Time Flew Fast

His kisses were aggressive and overwhelming. I tried to keep up with his kisses and respond to him but was unable to do so due to his aggressiveness, so I just surrendered to him letting myself melt in his hot kisses. Alex shoved his tongue in my mouth, exploring every corner of it. I moaned inside his mouth. Then I felt his hand running over my waist to my back.

" A-Alex! It's broad daylight." I said to him. "What if someone calls us?" I asked him.

" You should have thought about it before doing my makeup." he said. "It's time to teach you well that you shouldn't be this naughty, baby." he said. 

He slowly pulled the zipper of my dress and undone the hook of my bra. With his other hand, he pulled my dress down exposing my bosoms to him. He grabbed one of my breasts in his hand causing me to moan in his mouth. His lips strayed from my mouth and moved to my ear licking it.