Chapter 2: A Silly Dream

Thump. Thump.

There was an eager, stifling silence that engulfed the restaurant once more. Elaine's heart began pounding with the ticking of the clock that hung on the left side of the wall. She looked ardently towards the seated highschooler and began piling her expectations. If she had made an order, she would've been her first customer. Having a customer after three months of rotting away in the alleyway, Elaine would certainly do her best to impress her.

The young woman felt the piercing gaze of Elaine from behind her back, beads of sweat started rolling from across her forehead. She wasn't informed that choosing a meal would be this much! She glanced back at Elaine swiftly and revealed a tremulous smile.

"Can I—" the young woman tried to ask but was cut off my Elaine's fervent response,. "Yes, ma'am!" She nearly fell from the chair hearing Elaine and as though a cat got her tongue, she fidgeted and was unable to speak properly. "I.. uh, er."

Seeing this, Elaine knew that she might've burned her with her passion. She laughed meekly and scratched the back of her neck. "I'm sorry if I scared you for a bit. I was just nervous. You see, there hasn't been anyone really that knocked at the door of this little restaurant."

"No, no. You did nothing wrong. Just that, I can feel your eyes poking behind my back." The young woman eased up and bantered. She took a good look around and spotted the grey cat that was about to finish the last meatball on his little plate. She raised her eyebrows while her eyes sparkled.

"Is that your cat, Miss...?" "Elaine. You can just call me Elaine. I am also the chef of this restaurant." Elaine introduced herself and pointed towards the grey cat, "And that cat, it's not really mine but he would come by for a meal or two," she replied and the young woman nodded in response.

"I am Krisha! In my senior year at Melbourne High just down this street," Krisha said but just before she finished talking, she caught a whiff of cooked meat wafting from the kitchen. It felt like a lover's caress that made her eyes light up more than seeing the cat.

"Where did this smell come from, Miss Elaine? I'd like to grab a bite of one of those!" Krisha slammed her hands onto the table with her nose facing towards the kitchen. Elaine was first astounded by Krisha's abrupt behavior but a giggle followed after. "Oh, I tell you! This is Köttbullar. Swedish golden meatballs with a cream gravy on top. Would you want some of this then, Krisha?"

Krisha, realizing that she had been so excited, prompted back into the seat and shyly nodded. It was a first for Elaine to see a lot of emotions coming from someone. This had made her chuckle and delighted. "Alright then. Another Köttbullar coming right up!"

Elaine hobbled back into the kitchen, making another serving of Köttbullar. This time, she had made it so that it was meticulously crafted with every bit of her cooking expertise in it. Elaine wished nothing more than to see the customer's delight in eating her meal. She was nervous but also eager to present the dish to her.

Krisha had become bored from sitting, she glanced around and scrutinized the restaurant. It was an understatement to call it shabby; though, the exterior was really tattered but the inside was actually neat and vibrant. It gave off a warm feeling. One couldn't really judge a book by its cover.

Her eyes landed back into the cat that sat on a separate chair just before her. He was licking his tiny and pinkish paws. Krisha remembered that he was also served that enticing, delicious-smelling meatball. She couldn't help but to gulp down a mouthful of saliva. Krisha thought, "This cat must've been fed well! It's plump and fat."

The grey cat felt like he had been ridiculed twice. He locked his eyes towards Krisha and stared at her for a minute. "Meow!" it muttered as if he had heard of her thoughts. Krisha's eyes must've been playing tricks on her. For a second, she thought that the cat had harrumphed in front of her. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry with the cat's demeanor.

"I apologize, little fat lord," she joked and cackled. Minutes had passed and the fragrance of the meat permeated into the air from the kitchen once more. It felt intoxicating as the aroma of well-cooked meat wafted through her nose. She didn't know that food could smell like this! Krisha couldn't help but to salivate. Finally, Elaine stepped out of the kitchen with a plate. The rich fragrance of the meatballs coated in brown gravy enveloped the whole restaurant.

"Here's a serving of Köttbullar, enjoy your meal!" Elaine placed the plate in front of Krisha. There was a faint white smoke coming from the dish that dispersed through the air in front of her. Krisha sucked in a deep breath, she couldn't help but think that the dish in front of looked delicious.

On the plate lies four browned-to-perfection meatballs. Each of the meatballs were evenly coated with gravy. They had a light glint into them and a green garnish on top. Acting as a side dish are mashed potatoes that blend well with the overall picture of the dish.

"So this is..." Krisha paused and inhaled before continuing, "Köttbullar." It was like she had been bewitched.

Elaine made her way back into the kitchen counter while nodding with her chest puffed out, showing how proud she was with her own work. "I knew that today's going to be my lucky day!" she whispered. Meanwhile, from the table, Krisha slowly lifted up the fork and took a piece of meatball. She made sure it was coated with gravy before putting it into her mouth.

"Ah! Hot! Hot!" Krisha sucked on air as she tried to fan her mouth. Without knowing how hot the meatball was, she had burned her tongue. Luckily, Elaine arrived with a glass of water and handed it to her. "Oh no, I'm sorry! I haven't warned you that the Köttbullar was hot." Elaine worriedly apologized. Krisha struggled to drink the glass of water while shaking her hands, the corner of her eyes starting to get wet.

"No, no. It's not your fault, Chef Elaine." Krisha smiled through the pain, slowly calming down. "It was my fault, I should've known that this was freshly done." "Are you sure? Here, I'll leave this pitcher of water in here. Please be careful next time." Krisha obediently nodded. Having learnt her lesson on the first try, Krisha planned on savoring the food before her the right way. When Elaine went back to the kitchen counter, Krisha picked up the fork again. This time, she made sure to blow the meatball off and test it on her lips for the right temperature.

"I'll dig in!" she exclaimed, having enough of putting the heat off. When Krisha bit into the meatball, it was like love at first sight. Her eyes shone like stars when the juicy meat enveloped her tongue. There was the hint of butter, the onion and spice, especially the crispy crunch of the meatball. The gravy complemented it all too. It was creamy and salty with a nudge of sweetness. "Mm! Delicious!" Krisha said happily. She looked like a child who had been given her desired candy after being refused for so long.

Elaine spotted this from the kitchen counter. There was an immense happiness that swarmed her heart. "Nailed it!" Elaine said, her hands curling into a ball as she thrust her elbows back and forth. She was too elated, witnessing her first customer's praise for her food.

In the restaurant, the clinking of the fork towards the plate could be heard. After a few minutes had passed, Krisha finally finished her meal. "Oh? I'm done?" Krisha asked, bewildered. She seemed to have regrets eating her meal too fast. The taste of Köttbullar still lingered on her tongue. Looking around, she spotted Elaine smiling in front of a mirror which made her brows form into a puzzled crease.

"Uh, Chef Elaine?" "Yes, Krisha?" Elaine took her eyes off the mirror, looked at her, and smiled. "The bill, please," Krisha grinned and added, "and I really like the meal! I'll make sure to come back tomorrow and bring some of my friends."

Elaine was elated to hear that she could have more customers to visit her restaurant. She handed the bill to Krisha with brimming enthusiasm and said, "Here it is. And please come back again."

The day ended when Krisha finally left the restaurant after chatting with Elaine and teasing the cat. It was like a fever dream for Elaine to have finally gotten her first customer. Elaine waited more than usual at the restaurant in hopes that someone else might come by, but to her dismay, there was no one other than Krisha who stumbled upon her tiny restaurant. It made sense because it was located in the alleyway. Who would even be able to find it?

Elaine was disappointed but soon found herself brimming with positivity once again. She remembered that Krisha planned to bring her friends tomorrow at the restaurant. Krisha planned to bring more people to visit her restaurant! She had woken up from her dismay and grinned. "I can't wait for tomorrow!"

She grabbed the cat who was peacefully sitting at the chair and swirled herself around, dancing and planting kisses towards it. The cat did not like it however and scratched Elaine with his mightiest, but Elaine did not mind it. She was in her dreamland while it's still broad at day, envisioning the restaurant swarming with people who wanted to eat her food. They sang praises for her to hear and it had made her nose extend to the far horizon. "Hehe, hehe." Elaine creepily giggled.

The moon hung from the skies and soon, it was another night. Stars twinkled and the clouds were off to somewhere as it did not dominate the dark canvas above. From the restaurant, the light's were already off and the cat had gone to another street, perhaps to fight for shelter or for food. Meanwhile, Elaine with her car drove back to the flat she owns. She started to busy herself with taking a bath and preparing dinner. Once she had her fill, she immediately went to her room. She stared at the white ceiling and recounted the events that had happened today.

A smile escaped from her lips. She was elated with the success of having her first customer and finally being able to start running the restaurant. "I'll do my best tomorrow as well," she said, looking so determined.

That night, Elaine couldn't sleep well as she tossed and tousled around her bed. She was way too excited for what might happen next. Though, sleep still had gotten the best of her. Her eyes started to turn heavy and she soon fell into a deep slumber.