The Hunters

I stepped out of bed, the crusty village inn floodboards creaking as I got dressed soon after.

Antoher day another hunt...well that's how it is for us in the hunters guild. Unlike those lazy bums in the mercenary or adventurers guild, us hunters have to do a job every 2 days to stay afloat!

But today will be different, much different. I headed downstairs and walked into the private meeting room I had reserved for my hunting party.

"Yorlund! You lazy bum, how come the group leader is the last one to wake up?" Said one of my companions. It was Miaa, a half elf who join my party a few months back. Ah, that cute face and long blonde hair make the sour morning feel sweet ehehe~

"Boss is making a creepy face again.." Said another one of my companions, it was the newest member, Kieran. He was...a halfling? I can't remember, my mind isn't like it used to be now that I'm in my 40s.

"Quiet, brat." Said my final companion, a big lug named Olaf. My best freind! I've known the big bastard since we were kids. He's human like me and as big as freakin orc.

"Hush up! All of you, I was thinkin' alright?" Gotta keep my position as leader firmly. Jokes are fine but they need to know whos in charge here!

"Who needs me to go over the plan again?" I said, hoping to the gods these fools remembered everything. Well, I know Olaf did but...

The two youngsters shot their hands up at the same time. Just great..

"Alright, this is the last time I'm going over it. Our goal is to hunt the legendary Forged Iron bear, said to be around level 80. Which is why we all had to be level 40 before coming here, get it?" I started explaining the plan for the 15th time this week, speaking clear and concise.

"Now, the rumors say the bear doesn't have good defensive mutations, instead opting for forged Iron claws, hence its name. But that's not gonna make it easy, the beast is at least 120 years old and has seen plenty of fights and made it out with even more scars thanks to its big health pool. So the big plan here is to kill the big beast with critical hits to its scar tissue and eyes."

That right, if we kill a legendary creature, even if it's just a bear, we'll be in good wealth for at least a month! No more squabbling for pelts and hides! The beasts hide wont sell too much because its just a little stronger than the average pelt.

However its claws and mana center will be worth a small fortune! and if we parade the corpse back into town and through this village we'll get famous too!

"Ahem, but we shouldn't be greedy. Remember kids this isn't about the money, this beast has terrorized the local forest villages for a century so this is a heroic deed, a service to the people!" I said, masking my own avarice. Although Olaf knows I'm in it for the money, the kids don't.

"So, are you all prepared to be heros?" I asked, stirring up my charisma to put some inspiration in this kids.

"Yes sir, hunting captian Yorlund!" The kiddos said in loud and proud unison.'s all coming together.