Marry me!

When Reyhaan returned from her cabin Sora was still in a daze looking out of her office window. She does not like the way she treated him, she felt he was hurt but after seeing how determined he is to pursue her again, she needs to find a way to make a distance between them.

When she saw a known car leaving the premises she exhaled her breath she hold for a long time. He finally left for today!

"I guess he left and he will not bother at least today!", she heard Aryan from behind who again entered without her knowledge and stood behind looking in the same direction as Sora over her shoulder.

"Humm!", Sora replied and returned to her desk. She sat on her seat as if nothing happened and started working on files kept on her table.

"So he is the one who has captured our princess's heart? He does not look less like a charming prince!", Aryan teased her.

"Don't speak nonsense!", Sora asked him to shut up.

"But Myra told me about it, that someone was able to make you fall in love with him!", Aryan continued.

"And why do you think he is the one?", Sora asked him curiously.

"Because his eyes told how much he loves you! Even last night at the event also when you left I saw the way he was looking at you with care and longing for you in his eyes. And when I barged in sometime before I saw the way you looked at him. You never spare a glance to anyone in your all life with that look! But when you looked at him it was a tinge of guilt and care too for him which you are hiding with that fake calmness of yours! I know you, and how your brain works! But this time it is a matter of heart dear! No need to use your genius brain here!", Aryan as usual gave his valuable suggestion to her.

Sora sighed. "It is not the case now! I need to stay away from him!"

"En...I can understand that you must be afraid of recently discovered powers and their consequences on normal people!", he spoke thoughtfully.

"Hmm!", she just nodded. 'What can I do except this!', she thought and deep lines formed on her forehead. Aryan noticed her facial expression changed and shook his head as if he knows what she is thinking. But he left without teasing her more and continued with his work. Both of them did not have a talk on the same topic throughout the day.

When office hours got over both of them left for home, the same Ferrari car which Reyhaan brought in the morning was parked inside the mansion. Sora got tensed and now she has to be in her fight mode again. Aryan noticed it but kept quiet.

Sora entered her villa looking for certain someone and saw Reyhaan seating in the living room with Krish and Jacob standing behind him. He was giving that regal vibe when he simply sat there. She walks toward them in a calm manner. She does not have to do it harsh way, she will try to understand why he is here and then will decide what to do next. Maria and Mr. Bob were also present and other guards were out of the villa on their duty. So only known people were inside.

"So Mr. Raisinghania, I thought you will set up a meeting with my assistant if related to a business matter. What are you doing in my home at this hour? I don't meet strangers for any business talk at home as I like to differentiate personal and professional life. This is my 'ME' time so will you please meet me with the proper appointment, it will be helpful.", Sora was exhausted with work, and tiredness was evident in her voice.

"Whoa! Ms. Sora what are you talking about. It's us Krish and Reyhaan! How come we are strangers? We came here for you ...", Krish was about to finish but stopped when he got a stare from Reyhaan telling him to keep quiet.

"Sora, I came here to apologize again as you were busy in the office and I don't want to disturb your schedule!"

Then he pull a little jewelry box covered in beautiful black velvet cloth which was shining with one of the most famous brand logos in the world on the box. He kneel on his left leg in front of her and opened the box which consists of the largest red diamond ever sold, weighing almost five carats beautifully carved in a platinum ring which shocked everybody.

"Marry me, Sora! I love you and will always love you only! Would you like to give me a chance to gain your trust and love again? Would you like to marry me?", he asked in his deep voice while staring at Sora affectionately.

Sora: "..."


Only Aryan was standing with a teasing smile on his face and munching on imaginary popcorn in his hands!

Because of the sudden love confession and marriage proposal, Sora was stunned. It took a while for her to digest the whole thing. When she looked around at all the present people she saw how Aryan was standing and her lips twitched in annoyance. 'Can't he help me in this situation!', but he just shrugged telling, 'Suit yourself!'

Sora who was calm last year nowadays can get easily angry with other people so Aryan kept himself away. She pinched the space between her brows and exhaled. She does not want to breathe out her fire on him, so she calms herself first.

"Please Mr. Raisinghania, by doing this you are just lowering yourself. Can we talk for a while and please stand up. In my study room please!", by telling this she strode ahead. Reyhaan feels that she is ready to listen to him at least, happily stood and look at Krish who was giving him thumbs up! Then to Maria who has a soft smile for him and nodded. Maria liked him for her princess so she never opposed their love for each other.

When both of them reach Sora's study room she locked it when Reyhaan entered in, and exhaled a deep breath so that she can have the courage what she is going to tell him.