a minute, but the Kyuubi finally woke up from his deep slumber.

"What the- Hey! Where am I? What did you do with the mindscape?" The Kyuubi yelled in frustration. Naruto's sweatdropped, he was acting like not even a second ago he was sleeping peacefully, not a care in the world.

"Do you have a personality disorder, or-" Naruto was caught off from the growl of the Kyuubi. Naruto took the hint as to shut up.

"What did you do to the mindscape?" The Kyuubi repeated himself, getting more annoyed by the second.

Naruto hummed, "I honestly don't know. I didn't do anything to the mindscape, I touched a scroll that read an octopus summoning and then-," Naruto was interrupted by the Kyuubi once more.

"Wait, wait, did you say, an octopus summoning? I know you did not just say octopus summoning, right?" The Kyuubi said, which if Naruto wasn't mistaken, sounded a little tipsy, almost… nervous.

"Kyuubi, are you nervous?" Naruto asked.

"Me? Nervous, no~," The Kyuubi tried to reassure Naruto, which was not helping his case, as the more he talked, the more nervous he sounded.

Naruto turned around from the Kyuubi, looking for any clue on where they could be. The place seemed like an ocean, almost. Although, it couldn't be, because he was breathing normally fine.

While Naruto was walking, directionless, the Kyuubi was following him, almost like a lost puppy. He was definitely going to make fun of the Kyuubi after this. Acting almost like a chicken.

While Naruto was walking, he was looking up, too busy thinking about where he could be, that he didn't see that he stepped on something, or rather, someone.

"Who dares bother the great Kraken! Ruler Of All Seas! Ruler Of All Women Squids!" Naruto heard the voice of a thing under him. He looked down to see a huge squid-like creature.

"A Kraken? Ruler of the seas? Never heard of it," Naruto replied to the giant squid, which almost made the squid fall over comically.

"Wha- what do you mean you have never heard of me. I was the one who destroyed the Juubi along with The Sage of Six Paths!" The giant squid yelled out in exasperation.

"The Sage of Six Paths? Isn't that a myth? And even if it was real, that was like, what? One thousand years ago!" Naruto exclaimed, not believing the huge squid's claims one bit.

"One millennium? Are you sure it has been that long since I last talked to someone?" The Kraken questioned Naruto.

Naruto just shook his head yes, almost dumbfounded. Then Naruto remembered something the Kraken said, "Hey, what about the 'Ruler Of All Women Squids,' Are you some perverted squid?" Naruto questioned the squid.

The Kraken laughed at the little boy, "Pervert? No, I am pretty sure you mean the super, duper, ultra pervert! And, wait a minute, Kurama, is that you?" The Kraken asked the huge demon fox that sat right behind Naruto, who seemed to be shaking, his paws over his eyes, almost as if to protect him.

"Wait, so your name is Kurama? Sick name-," Naruto wasn't able to finish his sentence before he turned around and burst out laughing at the pitiful scene that lay unfolding. The Kyuubi or Kurama was quivering in terror to this perverted huge squid.

"Hey, Kurama, what are you doing? And look how big you got! Last time I saw you, you were just yah tall, and the Sage of Six Paths just died!" The Kraken yelled out in excitement. Naruto guessed that after being isolated for millennia, seeing a familiar face would help you a little to cope.

Naruto, who stayed on the ground, held his sides to hold in the laughter because his sides hurt like hell because of the laughter. He watched as the Kraken poked Kurama, or the Kyuubi, as he quivered at the site of the Kraken.

"Kurama, you good?" The Kraken asked curiously at the shivering fur ball. "Why are you shaking so much? What happened, did this little human hurt you? Do I need to teach him a lesson?"

"I didn't mean to eat the squid, I swear! It was just in the way of the humans!" Kurama screamed out at the Kraken who sat there surprised.

Naruto couldn't hold in the laughter any longer and let it all out again, his sides were hurting even more now because of the comedic scene that lay ahead of him.

"What?" The Kraken asked, he was now the one to be wondering what was happening.

After a couple of minutes of Naruto just laughing uncontrollably, he was able to get his laughter under control.

"So, where are we, Ero-Kraken? And, why is Kyuubi-err, I mean Kurama, so scared of you?" Naruto questioned the Kraken, although almost went into another fit of laughter at remembering the scene of the quivering Kurama.

Speaking of Kurama, he was sitting with a straight posture, almost as if not even two minutes ago he was quivering like a coward.

"Well, we are in the squid realm, of course, home of all squid summons," The Kraken said, very dramatically too. He was shaking two of his ten tentacles.

"Then where are the other squids?" Naruto asked, a sweat drop forming at the idiotic behavior of the Kraken.

It was the Kraken's turn to be confused, "You know, I don't really know. I have been lonely ever since. Well, as lonely as a squid could be with the most untalkative master to ever exist," The Kraken said mysteriously.

"Wait, so you do have someone else down here with you? Who and, and where?" Naruto questioned the Kraken.

The Kraken laughed nervously, "Well, about that. Master doesn't like visitors. Especially weak ones,"

Naruto frowned, "How come I can't see him?"

"Well, let's just say he is dreaming; a very great dream," The Kraken said.

Naruto could tell that the Kraken was trying to avoid the situation, so he took the hint and didn't ask him about it again. If the Kraken didn't want him pestering around then he wouldn't.

"So, how do we leave?" Naruto asked the obvious question.

"Easy, you just sign the squid contract, and go through three trials," The Kraken said nonchalantly.

"What?" Naruto half asked-half yelled, which earned him a chuckle from the Kraken.

"I am joking about the trials part, that is something the snake clan would probably make you do, but us, or rather, I don't have enough time to do any trials. Especially after the first person who did the trials," The Kraken said, although the last bit was more of an afterthought and was almost mumbled.

"So, all you have to do is sign this contract," The Kraken laid out his one tentacle out of ten which happened to have a scroll on it. The scroll was unfurled and was completely blank. It had nothing special written on it. It looked like your average scroll.

Naruto looked back at Kurama, who he completely forgot existed during his interaction with this perverted Kraken.

"Should I do it?" Naruto asked Kurama, which surprised the Kraken and Kurama.

"What? Why are you asking me?" Kurama asked Naruto. The boy and he barely knew each other, and he was asking if he should live or die? Why was this boy so… weird. He reminded Kurama about what the Sage of Six Paths told him before he died. Something that Kurama promised to achieve, but after three centuries, lost hope in humanity because of the way they treated him and his siblings.

'Was it true; the prophecy?' Kurama wondered to himself.

Kurama humphed almost like a child, which was nothing like his age, "Fine, go ahead. This annoying Kraken is pretty strong, so he should be of help for us," Kurama reasoned with Naruto, which was enough for Naruto to sign the scroll.

They all just sat there in silence, waiting for Naruto to sign the scroll.

Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "So… How do I sign the scroll,"

This made both the Kraken and Kurama facepalm.

"Just bite your thumb, write your name, and then bite all your fingers and make a hand mark," The Kraken explained, making sure not to miss a step so this idiot human didn't mess something up.

Naruto stopped rubbing his neck sheepishly and bit down on his right-hand fingers. He signed his name down on the scroll, and pressed down on the papers with all of his bloody fingers, making a huge finger imprint on the scroll.

The Kraken smiled, while also grabbing the scroll and folding it up, and handing it over to Naruto.

"I have nowhere to keep this, so you should probably hold it. Just ask Kurama or someone the hand seals the summoning jutsu and summon me or any squid, if there is any, whenever you want. Just make sure, whatever you do, never put in all your chakra to spawn my master. If you do, things won't go well, for anyone, not you, and most definitely not the person you are facing.

Another thing, I noticed is that you aren't that strong, although you do happen to be strong for your age, you still aren't good enough for my standards. Whenever you can drop by at my summoning realm. Time here is slower than in the real world. A month here is just a day in the real world, I think," The Kraken finished speaking, and left it at that. What Naruto felt next was the same feeling he felt when he touched the scroll.

He fell over, consciousness finally taking over his body again.



Yo, ZiixlZ here. I am finally able to upload this chapter. Sorry for the long wait, but school and all. I hope you guys liked this chapter as much as I did making it.

One thing I want to go over is Naruto's personality. If you guys notice, he is a lot more indifferent around humans because he doesn't trust them. He has a high issue of trust issues because of his life. The only people he would probably act funny and normal around are Kakashi, and Kurama. But, this Kraken guy too.

Well, I lied. I have another thing to talk about. His summons. I hope you guys liked it. I wanted a summons that hasn't been explored yet, or rather, one I have never read about yet and this came to mind. There are so many mythical creatures that are a part of the squid and octopus family that I couldn't possibly pass on it. The Kraken is just too cool. I wanted to go with a perverted kind-of Kraken. Being lonely for over a millennia doesn't help his case too. I wanted Naruto to have this perverted figure in his life, other than Jiraiya because he hasn't met him yet. If you guys haven't realized, I made a huge hint on to his "great sage." The Kraken will be his main summons, or the boss summons, for now.

Well, I am going to go now. Hope you liked the chapter and his summons. Next chapter will be a continuation on the mission. Don't think I finished the mission yet. He still has to get out of that bandit camp. Well, see you later, I guess.

ZiixlZ out-

Word count- 4000 words