Walking Down The Aisle

I sat on the chair in front of the mirror while Kelly and Penelope stood behind me doing my hair while the makeup artist started to apply different creams on my face. I just sat there like a statue seeing my image in the mirror after every few minutes.

" Why are you applying that much concealer on her neck?" Kelly asked the make-up artist.

" We have to hide the hickeys." she replied and my eyes turned wide in shock. I tilted my head to look in the mirror. There were lots of bite marks on my neck and collar bone.

" What, hickeys?" Kelly said shocked and came in front of me to look at them. Penelope also joined her to watch the sight of my neck.

" Oh. My. Gosh!" Penelope and Kelly said in sync.

" You two are really in the process of progressing your relation." Penelope said, nudging her elbow at me and I blushed.

" I didn't know that my sweet Anna will become like this." Kelly said and laughed at me. I rolled my eyes.