Abyss Of His Love

I asked, teasing him a little. He was silent for a moment then suddenly halted the car on the side. I looked at him, shocked. What happened to him suddenly?

" Let me tell you if I'm blushing or not." he said and leaned towards me, capturing my lips. He sucked my lower lips and probed his tongue inside and a moan escaped my mouth at his sudden intrusion. He kissed me passionately. I could feel my legs becoming jelly.

" A-Alex." I called out his name, drowning in the sensation of his kiss. As he heard me calling his name, he started to kiss my lips more aggressively, slightly grazing my lower lip with his teeth.

We kissed for what seemed like an eternity and then broke apart. He sat back in his seat and I looked outside the window. He started to drive while I was scolding myself inside my head for asking him if he is blushing. What gotten into me to provoke this beast!