It's Good To Wale Up Early Sometimes

( Anna's POV )

I woke up when and felt something hard beneath me. I rubbed my eyes open to see that I was lying on top of Alex. His chest was bare and I was hugging him like a panda. 

I sat up on the bed and rested my back on the headboard. I checked the timing. It was already 7 o'clock. Today, I and Alex have to go to the company. I started to climb out of the bed when I felt a strong arm pulling me.

" Don't go away. Let's sleep for a little more." he whined like a child.

" But we have to go to the company today. We will be late if we won't wake up now." I said to him but he ignored my words and pulled me back to lay on the bed. 

" Who cares? I am the boss and if we are late for one day, no one will scold us." he said when I struggled to sit back.

" Even if you are the boss, you should follow the rules. Now get up." I said to him and pulled his hand.