Her Friend Also

( Penelope's POV )

It has been two days since I have come back to my hometown. Father's health has been down and the doctor said to let him take proper rest. He is still very stressed about the debt and keeps on blaming himself for all this. He has become weak and thin. Mother is too much worried about father's health. 

I had gone to buy some groceries from the nearby market and was returning when I saw a few men and children gathered near the entrance of the village. Since our land was seized by the loan sharks, we were currently living in the old house. I was curious to see what was going on there but since it was already late and the sun was above our head shining brightly, I made my way towards home. 

I was a few meters away from the house when a man took the grocery bags from my hands. I turned to look at him. My eyes were wide in shock at the sight of the man.