I'm Sorry

We reached the house quite early from our usual time. Aunt Zhao was working in the kitchen, preparing dinner for us. I and Alex had already taken a bath and we're now sitting in the drawing-room with Zeus. 

" What did Penelope tell you about her leave?" Alex asked me.

" She said that her family is currently in debt and she has gone to take care of them." I said and sighed. "What do you think? Should I tell Graham about it? He asked me to bring Penelope to the restaurant the day after tomorrow but now she is in her hometown." I said to him.

" I have already told him." he said.

" Huh? When?" I asked him surprised. He is faster than I thought him to be.

" When you went to talk with Penelope." he answered.

" What did he say? Is he going to help Penelope?" I asked him.

" I don't know. I didn't ask him." He said.

" Then Graham-" I was going to say something further when Alex put his finger on my lips to shut me down.