The Opponent

I sat in the waiting room, polishing my grand machete blade, careful not to cut myself on the serrated edges of the blades teeth. Awaiting an arena attendant to come and get me for the battle.

My opponent was a male ripjaw that the colosseum the arena acquired from some hunters, mediocre. Ripjaws are a laughable opponent, even if its level 45, a male ripjaw is easier to kill than a slime in my opinion. It's plain ridiculous, having a level 70 adventurer such as myself be apart of this dog and pony show.

I, Razak The Bloody, am far above such foolish activities. My wallet however...

Well, they did pick wisely at least, after all I have intense and extensive knowledge of most monster types. Ripjaws, are a joke. Those low intellect tribal monsters hardly worth sneezing at, the males especially. The only problems that their species can pose is through a high level female, the females get up to 2 and a half Kuart, and are the leaders of their societies. Due to having a higher base stat in intellect and...well every stat, compared to the males. Whom only get to 1 1/4 kuart, about the size of a goblin, and are about as strong as a human child, even into adulthood. The foolish beasts can't even run properly! From child to adult, they all run like toddlers. It's just plain ridiculous..

Honestly, just because they're a little high level for a male one doesn't mean it should be a spectacle! Not only do they have me doing this nonsense, they want me to leave the beast alive! Well, they're in for a surprise, consider my machete is an A tier item. "Flesh Ripper", a sacred blade of an old hunter clan, the serrated blades teeth cut through any hide like butter, save for dragons and such...

Even if I don't get exp from killing it, I'm not going to let some stinking monster cross my path and live. When I became an adventurer, I vowed to kill every monster I could before I die, and I refuse to break that vow just for a quick buck. Preposterous...

After a bit longer, and attendant finally came and got me, setting me in front of the gates. As the gates opened, i drew my machete and showed off to the crowd. Petty showmanship...

"Behold! The B Rank adventurer, Razak The Bloody!" The announcer spewed at the top of his lungs, his jowls flapping.

"And his opponent, The Ripjaw Alpha!" said the announcer.

Hah, what a joke...I suppose they have to make it interesting somehow. Using the publics ignorance of such monsters is one way to do it... Alright then let's see the little ru- WHAT IN THE SWELTERING HELLS IS THAT THING!?

Out from the big gate opposite myself, a lumbering beast of muscle and teeth slowly was escorted out by 4 attendants, the metal restraints still present on it wrists, ankles and neck. The 4 attendants directing the beast out by metal poles connected to its thick metal collar. The beast stared at me, its enormous, razor sharp teeth dripping with drool. Pale skin covering thick and dense muscle with veins protruding along their form. The most unsettling thing of all was the eyes, glowing a galactic purple with unsteady pupils locked onto me.

This...this is not what I thought it would be. Although from the teeth, barbaric posture and signature white hair, you can tell its a ripjaw. This is no regular Ripjaw, clearly it was a new mutation. Hmm..perhaps this is a blessing in disguise. Apparently its smart enough to do combat as a civilized race, since they've got a loincloth on the beast. I'll use my turn to slash the gap between his neck and his gullet after they get the restraints off.

I lowered down to almost a crouch and readied myself to dodge and counter whatever haymaker this thing is going to throw at me. Even if it's huge, the males have a significantly reduced advantage when it comes to the power behind their muscle mass. So even if it hits, I can probably take one or two shots...

Clunk! The restraints dropped off the beasts and the attendants quickly fled behind the closing gates. Come, beast!

As I awaited the ridiculous toddler like run of the creature it did something I didn't expect. It started full out sprinting, covering quite alot of distance with impossibly long strides.


I can't panic! It's just a Ripjaw, a pathetic welp not worth my time...yes, a whelp. The moment it enters my range I'm cutting its head off!

And then it arrived, a massive fist attached to those lumber thick arms swung down at me like a warhammer with unexpected speed. And predictably, I dodged! Now then you cretin, it's my tu-


"Houghh..." I wheezed out.

W-What happened? I didn't even swing my sword yet... I could barely breathe, laying on my side, I turned and looked at the cracked wall behind me, then at the caved in breastplate covering my chest. A massive fist like indent smashed into it, my ribs most definitely shattered and lungs brusied.

The beast took my turn from me!

"H-How dare..." I could only wheeze out as I fell unconcious, my reputation as B rank adventurer, tarnished...




That was way easier than expected! When I saw that guys stats I damn near shat myself, but now....


[Basic Info]

Name: Razak

Race: Human

Skills: [Finer Bestiary Knowledge] [Finer Sword Mastery] [Precise Blow] [???] [Lesser Bloody Slash]

Talents: N/A

Class: Adventurer

Sub-Class: Monster Expert

[Stat Info]

Level 71

HP: 122/ 3,788

Stamina: 56/4,500

Mana: 54/54

Power: 235

Vitality: 160

Dexterity: 100

Intellect: 90

Look who's damned in the dirt now!

To be honest, I thought I was I just kinda rushed at him. Maybe he got scared because I was huge? Or its that stat thing again. Ah, it was my first time actually using a skill too! I used heavy blow both times I swung at the guy and...well, even if only one connected, that multiplier does alot..

Awh....they're making me go back in the holding room. Oh well! At least I got to stretch me legs.




The crowd sat completely quiet, from beginning to the end of the duel. It was a completely different outcome than expected...

"That idiot Razak! We paid him all that money and he got flattened!" I couldn't help but curse aloud, much to the amusement of the beasts handler, Muman.

"Upset that your blocks scheme to humiliate my newest pet failed, Rodgeir?" Muman said, with a smug look on his painted face.

"How dare you, A block would never stoop so low to behave like you painted hooligans in the C block." I said.

It was no secret how rowdy the politics were inside the Colosseum. Particularly between A block and C block since our slaves quarreled in the ring so often. But for this petty little cretin to insinuate something like this in open air, ridiculous! Even if its true...

"Oh well, better luck next time. If you'll excuse me, I need to go reward the winner!" Muman smugly spun on his heel and went to the C Block slave chambers.

Mark my words Muman, I'll kill that disgusting monster of yours, this humiliation wont go unpunished...