
It was getting late and I haven't bought a dress yet. Anyway, if we are late it will be Alex's fault. I was going to shop when he stopped me and the whole long embarrassing accident with my top occurred.

" I wanted to say that you don't need to buy one. I have already prepared it." he said ruffling his hair.

" Really!" I said excitedly. Good, my money is saved. I thanked God in my mind.

" Let's go to get ready." he said and took the keys of the hotel room and headed out. I followed him out of the room. We went back to the reception and Alex gave his keys to the receptionist. We further went out and the same driver who dropped us here was ready with his car. Alex said something about the address where we were going but I couldn't hear. I and Alex sat in the backseat and the driver started the engine.

After ten minutes or so we were outside a tall building written 'DIOR' on it. We headed inside the building and went to the third floor through the elevator. This floor consists of customized dresses for people. Alex went to the manager to speak something in French which I didn't understand except for the word 'Mr. Wilson'.

After talking, Alex came to me and guided me to sit on a couch. We both sat down there.

" Alex?" I said to him, tugging the sleeves of this coat.

" What happened?" he asked me.

" Are you sure that we are going to buy my dress from here?" I asked him.

" Why? Don't you like here?" he asked me and I shook my head.

" That's not the point. I have heard that Dior is a big and expensive brand. Dresses here will be so costly." I whispered to him.

" Do you think that I can't afford it? Its just a small sum of money to me." he said and I was silent. Maybe he is too rich that it doesn't matter to him, but for me, even coming here was such a big deal. Soon after, an attendant came and stood in front of us.

" Please come, madam. Everything is ready." she said with a bow. I looked at Alex and he gave me a look saying: 'Go', so I went with her.

She took me to a spacious changing room with makeup in there. They opened the curtain which separated changing area from the makeup area. Behind the curtain, there was a marvelous black gown. I entered the area and the attendant closed the curtain behind me so that I can get changed. I first examined the beauty of the dress. It was really beautiful and can't be explained in words. There were also many d-diamonds on that dress. I searched for its price tag but someone had already cut it. I couldn't even imagine how expensive it would be. How extravagant!

After ten minutes I was done changing clothes and came to the makeup area. There was already a new lady who I assumed for makeup and hair.

"You are looking, beautiful madam. Sir would surely fall for you if he sees you in this dress." she said complimenting me but I was a little surprised with her last sentence. Maybe she thought me as his lover. I said thank you to her. They guided me to a chair and make me sit on it. For at least half an hour I had no idea what was going on with my face and hair. After it was completed, they both stood behind me and I opened my eyes to look at myself. I was looking like a completely different person with black hazy eyes and red lipstick. My hair was tied into a bun with a very beautiful diamond ornament on it.

" You surely are my masterpiece." the one who did my makeup said and I thanked her with a smile.

" Madam would you like to change your ring." the makeup artist asked

I looked down at my hand. I was still wearing the jade ring which Mrs. Wilson gave me.

" No. I will wear this only." I answered her.

" Okay, madam ." she said. I was ready now.

" Can I ask you a question?" I said to the attendant.

" Yes, madam." she said.

" What's the price of this gown?" I asked her.

" A million, madam." she said and I coughed on my own saliva. How can a dress be this expensive? Has Alex gone mad, making me wear such an expensive gown.

Later we got out of the changing room and was back to the couch where Alex was sitting. He had already changed his clothes.

" Sir, madam is here." she said and both of them went away.

Alex turned his gaze to me. "You are looking stunning." Alex complimented me.

" Thank you. You look handsome too." I said with a big smile.

" You don't have to say that. I always look handsome." he said and my smile dropped. Narcissist. I checked the time and it was 6'o clock.

" We are ready early." I said to Alex and sighed

" No. We have to head to the venue and it will take at least two hours." he said and took my hand. We again head to the car and the driver started to drive.

We were sitting in the car in silence. We didn't talk to each other that much. I was looking outside the window and the scenes keep changing after one another. It was getting darker and darker as time was passing by.

" Anna." Alex said and I turned my gaze to him. He continued, "Remember not to trust anyone besides me and my parents there."

I don't know why was he saying all this but I still replied as 'OK'.

After two hours, we reached the venue. We reached there at 8:15 p.m. We got off the car and Alex extended his hand for me to hold it. Then Alex bend and came near me and whispered in my ear, "Don't forget that you are my 'girlfriend', Anna." he said saying the word 'girlfriend' intensely. He pulled himself back straight and a smirk was clear on his lips. I nodded my head awkwardly and we entered the hall where the party was held.