What if I do this...

When both of them reach Sora's study room she locked it when Reyhaan entered in, and exhaled a deep breath so that she can have the courage what she is going to tell him. She is going to hurt him in a bad way, but she does not want him to break down in front of others so she asked him to come into her study room.

In such haste, he proposed to her so it means he is not willing to give up on her soon! She needs to make sure either he will hate her or leave her feeling hurt! How she wishes just to listen to him once about what happened a year before to know if he is okay. But she can't do it, he seems fine now so she just will go ahead with 'LEAVE ME! OR YOU WILL DIE', plan and thinking it only she frowned.

"Love, where are you lost? Are you okay?", Reyhan asked her worriedly caressing her face gently. She did not notice when he came in front of her.

"Don't touch me!" she snapped. Pushing him away harshly, she glared at the man. What was wrong with her, she always put her guard down when he is near, she thought. Why was she lost in her thoughts, when he is in front of her? Losing focus was not a good thing, and he could end up dead because of her simple mistake!

"I thought, I cleared in office that if there is something related to the business we can talk and you came in my home unannounced that too with that stupid ring! What were you thinking, you will just come back, propose to me and I will accept? Ha! In your dream!", Sora again spoke in a little high tone.

"I don't care who you are, and I don't care about what you want. Never appear in front of me again otherwise...", Sora threatened by glaring at him.

Hearing her threats, Reyhan smirked. Her cute threats were like music to his ears and her glaring eyes reminded him how he can swim into them. Her face looked so cute that his hand was itching to pinch her cheeks. How can a person be this cute?

"If I touch you, then what will you do?" he asked feigning ignorance to her threats.

"I will throw you out of the window!", Sora replied in a serious tone.

Looking at her, he smiled slyly, "And what if I do this….."

Without giving her any chance to react, he pulled her softly to his chest. His right hand grabbed the back of her neck, his left arm circled around her waist lifting her up. His lips pecked against hers and he closed his eyes. She gasped, her eyes widened, and she squirmed in his embrace. She tried to push him away with a little force without hurting him, but he was just too strong. Then she applied more but he did not buzz as if he has become a mountain. She can feel his strong chest, so she tried his abdomen to push and felt his perfect ladder abs. He has become more muscular than previous.

She started to touch him all over his body just to make him pull away not to make any skin contact with him directly which can harm him but yet he was unmoved. Instead, little did she know this move of hers excited him! She was trying to avoid this intimacy but it was happening the opposite.

She could feel the fast beats of his heart, and her heart too was hammering inside her ribcage. Chills ran all over her body and heat started to raise on the skin! Her body temperature started to increase, and that's when she realized that her body started to react to this man which is not good. Reality hit her so she pushed him away harshly, making him stumble to his feet.

"What are you doing?", Sora yelled, "Get out of my room, now! Forget that I will ever talk to you again!", she wants him out of her room or he will find her body condition.

Reyhan steadied himself quickly and gave her displeased look. "Okay. I got my answers! You still react to my touch means there are hopes for me! I knew somehow proposing to you hurriedly will not work, but at least you will talk to me in private! You are not angry with me Sora for disappearing for a year but for something else! I am not sure what it is, but I will figure it out soon so that we can be together! I will not ask for your pity and to listen to me about what happened a year before. You have every right to reject me, my existence! But I have every right to woo you, to gain what I have lost!", he sighed and ran his fingers in his already messed hair by her. Sora gulped after hearing him out. This is going to be for long!

Suddenly he chuckled sadly. "Sorry, I just pecked, actually I planned to take my return gift! But it seems you are not happy with my returns so I can do that only."

Sora does not say a word. She just waved her hand to gesture for him to leave.

"As I said before, Sora, I love you. I will not do anything forcefully, your wish is my command, and for that, if you want to hurt me, then I won't stop you." he gave a meaningful look when he glance back at her and turned the knob of the door.

Reyhan open the door and he saw someone's shadow almost leaning toward the door trying to listen to their conversation. He was Aryan! He was literally eating real popcorn now in his hands.

"Hey buddy, how does it go?", Aryan asked.

"It has nothing to do with you!", Reyhan almost hissed but in low voice.

"Oho! Don't treat me like this. You never know who can help you in the future!", he munched on some more.

Reyhan looked at him carefully. He is her best friend who was too casual meaning both of them had a good relationship. I can't put him in bad books. He does not feel jealous of him, don't know why as if he knows he is a good person.

"Sorry! I just got carried away!", he sighed.

"It's okay! Want some?", Aryan offered him popcorn.

"No thanks!", Reyhan replied.

"Don't worry about her behavior! She is having a huge battle inside with her heart and mind! I can't tell you what it is! But, don't give up on her, please!", Aryan said and turn to leave.

"And one more thing, I am just her very good friend! Nothing more nothing less!", Aryan stopped in his tracks and explained to Reyhan.

"I know! I never thought otherwise! I know my Sora!", Reyhan assured him.

"My Sora! Wow! Interesting! Good to know that!", Aryan chuckled and turned to leave.