The Culprit

I walked down the galaxy purple marble halls, the stone rafters reaching hundreds of feet high with dusk fire lanterns hanging from them.

As usual, I was delivering the master their food, a large tray with black bubbling glop piled as high as a bear. It sickens me to think the master can eat this biowaste so easily...

Swallowing my digust, I kept walking, my clawed feet making soft taps on the floor. After a bit more time I arrived at the chamber the master had stuffed himself into.

"Master? I've brought your meal.." I said as I creaked open the hundred foot tall door. And before I got a verbal response the food tray was snatched up by a fatty tentacle and shoved into my masters greedy gullet. disgusting. Master had always been a terribly obese creature but to think he would let himself go even further like this...

Infront of my great and bulbous tentacled master was his latest project, a reincarnated human. Master didn't even look away from the screen to thank me, instead just tossing the empty tray back at me as he watched on his project from his throne.

"Take it." The master said in his echoing was grating on my hearing cracks. Can't he ever speak normally?

"Yes Master...but may I ask a question?" I said, masking my displeasure.

"Ask." The master responded swiftly as always, although I had a feeling he would speak longer after I asked him my questions.

"Why...did you chose that specific human? Isn't he a bit odd for the U World?" I questioned my master, and waited patiently.

"....." Master stayed quiet for a long time, he was thinking. Although he may be a deity he has always been a hard thinker.

"Well...I'll give you a counter question, what would happen if I dropped an ordinary office worker in that world instead of a weirdo like that human?" The master, as always had to make things complicated.

"Well...they'd struggle a bit I guess?" I said, but to be honest I was unsure. Humans were always pathetic but versatile right?

"Wrong! You imbicilic crustacean!" The master shouted, a banging his thrones arm with his fat fist.

"F-Forgive me ignorance Master!" Shit, the masters temper came out..

"Hrmph! I'll enlighten you, you filth. If I dropped a regular person how would they function? Regular people have family and friends, and have no sort of mental fortitude or determination required for survival!" The master boomed, I could tell

he was going to get heated again..

"But...Master, it's just that he's too much of an oddball, he's talking to himself and he threw up simply from killing some goblins..." Seriously, I thought he was supposed to be some superhuman martial artist, how come he's such a pussycat?

"Simpleton! Ingrate fool!" The master angrily thrashed around in his throne, still unwillingly to even look at me. Fixated on that screen.

"Do you think I've been scraping my hands through the muck looking for diamonds? Only a fool would do that! I'm want broken glass, not diamonds." The master said in a huff, his gelatinous fat rolls calming down after his thrashing ended.

"Forgive me master but...I don't understand the metaphor.." If only he spoke with reason, I wouldn't have to ask.

"Broken glass! Not diamonds. A diamond, while pretty and seems perfect, is not a useful weapon on its own and cant harm anything without being turned into a weapon. Broken glass however...even the biggest and strongest can get pricked and cut with shards and flecks embedded into their skin. But, the glass must be broken to have such an effect! Hence why all my reincarnators are...shall we say broken? Haha!" The master started cackling to himself madly, the chamber shaking as his thunderous roar of a laugh echoes out, even his own fat rolls were jiggling in reverberation.

"Master! Masted please calm down!" Shit, this tub of lard! Even his laughter is making the construct shake!

"Behwhehe.." The master took a full hour before he calmed down, huffing and puffing as he stared at the former human on screen.

Finally! I thought I was going to die because of this damned pig! I should've worked for the crow like my egg clutch cousins did...

"Ahem, but in short. The more broken and crazy someone is, the better they will transition. After all, you couldn't call someone who accepts their situation right away sane could you?" The Master said, taking up a scholarly tone.

You pig...dont try and sound smart now after that horrific fit! You could've killed all your servants!

"Then...why reincarnate him as a monster? He will surely struggle more this way." Its true, when born as a monster, unless you're a dragon , some ancient type beast, or demon, you have a hard time until at least your 3rd Evolution. Even if he was born as an adult.

"Hrmph.." Ah, he's thinking again. He always has to take his time doesn't he? But I suppose if I want a proper answer..

"Servant, are you aware of what reality TV is?" The master said inquisitively.

"No, master, I have not." How could I? It's probably a modern human construct knowing this fatty.

"It's televised situations, often shown to large audiences. The more the people struggle in the show, the better the show." The master said, rather calmly for once.

"So you're saying you made things harder for him in order to have.."

"Entertainment." The master said as he turned around in his seat to look at me, his 12 void like eyes staring at me. 55 gaping, leech like maws with rows of teeth curved and twisted into a hideous smile directed straight at me.

I pity that human..