Little Bunny


Mr. Wilson's POV:-

After the meeting, I went to the 7-star hotel into my room. It was almost midnight and I didn't want to go home as I will only be disturbing Aunt Zhao, the caretaker of my house. It wasn't like she would scold me for coming late but I had also drunk a few glasses of wine, making me a little dizzy. So it would be the best if I don't drive to my home. I opened the door of the hotel's room and saw a woman lying there naked on my bed.

" It must be that brat, Kelvin sending another sl*t for me. "I murmured to myself. She was taking deep breaths and her chest was rising and falling in an elegant way. I moved closer to her to take a better look. I never saw a beauty like her. I had met several beauties in my life but she was a beauty with the aura of a goddess. Her sound of breath was like a beautiful rhythm to my ears.

Within a minute I stood completely naked there. Without wasting any time I put my manhood on her femininity. I gave a slight push but a wall was blocking me to enter heaven. She was a virgin. I had never f**ked a virgin before. She must be insane to give herself to someone she doesn't even know like this. Her eyes were closed.

By seeing her I could tell that something was wrong. Maybe she was drugged. But without giving it a second thought I pushed myself with a little more force and her hymen broke. I can see a tear near her eyes but I didn't stop. I can feel the tightness of her womanhood on my manhood. Then I started moving inside her slowly and gently. Later I gradually picked up speed. I was enjoying her and after a few minutes, I released myself and was prepared for another round when suddenly the girl pushed me by my chest and I fall on the bed on my back, beside her. My eyes went wide with shock as well as anger. The woman beneath me got up from the bed, picked up her dress that was scattered on the floor, and headed towards the bathroom without even looking back at me.

I took the blanket and covered myself with it. When she came back she saw the blood stain on the bedsheet, but there I can sense an angry feeling in her beautiful brown eyes. But I didn't care. She was going to say something but I stopped her as I knew a woman like her sells themselves for money. Though I hadn't had enough of her but still she was a virgin and I took her virginity so I gave her a check of two million dollars but to my surprise, she tore the check and threw it onto my face.

"It was all a misunderstanding. So, it will be better if you forget what happened today." she said in an angry voice and headed out of the room.

My blood was boiling inside. The way she just spoke, it got me very angry. I called my bodyguards to order them to capture Kelvin and bring him here immediately. Seeing my temper was high my bodyguards left the hotel's room immediately and brought Kelvin in front of me within ten minutes.

"Why did you call me at this hour Alex? " annoyance was clear in Kelvin's voice.

I waved my bodyguards to wait outside, " Mr. Kelvin. Can you please tell me which f**king woman you sent today to serve me? " I said sarcastically.

" What are you talking about Alex? I didn't send anyone to you today. I haven't forgotten how you left a mad dog behind me to chase the last time I sent someone to serve you. I think that same mad dog had bitten you. " Kelvin said.

" Don't lie. Today there was a woman here. She clearly got me angry and then left. " I said and continued "I want you to get me all the information about her ."

" Okay. I will do it tomorrow. " he said yawning.

" I want it within an hour, Mr. Kelvin. " I said with a sarcastic smile. I enjoy teasing this b*stard. He isn't a simple human. He has got some powers within himself. 10 years ago when I was 14 years old in the experimental lab of country Z, I saw some men were working on a human body to make him a robot. But the result wasn't that successful so I bought him with me for 20 million dollars and gave him my surname Wilson. Since then he is with me. He has got emotions but for a few persons only and the rest of them is only a piece of cake to him.

Within an hour Kelvin brought the information about her to me. I ordered him to read it aloud and he started :

" Name: Annabell Evans.

Age: 21

Achievement: Associate degree and bachelor's degree.

Job: currently none.

Health issues: none.

Relationship: No love affairs till date.

Father: Smith Evans. President of Evans Foundation

Mother: Rose Evans. Died while giving birth to her daughter.

Her father married another woman, Susan Evans after the death of his previous wife. She has a daughter who is three years older than Annabell Evans, Sophia Evans. But Sophia is also the biological daughter of Smith Evans. Annabell is a needle on the way of mother and daughter to the whole property as she owns 30% of the shares. Her sister drugged her and send it to your room. The reason for picking you is unknown. Maybe she just wanted to stain her sister's reputation. The staff of this hotel gave her the extra key to your room. He has accepted his fault.

Best friend: Kelly Vance. An orphan. Daughter of former President of Pearl jewelry design company."

" Oh, little bunny... " I mumbled to myself and a mischievous smile formed on my lips.

" Fire the staff who gave my room's key to her. Prepare a meeting with Smith Evans. Make sure that Annabell is also present there while we talk." I said to Kelvin and he nodded his head.