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[Bonus chapter]Chapter 79

The door opened and a face that Alanna no longer had any hope of seeing ever again, appeared.

"Dad!" She exclaimed and ran to him. The man smiled, surprised.

"I'm not complaining, but… what's the reason for this hug so tight? It's suffocating me!" He joked, being dramatic, and Alanna released him, smiling.

"I just missed you, Dad. I missed you so much!" She said and the man smiled, happy and confused.

"Oh… Me too… I haven't seen you in a few hours. He said and she realized that he wouldn't understand, of course. To him, they must have spoken and gone to sleep, the night before, having just woken up this morning, as usual.

"Sorry... I had a weird dream." She said, shaking her head apologetically.

"Weird dreams have that effect. Now, young lady, go take your shower and go down to breakfast. You have an appointment with the doctor."

Alanna agreed. Then, she stopped halfway to the bathroom, before her bedroom door closed.