Rest assured!

"No, only the half-truth which is necessary for her to know for now.", he pinched his brows and exhaled his breath which was held for a long.

"Why? I am sure she will understand your behavior if you have told her about your real identity.", Krish countered.

"I have no idea how she will react but when I told her the reason I want her to move with me, it seems she will think about it seriously. I want to protect her no matter what! She is my life's part now.", he replied in his firm voice.

"But till date, nothing happened to her and even we just kept a few bodyguards to cover her. It seems nobody knows about your love life yet so don't hurry. And when I asked for her background check you stopped me. We should have done that.", Krish was worried about his friend.

"I don't feel to do that. Even if she has not good background it does not matter to me. She is the only one for me!", Reyhaan was adamant about his decision.

"En...whatever it is, I am always with you buddy! She is a nice person by heart. And I am happy for both of you! I will also try to talk to her", Krish patted his shoulder in assurance. Reyhaan nodded at this as he know convincing someone is not his cup of tea but Krish can do it in the proper way. "Don't pressure her!", is what came from him. Krish sighed with, 'Seriously?'

After the lunch, Krish has to meet Sora for her further assistance with legal clauses to be put in the next contract. She has no degree in law but has the knowledge to put what and which correctly. Once their discussion ended Krish was still hovering near her seat. So she raised her eyes and asked him, "Is there anything you want to talk about?" when Krish nodded she signaled him to go ahead.

"I know he asked you to move in with him and he told you about his situation.", Krish started at a slow pace, and Sora was not surprised as they stay in the same mansion and are childhood buddies.

Sora hesitated for a while but she knew she could share with Krish so she replied "Yes he asked me to move in with him. Till now even my bodyguard Mr. Bob and my uncle Mr. Ben also know about us but they did not report anything in my hometown. You know they think it is my place to tell my family about us and they are right. I will feel embarrassed if we are staying together without telling them anything and discussing it with them about us!"

Krish replied, "Well I can understand you but he is hell worried about you. I saw him awake many nights since that Ajax incident happened. Initially, he thought he is the person who is his enemy! He will feel guilty if anything happens to you!"

"Reyhaan said the same thing but still it's all awkward for me and when he said, he was able to sleep in peace on the same bed with me, I got goosebumps all over my body. I already asked for more time in our relationship to go further. And now this. I am not worried about his enemies, but I...I don't know how to handle everything right now.", she was feeling confused and sad.

Krish smiled and said, "That was the normal and obvious reaction from your side so don't feel bad but what he is behaving is a normal reaction from his side too. He just wants his girlfriend by his side when he knows danger is lurking around him!"

Sora agreed and said, "Might be but he should understand what and why I am taking time. I am still minor Krish, I still need to consider my family's feelings to make my decision!"

"I know you are right in your place and I am not saying he is right but the reason for me to think about his side too is not wrong. You don't know but after so many years, these are the days when I am seeing him happy and it is just because of your presence in his life. From a very young age, he is just obeying his family by living far from them and their warmness and care. He started working hard to protect himself and others in the shadow but he never ever thought about his dreams or what he wants in life."

Sora looked at Krish with surprised expressions on her face to hear what he said. She had no idea about it but the way Krish was saying it, she thought it was really sad on Reyhaan's part. She can't imagine staying away from family from childhood and lacking the warmth and care she got from her family. She felt her eyes becoming misty again.

Krish continued while looking at her, "First time in his life he wants something that can be only for him, the first time in his life he is being greedy and seeking happiness. This something can fill up all his sadness and can replace them with happiness and that something is you Sora. You are the most important person to him! Like you are his life now!"

Sora didn't know what to say. Upon hearing it she felt even sadder. She knew Reyhaan stayed alone and became strong while working hard all these years and sacrificed a lot but hearing it from Krish, made her feel gloomy.

Krish realized she is feeling bad now so he said, "I am not taking his side nor saying this to make you feel bad. I am just saying this to tell you about him and why he is being like this. All those years he waited for the right person and now that person is you and here, he doesn't want to part away from you even for a day and that is understandable."

Krish paused for a moment and spoke again, "He only knows one thing and that is he loves you and wants to be with you, whatever it takes. So give him some time to understand it. Right now he is worried for you."

Sora nodded and replied, "I am getting what you are trying to say and I am not going to stay away from him, rest assured!"