Chapter 9- Hashirama cells part 1?

Naruto woke up to the sound of banging. He looked over to the sound of the banging and saw that he was still in the vault. He had no time to think before the vault started opening.

Before it opened, Naruto henged into a spider. He didn't have enough time to mask his presence though, so his chakra was obvious. If there was a sensor then he was screwed.

When the vault opened, many people came rushing in. A kunai came soaring into the vault, hitting just right next to him.

Naruto's suspicions were correct, they had a sensor. He was not going to get past this without getting a scratch or two.

Naruto jumped from his position and ran out of the vault. Only one person came chasing him, Naruto assuming it was the sensor of the group. Naruto watched as he called out that the spider was just a henge.

There was no point in keeping the henge anymore, so he got out of his henge form. He ran as fast as he could. Although the mission was to exterminate them all, they were stronger than Naruto anticipated so he would have to attack at a later date.

The man threw a kunai, which lodged itself, deep, into his left arm. Naruto couldn't feel the pain, but what he could feel was the poison stretching from the wound at a rapid pace.

'Kurama! Where are you, I need you to attack the poison as fast as you can. If you don't… I'll have to amputate my arm!' Naruto thought loudly in his head, talking to the Kyuubi through his thoughts.

'I am working on it Naruto! This poison is a lot stronger than it looks. It is spreading fast. We are going to have to do that one thing we swore we wouldn't do until we mastered it to get rid of the poison,' The Kyuubi explained to Naruto, who was running like a madman.

'Fine, just do it fast,' Naruto said in acceptance. A surge of demonic chakra came forth and shrouded around Naruto. Although it was only two tails that formed on Naruto's behind, it should be enough to cancel out the poison.

'Kurama, why does it hurt so bad!' Naruto said quickly.

'I don't know, my chakra should be able to kill the poison, unless…' Kurama started.

'Unless what!' Naruto yelled, slapping another kunai away with one of his two tails.

'Naruto, you were betrayed. The more chakra I put into the wound, the faster it spreads. Someone knows that you are a jinchuriki. They knew you were coming. GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!' Kurama screamed into Naruto's head. Naruto was ratted out, and he would kill the person who ratted him out if his name weren't Naruto Uzumaki.

He smacked down another kunai. Naruto looked ahead of him and was further surprised by the number of people who were cornering him.

'SHIT! Kurama! Who could have ratted me out? The only people who knew were the four anbu, the Hokage, and the… councilmen.'

'Kurama, what should I do?' Naruto was only met with silence. Until.

'Go all out,' those were the words that Kurama mumbled from his mindscape. Naruto almost smiled at those words when he looked back at the event.

Naruto formed the snake hand seal.

"It's worth a try, Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave!" Naruto screamed out, as he spat out a huge wave of water from his mouth. The water came crashing down on the bandits in front of him. The bandit camp was flooded with at least a hundred meters worth of water.

Noticing that an escape route was made, he shunshined out of the building.

Naruto watched as the whole bandit camp was flooded with a large amount of water.

Naruto just sat there in the cold grass, as he watched the destruction of just one of his many jutsu that he was able to perfect. It almost made him cry at the beauty of the jutsu.

This moment would have been perfect if it weren't for the fact that the stinging feeling in his arm was still present. Or the fact that he could feel a presence coming towards him. With his arm, he wouldn't be able to move it, or use it because he overloaded it with Kurama's chakra, which worsened the side effects.

Naruto watched as a man jumped right in front of him, sword in one hand, kunai in another. He watched as he walked up to him.

"Wow, I was told this would be hard, and that I could have died. The man who paid me must have been exaggerating then," the man spoke out.

Naruto just lay there, almost as if he were dead.

"Quiet, are we? Well, it doesn't matter anymore. I'll kill you where you stand- err. Sit," the man said, as he went to stab Naruto. What the man wasn't expecting was to be met with pressure as he went to stab down.

"Wha-what are you doing? Die already!" The man yelled as he went to put more pressure into stabbing Naruto. However, it didn't stab into his head, but rather the left arm of Naruto. The man lifted his sword and watched Naruto's arm sit there, detached from Naruto's body.

The man picked up the lifeless arm and waved at Naruto with it, "Hey there man, can you attach me back?" The man said jokingly. He laughed.

"Well, do you have any more words?" He asked Naruto, who managed to give out a nod through all the pain.

"Okay, so you can talk," the man said to Naruto who was still unresponsive.

Naruto raised his good arm and formed this weird hand seal.

"Kaboom," those were the last words Naruto announced before the man who held the arm of Naruto saw that there was a seal attached to the arm. It read the kanji 'boom'. Before the man could process what happened, the arm exploded, the man's entire top half also exploding with the arm.

The pain completely subdued Naruto, and he fell unconscious again. If he were awake for just a second longer, he would have seen a masked man jump down from the tree he sat in, hold his body, and run along with the trees, carrying Naruto's body bridal style. He ran in the direction of Konoha.


Naruto woke up to the sound of something beeping. His first thought was what had happened, but after a rush of memories, his question was already answered.

Naruto's next question was where he could be, but the beeping sound sounded familiar, so his first guess was the hospital.

'Kurama, you there?' Naruto asked the Kyuubi. After a couple of minutes of no response, he forgoes asking Kurama and looking at his surroundings.

His first guess of being in the hospital was quickly swept away due to the color and texture of the walls he was surrounded by. They weren't white and marble looking, but rather gray and clear, with no outspoken texture. He looked further into the room in which he was hospitalized and saw that there was nothing else except for his heart monitor and a singular door, which probably led out of the room he was in.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door creaking. Who walked in was Danzo, his sensei.

"s-sensei-Danzo? What are you doing here?" Naruto asked Danzo, who had an indifferent expression plastered on his face.

"I am here because you almost died. I had saved you before you died on the cold floor. I took out as much poison as i could and let the nine-tails do the rest of the work for me. Unfortunately, you had lost your left arm in the process. Thankfully, Hiruzen doesn't know, so we could do a transplant, that is if you want to keep your ninja career," Danzo explained, which had Naruto thinking at light speed.

Lose his ninja career? Hiruzen would never, although knowing how soft he was on him, he might just do it. Naruto would do anything to continue his ninja career. He was nothing before Danzo's teaching.

"I-I would do anything to stay a shinobi," Naruto replied to Danzo, who flashed a smirk that Naruto didn't have the fortune to see.

"Who's arm will you be using in the experiment?" Naruto questioned, almost fearfully, at the aspect of losing the only thing he loved, his shinobi career.

"That doesn't matter right now, what matters is that you get this arm and the experiment works so I don't lose my most trusted shinobi and student," Danzo said, grabbing a syringe and plugging it into the cord that was plugged into Naruto's arm.

"What are you going to do with that?" Naruto questioned Danzo, but before he could get the answer, Danzo had already squeezed the liquid out of the syringe and into the cord connected to Naruto's arm.

Danzo had made sure to dose the anesthesia ten times than any normal person could take, as he knew that Naruto had an awful, yet good resistance to the anesthesia.

"Naruto, are you awake?" Danzo questioned Naruto.

When he received no answer for quite some time, he got to work.

He grabbed the jar he had originally been holding, and he grabbed the white… thing. He made sure he attached it to Naruto's little stub carefully, as to not make a mistake, as that would ruin the entire experiment and he would have to start over, which wouldn't have been good.

Before he connected the little white arm, he had cut the burnt little stub with a kunai and attached the white arm to the little stub. He used fire chakra to connect the stub with the white arm and sealed the wound. He made sure that he connected the nerves in the arm with Naruto's nerves.

After the nerves were connected, he checked everything else and saw that everything was okay. His heartbeat was normal, and his body wasn't rejecting the new Hashirama cells, which was good. He wrapped the arm around with bandages, kind of like his arm. He didn't want Hiruzen knowing that he attached a new arm to Naruto. If Hiruzen found out, then not only would he be executed, but Naruto would probably lose his career, which both were neither good for his plans of ascending the Hokage throne.

Normally, he would just plug out Naruto's eyes and give him sharingan eyes as with his chakra reserves, it would make barely any difference, even with the high chakra consumption. However, he didn't want Hiruzen to get suspicious and looked into his experiments on Naruto. Naruto was the best test subject, and with Naruto's determination and prodigy-like learning, he was meant to be the strongest shinobi to ever exist.

With the new cells, he should have a new affinity to earth release and an even stronger affinity to water, which was already on the likes of his first and only sensei, Tobirama. With the cells, Naruto's affinity would be as strong, or even stronger than Tobirama's. Naruto also showed a high affinity to wood release, especially since his experiments before showed that Naruto would have an affinity for wood release, sort of like himself. If Danzo was anyone else, he might have felt giddy inside, maybe even celebrating his success. Naruto was a sort-of, of diamond in the rough.

It was almost tempting to give him a sharingan, but sadly he wouldn't, or at the least, not yet. Danzo was thankful for the man that he paid because if he didn't, none of this would have been possible. He wouldn't have been able to attach the Hashirama cells to Naruto, so Danzo thanked the man who was now in the afterlife.

Now, all Naruto had to do was consume all of Hashirama's chakra, and he would be able to use wood release. With Naruto's increased reserves with the Hashirama cells, he would probably be able to make a thousand clones without breaking a sweat, which is an accomplishment on its own.

Speaking of clones, Danzo got an idea. What if he had Naruto use one hundred clones specifically to get better chakra control, while the rest work on fuinjutsu or get better at wood release? That sounded like a great idea, and with the nine-tails as his healer, Naruto would be the ultimate force to not be reckoned with.

That would all be for plans though, as Hiruzen would force Naruto to stay in the academy whilst he should be a chunin, maybe even a tokubetsu Jonin already.

Danzo could only imagine what a powerhouse Naruto would be when he was in his prime, it almost made him… scared.

That didn't matter now, Naruto would feel in debt to him, would feel as if he owed him. Exactly what he wanted. He smiled a rare smile. He couldn't wait for what the future would hold.

It was an hour later that Naruto finally woke up from his surgery.

"You have finally woken up," Danzo stated the obvious, which Naruto just nodded lazily at. He held his head from the sudden intake of memories. His clone had popped at the academy, which meant that the academy had finally ended.

Speaking of the academy, nothing special had happened except for the fact that Naruto was seen on similar levels to Sasuke, the Uchiha Prince, on some occasions, but people just found that as a fluke. However, that wasn't as important as what was happening right now.

"Was the surgery successful?" Naruto wondered to Danzo out loud, who just shook his head.

"Find out for yourself, go and check out your new arm," Danzo stated, while also waving his hand at the wall, inclining Naruto to punch it.

Naruto lazily flexed his hand while getting up off the bed and headed to the wall that Danzo had waved towards. The wall was still that ugly gray color, he would enjoy wiping that disgusting color from existence.

Naruto pulled back his arm, almost like he was winding up, and threw the punch with as much strength that he could muster. Something unexpected happened when Naruto threw the punch and it dented the wall, completely making a miniature hole into the wall.

"Woah, what kind of arm did you use?" Naruto asked Danzo, Naruto was amazed at the newfound power in his left arm.

Naruto, however, was only met with a strange question.

"Can I trust you?" Danzo asked.

Naruto paused for a second, before answering the peculiar question, "Yeah, of course, you can. You were the one who made me, well, me," Naruto answered.

Danzo flashed a smile, "It is made out of cells from someone who had unbelievable strength, a man renounced as the god of shinobi, a man who trained the second god of shinobi, a man who was feared all around the shinobi world, Hashirama Senju," Danzo finished.

Naruto's eyes widened to huge proportions.

"H-how did you get cells from lord first?" Naruto questioned, although he feared the answer to said question.

"I asked for a favor from an old friend, and here we are," Danzo answered Naruto's question.

"Do you know what this means Naruto?" Danzo asked, almost rhetorically.

"What? What does it mean?" Naruto asked, curiosity taking over his natural reflexes.

"This means you can't tell anyone, for if they find out, they will kill not only me, but you as treason for being a holder of Hashriama's cells," Danzo explained.

Naruto realized just how deep he was in this, and realized that he was in no way able to escape because of how deep.

"Does that mean I will be able to use the infamous wood release?" Naruto asked, although he dreaded the fact that he took another man's cells and fused with them, he was excited, almost happy at the aspect of being able to use the famed wood release.

"In most likely scenarios, yes. But that isn't the only thing you will gain from the cells. You will gain an even higher healing factor, gain an affinity for earth release, an increase into your already large reserves, and an increase in your already high affinity towards water release," Danzo told Naruto, who just sat there quietly.

Naruto was surprised about the last parts, as he almost forgot that Hashirama had an affinity for earth, and had large reserves. But something in Naruto didn't sit well with him. Something that made him feel evil as if he was no better than that he swore against.

Something about stealing cells from a dead man almost felt evil to Naruto.

Naruto knew that one day he would have to cross the line of good and bad, in his eyes, but he never knew, or rather, wanted to know what for. This just felt way too far.

"Well, since I can trust you to keep a secret, I think I might have to tell you about my secret organization, ROOT. In case I die, you must take care of it. So, you will also be learning about ROOT, the operations, and finally, how to take care of it," Danzo finished.

"Are you ready to see it?" Danzo asked Naruto, who was more unsure than he ever was in his life.

"Do you think I am ready?" Naruto asked Danzo as he was twirling his fingers and scratching the back of his head. His legs impatiently banging against the ground repeatedly.

Danzo could tell one thing. He was nervous, extremely at that. Either at disappointing him, or the aspect of being 'evil.'

"If I was unsure, and didn't think you were ready to learn about the organization, I would have never told you," Danzo said, which relieved Naruto of the stress slightly.

A figurative, small weight seemed to have magically lifted off of Naruto's shoulders. Although a lot of weight seemed to remain, it made breathing a lot easier for Naruto. It was the first time in a while that Danzo had praised him, so that was a bonus.

Determination was flaming into Naruto's eyes, the praise being the fan, as it fanned his flames to not disappoint his sensei, Danzo.

Naruto nodded, which Danzo presumed meant that Naruto was ready.

Danzo waved Naruto to follow him, which Naruto kindly obliged. Naruto followed Danzo. After getting past the door, they hurried along the hallway as they passed many other doors and people who wore these strange masks with kanji's on the left side of the mask, reading the word 'ROOT.'

At the end of the large, dark, and creepy hall was one huge singular room. The only thing that was in this room was a desk with papers on top of it. The chair was more like a throne.

"This is where I work, and where you will work when I am dead or incapable of working," Danzo explained. Danzo waited a couple of seconds for Naruto to process the entire room, before starting his pace again.

Naruto watched as Danzo turned back and walked down the same hallway they walked from. Naruto hastily walked to get to Danzo's side again. After reaching Danzo's side, he fell, deep, deep in his thoughts as he pondered his next steps.

Right now, he was proficient in two chakra Natures, so he would pay most of his attention to unlocking the wood release. But, that shouldn't take up all of his time, so he would probably study fuinjutsu to master Tobirama's amazing technique, and master what his father couldn't.

Speaking about his father, he should probably get down to deciphering the rasengan, but he should probably just ask Kakashi to help him with that.

Then the only thing left is to get to know Kurama and his summons some more. He would spend most of his time in his summon realm, as that would of be most beneficial. He probably should tell Danzo about his new summons, now that Naruto thought about it.

"Hey, Sensei-," Naruto was interrupted by Danzo, who made his way through another corridor.

"Call me Danzo, you don't always have to call me sensei, Naruto," Danzo said, before cutting another corner.

"Okay… so, on the mission, before I got caught and lost my arm, I found plenty of scrolls that had jutsus on them. But that wasn't the best part," Naruto said. He waited a couple of seconds to see if Danzo was listening.

"I found a scroll with a summons on it," Naruto said, and Danzo had made a complete 180, looking like he was truly paying attention to Naruto.

"Summons? Like what kind?" Danzo asked hastily.

"Well, I found the octopuses summoning. It is pretty cool! Although they have this perverted octopus as a boss summons, so I guess that's a downside," Naruto said as he stared at Danzo's singular, lone eye.


In a certain summoning realm, a certain octopus sneezed profusely.

"I guess some hot octopus is talking about me, cool!" The giant Kraken said as he fiddled with his tentacles playfully.


Danzo just stared at Naruto, before nodding, turning around, and starting walking again. This had confused Naruto, as he couldn't tell what Danzo was thinking. He didn't believe anyone could at this point.

He continued to follow Danzo around the compound.

"Are you familiarizing yourself with the compound?" Danzo asked Naruto as he went through another corridor. After receiving no answer, he continued, "I will quiz you on the compound location if I find you too inadequate." Naruto nodded, although deep inside he was anime crying because he didn't want to have to take a stupid test.

After a couple more minutes of just plainly walking, not chatter involved, they had finally made a complete three-sixty around the entire compound.

Danzo looked at Naruto, before speaking, "we have explored the entire compound. This is a place you will eat, sleep, and train in your entire time. The only time you are permitted to leave is when you go to your summons world, when you are meant to go on a mission, or when you send a clone to school," Danzo finished and waited a count of seconds after to see if Naruto had any questions.

Naruto did have something on his mind, though, "yeah, another thing I have to say. There is a perk for my summons. So, he said that, for some reason, time is slower there. So, a month in the summoned realm is about one week In the real world," Naruto said, which ended up making both very, very quiet. And for quite some time too.

"Can you take me?" Danzo asked curiously, probably because anything like this was surely supposed to be used and abused to its fullest extent.

"I mean, sure! Why not, although the Kyuubi will also be there, so don't do anything that'll get them both mad," Naruto said.

They waited a couple of minutes.

"Are you going to bring us there?" Danzo asked.

"Well, you see. I kind of don't know the hand seals for summoning," Naruto said in quick succession.

"Why didn't you just say so, the hand seals are-," Danzo said, as he started to demonstrate the hand seals necessary for the summoning jutsu.

Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram

"You want to do those necessary hand seals, but you want to do it where your thumb is also bleeding, if you don't do these necessary hand seals, with the bleeding, it won't work. Oh, and you have to put your hands on the ground too," Danzo said as an afterthought.

"Okay," Naruto said quickly, before biting his thumb, doing the necessary hand seals, and slamming his hands on the ground.

"Summoning technique," a small array spawned around him and so did a cloud of smoke.

Once the smoke cleared up, Naruto and a small octopus were the only ones there standing, not including Danzo.

Naruto watched as the octopus seemed to encloud his whole head with a bubble of water, that was probably what was keeping him from suffocating due to the air.

"Can you reverse summon me and my sensei, Danzo," Naruto asked the octopus, who just seemingly nodded, no complaints were necessary.

They both took one tentacle of the squid, and vanished, no way of tracing them to their destination unless you took the same route.



Yo, ZiixlZ here. I happen to be back with another update to this fanfic. I really hope you guys are enjoying reading this, because I am sure as hell enjoy writing these and putting them out. Not much to talk about other than Naruto achieving the ability of wood release. Although, like his other abilities, this will take time to fully master, though not as much as it will take him to master like fuinjutsu, or to get on Jiraiya's level.

If I had to estimate his skill level, he is around like low jonin, mid jonin. He is strong for his age, which is to be expected for someone who has been trained by not only the Hokage for the first month, Danzo, lee, Might Guy, Kakashi, Itachi for a little bit because of Danzo, shisui because of Danzo, he'll be trained by yamato, so spoilers, and Hizashi. So… he is expected to be strong. He is only nine years old though, so his strength and speed will be hindered due to his age.

I will make his strength progressive, so he won't just become the god of shinobi over night. Not many ffs can manage to do that without fucking up the whole entire story and making it boring. Now, know that Naruto will become so strong, he'll make people like Itachi look like a dog treat. I do plan on finishing this story, although I have no idea if I'll bring this into Boruto. Hell, I still don't know the pairing so Boruto might not even exist. All I know is that I am not doing anyone from the Konoha 12. Not only do I hate those pairings, but Naruto will just see them as kids who are playing a man's game.

*Spoil Alert* ps. If you don't want the story to be ruined for you, don't read this.

I do plan on giving Naruto the sharingan. That'll be at a much later date, though. I don't want to do something similar to what I did with Naruto and the Hashirama cells because that'll not only be boring to read, but boring to write. So, if you guys want to give your thoughts then that would be splendid.

*Spoil Alert Ending*

So… back onto pairings.

What do you guys want? I am totally fine with writing about Naruto and he has no pairings. I am totally fine writing that, in fact, that is usually what I write, but if you guys want that, I'll be willing to sacrifice my sanity for your appeasement.

Just nothing yaoi (gay), and nothing from Konoha 12. I am fine with anything else; now don't stretch it though. Make it reasonable. Tell me why, make it make sense.

Well, I talked for too long. I am going to go now. If you guys want to talk about my fanfic with me, ya know, need help understanding some parts, just dm me on something. I am fine with any comments or questions, I encourage it even.

Ima go, cya.

ZiixlZ Out.

Word Count- 4579 Words