The Dream

After both of them left, we all went to our respective rooms. It was already 8 at night and I was feeling very sleepy so I entered my room, closed the door and plopped myself on the bed. I didn't care if I had eaten or not, my eyes were begging me to sleep. I was just going to close my eyes and then I remembered that I haven't changed my clothes.

" Why can't I even sleep peacefully?" I said to myself and cried without tears.

I stood up from the bed and headed towards bathroom. I changed my dress into comfortable ones. Once I was done, I turned off the lights and again laid on the bed I closed my eyes and was deep asleep after a few minutes only.



In a dark street, a young lady was running looking dreadful while four men were chasing her. She was breathing heavily and was looking back in every few seconds with terror in her eyes. Sweats had formed on her forehead. She was trying to run as fast as she can but get rid of those men but her try proved worthless. Those men were chasing her and wasn't looking kike they would let her go away.

" Stop you b**ch. You can't get away from us. Hahaha.... " one of the men shouted behind her. She was extremely tired because of running. Her feet were covered with bruises. She was panting hard. Tears and fear were visible in her beautiful brown eyes. Her foot hit a stone on the ground and she tripped over. She fell to the ground, hitting her nose hard on the rough surface. Her nose started to bleed. She can sense the dampness of blood flowing from her nose. She hurried and sat on the ground wiping the blood with the sleeve of the white shirt. She looked up and saw the three men laughing at her by seeing her in this state. She was trembling in fear.

" Hehehe... I told you bitch you can't get away from us." one of the men spoke and gripped her by her shoulder. Another one grabbed the girl's long hair from the back. She was wincing with pain and they were laughing and enjoying the scene. No one can help her right now. She was all alone here, with no one to save her. She closed her eyes shut because there was nothing she can do right now. She had no energy left inside her to fight with these men. Even if she wasn't tired, these men were far stronger than her.

She heard a man speak " What are you standing there and staring? Huh? Strip her." By the voice, the lady recognized that it was the same man who is holding her shoulder. She wanted to die right on the spot but didn't want any of them to touch her. Tears were continuously flowing from her closed eyes and she was sobbing hard. Seconds passed but no one touched her. Furthermore, the two men who were previously holding her by shoulder and hair also lose their grip.

She slowly opened her eyes. A handsome young man was standing there with a gun in his hand. All the three men were in shock seeing him there. There was a moment of silence. One of the men, who was the leader spoke to his two subordinates, " What are you waiting for? Kill him. NOW!!!..."

The handsome man opened his mouth to speak but closed it without saying anything and just shoot the three of them on their heads. She was shocked to see the sudden action. The handsome man was looking familiar to her but she doesn't want to know that right now. She stood on her feet tears still rolling down her cheeks. She came near the man and kissed him passionately. The man responded to her kiss. The passionate kiss lasted for five minutes and then they broke apart.

The lady said looking at her savior, " I know you will come, Alex..."


I woke up covered in sweat. What the heck was that! I just dreamt about Alexender Wilson. Oh my!! What is happening to me. Why it has to be Alex in my dream? And why did I had such a weird dream?

I stood up on my feet and looked at the wall clock. It was 5 o! clock in the morning. I went to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face. I dried my face with a towel and came back to my room.

I wasn't feeling sleepy anymore so I went downstairs. I was hungry so I made my way to the kitchen. One of the maids was there washing vegetables and cutting them for the preparation of breakfast but I can't wait till then.

" Good morning Miss. " she greeted me. She was an old woman in her late 50's. She is working here for more than 20 years.

" Morning Nanny. " I greeted her back. Yes. I call her nanny because after my mother's death nanny took care of me and sometimes protected me from the ill intentions of my stepmother and stepsister.

I opened one of the cabinets of the kitchen and take out corn-flakes and a carton of milk. I pour both ingredients into a bowl, added some honey, and sat on the table with a spoon. I was very hungry that's why I finished my food within few minutes.

Nanny came near me and asked, " Would you like something else to eat, dear? " I shook my head.

" No. Not now." I said to her and left the kitchen towards my room.

I opened my window and sat on the couch in front of it. The cold breeze hit my face making me relax. I closed my eyes and can hear the birds chirping in a distance. I freed myself with all the thoughts in my mind and sat there peacefully. I liked a little peace after so much disturbance in these few days.