

The blood started oozing out of my hand as a shred of flower vase pierced into my skin.

I'm Annabell Evans, also called as Anna by most of the people. My mother died while giving birth to me and my father always used to blame me that it was all my fault, so he despised me and married another woman who had a daughter three years older than me. First I thought that my father would be lonely so he married someone, but once I accidentally heard that my father had known this woman before my mother's death and the girl who was older than me was also his.

He cheated on my mother when she was alive and always used to blame me for her death as if he was the one loving her more than his life. All I have received from this family till now is only pain and insult. If I could, I would have long left this so-called family of mine but, I have always thought that maybe my father would start loving me like a real father. The saddest fact is that the only thing he has ever thought about is how to make more money. He only cares about his new wife and daughter. Sometimes, I used to feel as if I'm non-existent in this huge mansion. I have never seen my mother but, she's the only person whom I love in this family.

When me and my sister grew up, the properties were distributed to me and her by thirty-seventy. Both the mother and daughter started hating me because of that thirty percent share in the property which I have never given a sh*t about. They always treated me like an unwanted intruder in this house.

Today, Sophia broke the vase but shifted the blame on me. I started to clean the mess when one of the pieces pierced into my finger tearing my skin. My eyes got teary because of the pain. Originally, my step-mother and sister had planned to shift the blame on me but unfortunately to them, my best friend Kelly was also there. She recorded everything and gave it to dad. As a result, Sophia was scolded by him. I'm sure the worst is yet to come because of the incident that took place today.


It was evening. I was sitting in front of the window seeing the sunset when I heard a knock on my door. I shifted my gaze from the window to the door which was opened. To my surprise, I saw my sister standing at the entrance of the door asking for permission to come in. It was the first time she has asked for permission to come into my room as she usually just barges in. Keeping my thoughts aside, I said that she can come in. After she came inside, she took a deep breath and sat on my bed.

For a few seconds we both were silent, then she spoke in a breath, "I'm sorry for what happened today. I realized my mistake. Can you please forgive me?"

I was utterly shocked. I wasn't even able to speak a single word so I just nodded, then she continued, "I know what I have done should not be forgiven by mere words so I wanna show my gratitude towards you. Will you come with me to dinner as my younger sister?" she asked.

I thought today would be my last day on earth hearing Sophia talking so sweetly like this. Hearing 'younger sister' from her mouth I felt my heart melting and tears started filling up my eyes. I hugged her tightly and said, "You don't have to do that. I'm more than happy with your apology only and I have already forgiven you. " Now tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Hey! You don't have to cry and I am going to take you to a meal with me. It will be fun. Okay. Come with me. " she said rubbing my back to console me. I agreed to her invitation and said that I will be ready in 15 minutes. She left the room and I shut the door. It was the first time I was going to eat outside with a family member. In past, I never got a chance to dine outside with my family. I went a few times with Kelly, my best friend. I texted her everything that happened after she left. I turned off my phone and started to dress up. I wore a black dress and tied my hair in a pony tail. I put on some makeup and wore my heels.

After 15 minutes, I was all ready and came downstairs to see my sister already waiting for me. She smiled looking at me and I returned the smile to her. I looked around but no one was there except us in the house.

When I finally came downstairs I asked her, "Where are mother and father?"

" They went out to attend a party. They won't be back until midnight. Don't worry. We will be back before them." she replied. We left the house and took a cab to go to the hotel. After 20 minutes or so we reached the hotel. It was a 7-star hotel. I had once heard about it by my father when he was talking to someone. We both entered inside and at the reception, we registered for our seats. As Sophia forgot to bring her ID card with her, I gave mine.

We sat on the chairs and a waiter placed drinks in front of us. I extended my hand to take the drink, Sophia held my hand.

" Anna. I think I dropped my hairpin near your leg. Can you please check it and give it to me." she said to me.

I withdrew my hands that was earlier going to hold the glass and bend over to search for the hairpin that my sister dropped. l didn't see anything so I again sat straight to tell that I didn't see anything.

" Oh! Then I must have dropped it in the cab. Don't worry. Drink this." she said, pushing the glass in my hand and I drank it sip by sip, talking to her in between.