WebNovelDark Bond25.32%

Chapter 39

Alanna prepared a small suitcase, with few clothes, after all, she would only spend one day with Faolán. She probably wouldn't have the accountant's answer until Monday, but even so, she wanted to be able to study possibilities. With Faolán around, that was impossible. Even though he didn't say anything or even make the first move, she was constantly wanting to be closer to him.

'Damn bond between the two of us!' she thought. Alanna wasn't satisfied with the fact that most likely all this attachment to the wolf was due to the bond between them. Of course, she no longer found him unbearable, he was cute. As well as fucking handsome and deliciously hot. But she was in doubt if what she now felt was due to the 'bond' or to her liking him, for him. It was driving her mad!