The half-truth!

Just like that two week passed and Sora's all the papers were finished. Reyhaan did not come to interfere with her in the study. He just picked her up and dropped her from home to college and vice versa during the exam period. Last weekend both spent some time together. It was the other weekend and she decided to catch up with all details and reports that happened in the office. She already asked Reyhaan to fill her with details in the office. On Saturday morning, all the meetings were conducted and as per her capability, she learned everything till the afternoon!

After so much to understand Sora felt a little exhausted! So she took a break. She went inside her cabin and sat on the white couch with her eyes closed. She was feeling hungry too and hence her headache started.

Suddenly someone knocked on her cabin door and came inside! Once that person came, and when she smelled familiar cologne and felt that someone was standing behind her she knew who is so daring to come directly into her cabin without her permission.

She wants to open her eyes but before she could do so or say anything, she heard him "Stay still and close your eyes!" her face was in his warm palms and later he started to massage her temples with those long and slender fingers which were doing magic for her. It was relieving her stress and she calmed down and let him do the massage realizing that's none other than her man. Later after some time when her furrowed brows became normal soon, he sat beside her on a couch.

He looked at tired her and asked her, "Lunch?"

When she was about to say yes her stomach growled loudly. She felt embarrassed and looked at her stomach, 'He asked me why you have to answer it every time?', Reyhaan felt her actions cute. She said sheepishly, "I am starving. I need food."

But her growling was loud, so he asked looking into her eyes, "You haven't eaten anything?"

"I did but I am hungry again after these early meetings. I have to rack my brain and now I am hungry," She replied with a pout on her face which showed how much she was starving.

He took her to their office lounge where he ordered and arranged for their lunch when he was about to go to her cabin. Krish and Mr. Ben already left them alone! Mr. Ben was already aware of the cute couple so he did not disturb them.

Sora started to dig in it as she was starving for ages once he served her. Reyhaan was looking at her instead of eating. Noticing it, she asked, "Why aren't you eating?" Hearing her he picked up fork and started to eat.

He was smiling to see how focused she was on her food instead of him, as they are meeting each other after a week properly. When he used to pick and drop she was always in her books. He can't complain though!

"So, what have you decided about your stay in our home?", he asked while serving her. When she was about to eat, she stopped after what he asked.

"Oh, that...I have not decided anything yet!", she answered averting his gaze.

He moved his sight and his fingers from her jawline to her ear by cupping her face and said calmly while still staring at where ever he was running his fingers "Do you not want to spend time with me?", with his puppy eyes.

'Is he hypnotizing me with that look? How I wish to tell you it does not work on me!', Sora sighed with that look.

"No! I mean I am not ready yet! It's a big decision you know!", she tried to make him understand.

"I missed you Sora, every day!" saying it he looked into her eyes intensely.

"Don't seduce me like this...", she almost whispered in a stutter.

"I want to tell you something very important which I did not tell you. Can I?", he asked with a serious tone. Looking at him he is not trying to seduce her further she nodded as his expression turned one-eighty degrees.

"I have been alone for a very long time Sora. It's like since childhood I have not spent much time with my family. Krish is with me since my childhood but as a friend. I am the eldest son and heir of my family. It was like my family hid me because of some conflicts and someone tried to assassinate me in my childhood. I don't remember though. Even now also many people don't know about my identity in the world.", he paused for some time. Sora was listening to him quietly and her eyes turned misty.

"But as I started to live like this sometimes I had nightmares. Because of loneliness maybe I got them. But since you came into my life I don't have one. Do you know, when we slept on the same bed that night, it was the most peaceful sleep of my entire life! I always think about you while sleeping so you are the only one who occupied my mind.", he continued while staring at her.

"I am sorry, I am being selfish like this but maybe if my enemy knows about you they can try to harm you, or worst they can use you against me. So please try to understand, you are the most important person in my life. If anything happens to you I will never forgive myself!", he was on the verge to explode.

"So you were worried about me and hence want me to live with you?", she asked in her soft voice.

" that I can protect you!", he nodded.

"That is why I can sense many eyes on me nowadays! Rey are those your bodyguards?", she asked scrutinizing her gaze.

He gulped so hard. 'How can I forget she is smart and even can count the feathers of a flying bird!' He just nodded. But looking at his concern for her she just sighed.

"Alright, I will seriously think about it.", she still needs time.

"Okay! If possible please let me know your decision soon.", he spoke.

Once their lunch is done she need some rest so she left for her cabin. Reyhaan was in his thought but someone knocked on his door. He allowed by, "Come in." Krish entered inside and with expression alone, Reyhaan knows what he wants to ask.

"So you told her everything?", he asked.

"No, only the half-truth which is necessary for her to know for now.", he pinched his brows and exhaled his breath which was held for a long.

"En...whatever it is, I am always with you buddy!", Krish patted his shoulder in assurance.