The Weirdo

Weird, this guy is seriously weird.

Ever since we loaded him into the carriage he's sat in complete silence and makes the occasional odd face, but that's it! Ripjaws are very loud and jovial by nature, even the most reserved of their kind are still party animals by human standards, and yet here's the biggest, scariest one I've ever seen and he's quiet as a ghost! I can't even hear him breathing...

With Olaf and Miaa in the first carriage with the bear and deer carcasses, Kieran and I are stuck in the second carriage with the behemoth. Poor Kieran is scared out of his wits of the big fella, and I don't blame him in the slightest. I'm fucking scared too!

How could I not be, he solo'd a beast that the 4 of us had to meticulously prepare to fight. Not to say the bear was as strong as a dragon or anything, but it wasn't a pushover. It's defenses were so low that even a rusted iron sword would be able to pierce its hide, but the big problem was its health pool and damage output. The beast has over 20,000 HP according to an appraiser that once encountered it! Because of that high health pool the beast could fight even if its guts were hanging out, as long as it had stamina or hp left it could keep fighting.

And yet, the behemoth infront of me killed it by himself, with minimal injuries and no weapons, or armor! They either have incredible luck or overwhelming strength, and I'm too afraid to chance it so I'm assuming the latter.

Getting tired of the quiet, I nudge Kieran for him to speak up. Better he die for interrupting this guys concentration instead of me, after all. After shooting me a dirty look, Kieran cleared his throat and tried to make conversation.

", Mr.Ripjaw, you bear a striking resemblance to one of the four braves you know?"

The big muscle pile with limbs turned its head and looked at Kieran, staring in silence until finally speaking up with its bone chilling voice.


Kieran, I'm sorry but I think you're going to die today.

"Y-Yes, the four braves...national heroes?"

The Ripjaw Behemoth just tilted his head at Kieran, then looked at me. Great, now I have to talk too...

"Allow me to explain...the four braves of the kingdom are four very very powerful warriors that are in service to the nation, their individual levels are estimated to be around level 15,000 at least. Much stronger than any S-Rank adventurer, Platinum Rank hunter, or Void Rank mage."

Hoping my explanation was sufficient I stared at the Ripjaw, and he stared right back, the veins in his eyes pulsating as if they were going to pop.

"What are...last 3 thingys, explain."

Thank god, he's just an idiot...although too much of an idiot! I get that he's a practically mindless barbarian but how dumb can one be?

"Erm...those are the highest ranks of the 3 major guild types in the Ugdual kingdom. The are anywhere from level 500 to above."

He didn't think much on that, immediately tilting his head, his wild snow white hair flopping as he did so. And quickly proposed a question.

"What are you, rank."

Why are you nosy now?! You've been stoic this entire time whenever we try to talk and now you wish to speak? About something so unbelievably basic aswell!

Whatever, he seems to understand complicated sentences so explaining it should be fine, as tedious as it is.

"We're steel rank hunters, the 2nd rank. But even at steel rank we beat out most adventurers!"

Those damned fools at the adventurers guild, they ruined the whole system. When they pushed the Explorers Guild out of the nation, they started picking up every job and employee available. Their minimum requirements are blasphemous!

Minimum age of 14 years old and minimum level of 15. 15! At level 15 you could get overwhelmed by a simple 5 pack of goblins!

Hell, in the hunters guild you have to be level 35 to even join! And unfortunately it didn't exist in my day, so Olaf and I joined the party late and are underleveled for hunters our age, but to be fair we weren't organized before. Thankfully the two younglings have had a boost to their generation with all the new systems in place.

"Braves, I look like one?"

Oh, I kind of forgot he was here..

"Y-Yes, I'm sure Kieran was referring to the brave of Vitality, Kolda. I'm sure you're curious about the braves so I'll just list them for you."

"Mh, please do."

"Kolda, The Indomitable Tower. Idalia, The Mystic Supernova. Jerrak, The Skittering Star. And Gorum, The Unstoppable."


He looks displeased, why is he displeased? Is it Kieran? I'll let him eat Kieran if it makes him happy...

"Names, flashy and long. Gorum name short, and serious. Why?"

Ah, he was curious about the names. Well Kieran you live another day...although I think he may die of a heart attack! His mental resistance must be low to be this scared of the Ripjaw. I mean, I understand being scared but not to the point of looking like you're gonna pass out from a simple conversation!

"Gorum is a bit different from the rest of the braves. Like you said, serious. Unlike the other braves who serve the country, join festivals and endorse businesses like celebrities, Gorum is very no nonsense and quite selfish."


"He serves the country out of a sense of self gain rather than duty or money. To put it simply, Gorum is a battle junkie. And is not fit to be a public face like the others with their charisma. He refuses all public appearances, refuses to lead any armys. Instead opting to fight all by himself."

"Battle Junkie?"

"He likes to fight."


I'm getting a little too used to talking to the one or two word wonder over here...